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Dear Ferrite developer
The package has FEM for hyperelasticty in 3D case.
However, the challenge here is plane stress case. For this case C_33 the component of right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor is not equal to 1 anymore and should be obtained when S (second Piola) is equal to zero.
I implemented the following code for neo-Hookean and plane stress. But there is error:
I would appreciate it if you could advice me.
ERROR: DomainError with -1223.1360357656133:
sqrt was called with a negative real argument but will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try sqrt(Complex(x)).
[1] throw_complex_domainerror(f::Symbol, x::Float64)
using Ferrite, Tensors, TimerOutputs, ProgressMeter, IterativeSolvers
# Define the NeoHookean material structure
struct NeoHooke
# Define the strain energy function
function Ψ(C, mp::NeoHooke)
μ = mp.μ
λ = mp.λ
Ic = tr(C)
J = sqrt(det(C))
return μ / 2 * (Ic - 3 - 2 * log(J)) + λ / 2 * (J - 1)^2
# Compute the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor S and its derivative
function constitutive_driver(C, mp::NeoHooke)
∂²Ψ∂C², ∂Ψ∂C = Tensors.hessian(y -> Ψ(y, mp), C, :all)
S = 2.0 * ∂Ψ∂C
∂S∂C = 2.0 * ∂²Ψ∂C²
return S, ∂S∂C
# Newton-Raphson method to find C_33 such that S_33 = 0
# Newton-Raphson method to find C_33 such that S_33 = 0
function newton_raphson_C33(C, mp::NeoHooke; tol=1e-8, max_iter=50)
C33 = C[3,3] # Initial guess
for iter in 1:max_iter
# Create a new tensor with updated C33 (since Tensors.jl objects are immutable)
C_new = Tensor{2, 3, Float64}([
C[1,1] C[1,2] 0.0;
C[2,1] C[2,2] 0.0;
0.0 0.0 C33
# Compute S and its derivative
S, ∂S∂C = constitutive_driver(C_new, mp)
S33 = S[3,3]
dS33_dC33 = ∂S∂C[3,3,3,3] # Extract derivative ∂S_33/∂C_33
# Check convergence
if abs(S33) < tol
println("Converged in $iter iterations: C33 = $C33")
return C33
# Newton-Raphson update
C33 -= S33 / dS33_dC33
error("Newton-Raphson did not converge after $max_iter iterations.")
function assemble_element!(ke, ge, cell, cv, fv, mp, ue, ΓN, tn)
# Reinitialize cell values, and reset output arrays
reinit!(cv, cell)
fill!(ke, 0.0)
fill!(ge, 0.0)
ndofs = getnbasefunctions(cv)
for qp in 1:getnquadpoints(cv)
dΩ = getdetJdV(cv, qp)
# Compute deformation gradient F and right Cauchy-Green tensor C
∇u = function_gradient(cv, qp, ue)
F2D = one(∇u) + ∇u
C2D = tdot(F2D) # C = F' ⋅ F
# Extend C to 3D with initial guess for C33
C33_Guess = 1.11
# C33_Guess = max(1.0, 1.0 / (tr(C2D) + 1e-3)) # Ensure it's reasonable
C3D = Tensor{2,3,Float64}([
C2D[1,1] C2D[1,2] 0.0;
C2D[2,1] C2D[2,2] 0.0;
0.0 0.0 C33_Guess
# Solve for C33 using Newton-Raphson
C33_solution = newton_raphson_C33(C3D, mp)
# Update C3D with computed C33
C_updated = Tensor{2,3,Float64}([
C2D[1,1] C2D[1,2] 0.0;
C2D[2,1] C2D[2,2] 0.0;
0.0 0.0 C33_solution
F = Tensor{2,3,Float64}([
F2D[1,1] F2D[1,2] 0.0;
F2D[2,1] F2D[2,2] 0.0;
0.0 0.0 sqrt(C33_solution)
# F = one(∇u) + ∇u
# C = tdot(F) # F' ⋅ F
# # Compute stress and tangent
# S, ∂S∂C = constitutive_driver(C, mp)
S, ∂S∂C = constitutive_driver(C_updated, mp)
P = F ⋅ S
I = one(S)
∂P∂F = otimesu(I, S) + 2 * otimesu(F, I) ⊡ ∂S∂C ⊡ otimesu(F', I)
# Loop over test functions
for i in 1:ndofs
# Test function and gradient
#δui = shape_value(cv, qp, i)
∇δui_2D = shape_gradient(cv, qp, i)
∇δui = Tensor{2,3,Float64}([
∇δui_2D[1,1] ∇δui_2D[1,2] 0.0;
∇δui_2D[2,1] ∇δui_2D[2,2] 0.0;
0.0 0.0 0.0;
# Add contribution to the residual from this test function
ge[i] += ( ∇δui ⊡ P) * dΩ
∇δui∂P∂F = ∇δui ⊡ ∂P∂F # Hoisted computation
for j in 1:ndofs
∇δuj_2D = shape_gradient(cv, qp, j)
∇δuj = Tensor{2,3,Float64}([
∇δuj_2D[1,1] ∇δuj_2D[1,2] 0.0;
∇δuj_2D[2,1] ∇δuj_2D[2,2] 0.0;
0.0 0.0 0.0;
# Add contribution to the tangent
ke[i, j] += ( ∇δui∂P∂F ⊡ ∇δuj ) * dΩ
# Surface integral for the traction
for facet in 1:nfacets(cell)
if (cellid(cell), facet) in ΓN
reinit!(fv, cell, facet)
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(fv)
#t = tn * getnormal(fv, q_point)
t = tn
dΓ = getdetJdV(fv, q_point)
for i in 1:ndofs
δui = shape_value(fv, q_point, i)
ge[i] -= (δui ⋅ t) * dΓ
function assemble_global!(K, g, dh, cv, fv, mp, u, ΓN, tn)
n = ndofs_per_cell(dh)
ke = zeros(n, n)
ge = zeros(n)
# start_assemble resets K and g
assembler = start_assemble(K, g)
# Loop over all cells in the grid
@timeit "assemble" for cell in CellIterator(dh)
global_dofs = celldofs(cell)
ue = u[global_dofs] # element dofs
@timeit "element assemble" assemble_element!(ke, ge, cell, cv, fv, mp, ue, ΓN,tn)
assemble!(assembler, global_dofs, ke, ge)
function create_grid(Lx, Ly, nx, ny)
corners = [
Ferrite.Vec{2}((0.0, 0.0)), Ferrite.Vec{2}((Lx, 0.0)),
Ferrite.Vec{2}((Lx, Ly)), Ferrite.Vec{2}((0.0, Ly))
grid = Ferrite.generate_grid(Ferrite.Quadrilateral, (nx, ny), corners)
addnodeset!(grid, "clamped", x -> x[1] ≈ 0.0)
addfacetset!(grid, "traction", x -> x[1] ≈ Lx && norm(x[2] - 0.5) <= 0.05)
return grid
# Function to create CellValues and FacetValues
function create_values()
dim, order = 2, 1
ip = Ferrite.Lagrange{Ferrite.RefQuadrilateral,order}()^dim
qr = Ferrite.QuadratureRule{Ferrite.RefQuadrilateral}(2)
qr_face = Ferrite.FacetQuadratureRule{Ferrite.RefQuadrilateral}(1)
cell_values = Ferrite.CellValues(qr, ip)
facet_values = Ferrite.FacetValues(qr_face, ip)
return cell_values, facet_values
# Function to create DofHandler
function create_dofhandler(grid)
dh = Ferrite.DofHandler(grid)
Ferrite.add!(dh, :u, Ferrite.Lagrange{Ferrite.RefQuadrilateral,1}()^2)
return dh
# Function to create Dirichlet boundary conditions
function create_bc(dh)
ch = Ferrite.ConstraintHandler(dh)
add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getnodeset(dh.grid, "clamped"), (x, t) -> [0.0, 0.0], [1, 2]))
return ch
function solve()
# Define parameters for the plate and mesh
Lx, Ly = 2.0, 1.0 # Plate dimensions
nx, ny = 30, 20 # Number of elements along x and y
grid = create_grid(Lx, Ly, nx, ny) # Generate the grid
# Material parameters
E = 10.0
ν = 0.3
μ = E / (2(1 + ν))
λ = (E * ν) / ((1 + ν) * (1 - 2ν))
mp = NeoHooke(μ, λ)
# Create DOF handler and constraints
dh = create_dofhandler(grid)
dbcs = create_bc(dh)
cv, fv = create_values()
ΓN = getfacetset(grid, "traction")
# Pre-allocation of vectors for the solution and Newton increments
_ndofs = ndofs(dh)
un = zeros(_ndofs) # previous solution vector
u = zeros(_ndofs)
Δu = zeros(_ndofs)
ΔΔu = zeros(_ndofs)
apply!(un, dbcs)
# Create sparse matrix and residual vector
K = allocate_matrix(dh)
g = zeros(_ndofs)
n_timesteps = 10
# traction_magnitude = 1.e7 * range(0.5, 1.0, length=n_timesteps)
traction_magnitude = range(0.1, 1.0, length=n_timesteps)
for timestep in 1:n_timesteps
t = timestep # actual time (used for evaluating d-bndc)
tn = Vec((0.0, -traction_magnitude[timestep]))
# Perform Newton iterations
newton_itr = -1
prog = ProgressMeter.ProgressThresh(NEWTON_TOL; desc = "Solving:")
Ferrite.update!(dbcs, t) # evaluates the D-bndc at time t
Ferrite.apply!(u, dbcs) # set the prescribed values in the solution vector
while true; newton_itr += 1
# Construct the current guess
u .= un .+ Δu
# Compute residual and tangent for current guess
assemble_global!(K, g, dh, cv, fv, mp, u, ΓN,tn)
# Apply boundary conditions
apply_zero!(K, g, dbcs)
# Compute the residual norm and compare with tolerance
normg = norm(g)
ProgressMeter.update!(prog, normg; showvalues = [(:iter, newton_itr)])
if normg < NEWTON_TOL
elseif newton_itr > NEWTON_MAXITER
error("Reached maximum Newton iterations, aborting")
# Compute increment using conjugate gradients
@timeit "linear solve"!(ΔΔu, K, g; maxiter=1000)
apply_zero!(ΔΔu, dbcs)
Δu .-= ΔΔu
# Save the solution
@timeit "export" begin
VTKGridFile("hyperelasticity", dh) do vtk
write_solution(vtk, dh, u)
print_timer(title = "Analysis with $(getncells(grid)) elements", linechars = :ascii)
return u
u = solve();
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Dear Ferrite developer
The package has FEM for hyperelasticty in 3D case.
However, the challenge here is plane stress case. For this case C_33 the component of right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor is not equal to 1 anymore and should be obtained when S (second Piola) is equal to zero.
I implemented the following code for neo-Hookean and plane stress. But there is error:
I would appreciate it if you could advice me.
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