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1e0f124 · Nov 21, 2024





This repository contains helper scripts for developing flank. For now, it contains just release related scripts.

Build and usage


To build flank-scripts:

  • Run script in flank-scripts/bash/ directory
  • Run command ./gradlew clean flank-scripts:assemble flank-scripts:shadowJar and manual copy file from /flank-scripts/build/libs/flank-scripts.jar to flank-scripts/bash/
  • You could always run/build it from IntelliJ IDEA


Run the script with arguments flankScripts <command group> [<subgroup>] <command name> [<arguments>]

If you need help with available commands or arguments you could always use the option --help

Available commands and options

Command List

  • assemble - Group of commands to assemble application
    • android - Subgroup of commands for Android test application assembly
      • app - Assemble Android test application
    • ios - Subgroup of commands for iOS test applications assembly
      • earl_grey - Assemble iOS earl grey application
      • example - Assemble iOS example application
      • flank_example - Assemble iOS flank example application
      • ftl - Assemble iOS ftl example application
      • game_loop - Assemble iOS game loop application
      • test_plans - Assemble iOS test plans application
      • all - Assemble all iOS applications
    • flank - Build Flank
    • go_artifacts - Generate go artifacts

  • dependencies - Group of commands related to dependencies tasks
    • install_xcpretty - Install xcpretty formatter
    • setup_ios_env - Setup iOS environment
    • universal_framework_files - Create Universal Framework files
    • update_binaries - Update binaries used by Flank
    • update - Update repository 3rd party dependencies

  • firebase - Group of commands for managing firebase integrations
    • check_for_sdk_updates - Check for new SDK features and create update tasks for it
      • generate_client - Generate Java Client based on api schema
      • update_api - Update api schema

  • github - Group of command for managing GitHub integration
    • copy_issue_properties - Copy properties(assignees, story points, labels) from issue to pull request
    • delete_old_tag - Delete old tag on GitHub
    • delete_release - Delete old release on github
    • make_release - Make new GitHub release

  • integration_tests - Group of commands for handling integration tests (1)
    • process_results - Process results of integration tests

  • linter - Group of commands used for applying correct coding style
    • apply_to_git_hooks - Apply Linter pre-commit hook
    • apply_to_ide - Apply Linter to IDE

  • release - Group of commands for creating Flank release
    • delete_snapshot - Delete snapshot package from artifacts repository
    • generate_release_notes - Generate release notes
    • next_tag - Get tag for next release
    • sync_with_maven_central - Sync artifact's repository with Maven central

  • test_artifacts - Group of commands for artifacts management
    • download - Download test artifacts zip asset to test_artifacts directory.
    • link - Create symbolic link to under test_runner/src/test/kotlin/ftl/fixtures/tmp to test_artifacts/{branchName}.
    • prepare- Creates a fresh copy of test artifacts for the current working branch, basing on an existing one.
    • remove_remote - Remove remote copy of test artifacts.
    • resolve - Automatically prepare local artifacts if needed.
    • unzip - Unpack test artifacts zip archive.
    • upload - Upload test artifacts zip as github release asset.
    • zip - Create zip archive from test artifacts directory.

(1) - please note that there is only one command, but it may change in the future.


To show applicable arguments for command use --help or -h options: flankScripts <command group> [<subgroup>] <command name> --help or flankScripts <command group> [<subgroup>] <command name> -h


To test your script with different settings use the file. Uncomment and replace with desired values. Properties are skipped by git and should not be attached to a commit. Note, the test task ignores your own properties and will use the default.

List of possible configs

Key Description Default value
repo.flank Flank test runner repo. Essential property for github client. Flank/flank
repo.gcloud_cli Flank's fork of gcloud sdk repo. Flank/gcloud_cli
repo.test-artifacts Flank's source of artifacts (apks, binaries, etc) used for testing Flank/test_artifacts
integration.workflow-filename GH Action integration tests workflow file. Used to fetch list of commits since it's last run. full_suite_integration_tests.yml
integration.issue-poster Name of account that creates IT issue github-actions[bot]
sdk-check.workflow-filename GH Action dependencies update workflow file. Used to fetch list of commits since it's last run. update_dependencies_and_client.yml
sdk-check.issue-poster Name of account that creates dependencies issues/epics github-actions[bot]

Directory structure

├── cli
│   ├── Main.kt
│   ├── assemble
│   │   ├── AssembleCommand.kt
│   │   ├── FlankCommand.kt
│   │   ├── GoCommand.kt
│   │   ├── android
│   │   │   ├── AndroidCommand.kt
│   │   │   └── AppCommand.kt
│   │   └── ios
│   │       ├── EarlGreyCommand.kt
│   │       ├── ExampleCommand.kt
│   │       ├── FlankExampleCommand.kt
│   │       ├── FtlCommand.kt
│   │       ├── GameLoopExampleCommand.kt
│   │       ├── IosCommand.kt
│   │       ├── RunFtlLocalCommand.kt
│   │       └── TestPlansExample.kt
│   ├── dependencies
│   │   ├── DependenciesCommand.kt
│   │   ├── InstallXcPrettyCommand.kt
│   │   ├── SetupIosEnvCommand.kt
│   │   ├── UniversalFrameworkCommand.kt
│   │   ├── UpdateBinariesCommand.kt
│   │   └── UpdateCommand.kt
│   ├── firebase
│   │   ├── CheckForSdkUpdatesCommand.kt
│   │   ├── FirebaseCommand.kt
│   │   ├── GenerateClientCommand.kt
│   │   └── UpdateApiCommand.kt
│   ├── github
│   │   ├── CopyIssuePropertiesCommand.kt
│   │   ├── DeleteOldTagCommand.kt
│   │   ├── DeleteReleaseCommand.kt
│   │   ├── DownloadFlankCommand.kt
│   │   ├── GitHubCommand.kt
│   │   └── MakeReleaseCommand.kt
│   ├── integrationtests
│   │   ├── IntegrationTestsCommand.kt
│   │   └── ProcessResultCommand.kt
│   ├── linter
│   │   ├── ApplyToGitHooksCommand.kt
│   │   ├── ApplyToIdeCommand.kt
│   │   └── LinterCommand.kt
│   ├── release
│   │   ├── GenerateReleaseNotesCommand.kt
│   │   ├── NextTagCommand.kt
│   │   └── ReleaseCommand.kt
│   └── testartifacts
│       ├── DownloadCommand.kt
│       ├── LinkCommand.kt
│       ├── PrepareCommand.kt
│       ├── RemoveRemoteCommand.kt
│       ├── ResolveCommand.kt
│       ├── TestArtifactsCommand.kt
│       ├── UnzipCommand.kt
│       ├── UploadCommand.kt
│       └── ZipCommand.kt
├── data
│   └── github
│       ├── GitHubErrorResponse.kt
│       ├── GithubApi.kt
│       ├── commons
│       │   └── LastWorkflowRunDate.kt
│       └── objects
│           ├── GitHubCommit.kt
│           ├── GitHubCreateIssue.kt
│           ├── GitHubCreateIssueComment.kt
│           ├── GitHubRelease.kt
│           ├── GitHubSetAssigneesRequest.kt
│           ├── GitHubSetLabelsRequest.kt
│           ├── GitHubUpdateIssue.kt
│           ├── GitHubWorkflowRun.kt
│           └── GithubPullRequest.kt
├── ops
│   ├── assemble
│   │   ├── BuildFlank.kt
│   │   ├── BuildGo.kt
│   │   ├── android
│   │   │   ├── BuildBaseAndroidApk.kt
│   │   │   ├── BuildBaseAndroidTests.kt
│   │   │   ├── BuildCucumberSampleApk.kt
│   │   │   ├── BuildDuplicatedNamesApks.kt
│   │   │   ├── BuildMultiModulesApks.kt
│   │   │   ├── Common.kt
│   │   │   └── RunAndroidOps.kt
│   │   └── ios
│   │       ├── BuildEarlGreyExample.kt
│   │       ├── BuildExample.kt
│   │       ├── BuildFlankExampleCommand.kt
│   │       ├── BuildFtl.kt
│   │       ├── BuildGameLoopExampleCommand.kt
│   │       ├── BuildIosIPA.kt
│   │       ├── BuildIosTestArtifacts.kt
│   │       ├── BuildTestPlansExample.kt
│   │       ├── IosBuildCommand.kt
│   │       ├── RunFtlLocal.kt
│   │       └── UniversalFramework.kt
│   ├── common
│   │   ├── DownloadSoftware.kt
│   │   ├── EarlGreyExampleConsts.kt
│   │   ├── GenerateChangeLog.kt
│   │   └── ReleaseNotesWithType.kt
│   ├── dependencies
│   │   ├── InstallXcPretty.kt
│   │   ├── SetupIosEnv.kt
│   │   ├── UpdateAllDependencies.kt
│   │   └── common
│   │       ├── DependenciesResultCheck.kt
│   │       ├── DependencyExtensions.kt
│   │       ├── DependencyUpdate.kt
│   │       ├── FindOutdatedDependencies.kt
│   │       ├── GradleDependency.kt
│   │       ├── UpdateDependencies.kt
│   │       ├── UpdateGradle.kt
│   │       ├── UpdatePlugins.kt
│   │       └── UpdateVersionsInFile.kt
│   ├── firebase
│   │   ├── CheckForSDKUpdate.kt
│   │   ├── CommitList.kt
│   │   ├── GenerateJavaClient.kt
│   │   ├── SDKUpdateContext.kt
│   │   ├── UpdateApiJson.kt
│   │   └── common
│   │       └── Extensions.kt
│   ├── github
│   │   ├── CopyGitHubProperties.kt
│   │   ├── DeleteOldRelease.kt
│   │   ├── DeleteOldTag.kt
│   │   ├── DownloadFlank.kt
│   │   └── ReleaseFlank.kt
│   ├── integrationtests
│   │   ├── ProcessIntegrationTestsResult.kt
│   │   └── common
│   │       ├── ITResult.kt
│   │       ├── IntegrationResultContext.kt
│   │       └── PrepareMessage.kt
│   ├── linter
│   │   ├── ApplyKtlintToIdea.kt
│   │   └── LinkGitHooks.kt
│   ├── release
│   │   ├── CreateReleaseNotes.kt
│   │   └── NextReleaseTag.kt
│   ├── testartifacts
│   │   ├── ArtifactsArchive.kt
│   │   ├── Context.kt
│   │   ├── DownloadFixtures.kt
│   │   ├── Helpers.kt
│   │   ├── LinkArtifacts.kt
│   │   ├── PrepareTestArtifacts.kt
│   │   ├── RemoveRemoteCopy.kt
│   │   ├── ResolveArtifacts.kt
│   │   ├── UploadFixtures.kt
│   │   └── ZipArtifacts.kt
│   └── updatebinaries
│       ├── UpdateAtomic.kt
│       ├── UpdateBinaries.kt
│       ├── UpdateLlvm.kt
│       └── UpdateSwift.kt
└── utils
    ├── Env.kt
    ├── FastFailForWindows.kt
    ├── Git.kt
    ├── GradleCommand.kt
    ├── MarkdownFormatter.kt
    ├── Path.kt
    ├── Serialization.kt
    ├── ShellExecute.kt
    ├── Version.kt
    └── exceptions
        ├── FlankScriptsExceptionMappers.kt
        └── FlankScriptsExceptions.kt