The following notebooks provide an introduction to a concept in Azure Machine Learning Pipelines. They will introduce you to core Azure Machine Learning Pipelines features. These notebooks below are designed to go in sequence.
- aml-pipelines-getting-started.ipynb: Start with this notebook to understand the concepts of using Azure Machine Learning Pipelines. This notebook will show you how to runs steps in parallel and in sequence.
- aml-pipelines-with-data-dependency-steps.ipynb: This notebooks shows how to connect steps in your pipeline using data. Data produced by one step is used by subsequent steps to force an explicit dependency between steps.
- aml-pipelines-publish-and-run-using-rest-endpoint.ipynb: Once you are satisfied with your iterative runs in, you could publish your pipeline to get a REST endpoint which could be invoked from non-Pythons clients as well.
- aml-pipelines-data-transfer.ipynb: This notebook shows how you transfer data between supported datastores.
- aml-pipelines-use-databricks-as-compute-target.ipynb: This notebooks shows how you can use Pipelines to send your compute payload to Azure Databricks.
- aml-pipelines-use-adla-as-compute-target.ipynb: This notebook shows how you can use Azure Data Lake Analytics (ADLA) as a compute target.
- aml-pipelines-how-to-use-estimatorstep.ipynb: This notebook shows how to use the EstimatorStep.
- aml-pipelines-parameter-tuning-with-hyperdrive.ipynb: HyperDriveStep in Pipelines shows how you can do hyper parameter tuning using Pipelines.
- aml-pipelines-how-to-use-azurebatch-to-run-a-windows-executable.ipynb: AzureBatchStep can be used to run your custom code in AzureBatch cluster.
- aml-pipelines-setup-schedule-for-a-published-pipeline.ipynb: Once you publish a Pipeline, you can schedule it to trigger based on an interval or on data change in a defined datastore.