First do the Installation
Let's say you want to make a GET Request to
Create a new Kotlin interface:
interface ExampleApi {
suspend fun getPerson(): String
Now we add a function that will be used to make our request. The @GET annotation will tell Ktorfit that this a GET request. The value of @GET is the relative URL path that will be appended to the base url which we set later.
An interface used for Ktorfit needs to have a HTTP method annotation on every function. Because Ktor relies on Coroutines by default your functions need to have the suspend modifier. Alternatively you can use #Flow or Call
!!! info
The return type String will return the response text. When you want directly parse the response into a class you need to add a JSON,XML, etc. converter to Ktor
val ktorfit = Ktorfit.Builder().baseUrl("").build()
val exampleApi = ktorfit.createExampleApi()
Next we use the Ktorfit builder to create a Ktorfit instance, and set the base url. After compiling the project we can then use the generated extension function to receive an implementation of the wanted type.
val response = exampleApi.getPerson()
Now we can use exampleApi to make the request.