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Releases: FriendsOfSymfony/FOSJsRoutingBundle

1.6.1 (2017-08-09)

09 Aug 10:39
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⚠️ Please use version 1.6.2

2.0.0-alpha1 (2016-02-05)

05 Feb 08:51
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Due to numerous contributions that have been merged over the last 2 years in the master branch, this very first, very unstable, release starts the release cycle of the upcoming 2.0 major version. Things changed a lot between the initial plan, and what has been actually done, but there are a few interesting changes though.

Note that branch 1.x has been merge in master, so everything that is part of 1.x is also part of 2.x.

  • Added: TypeScript declaration file, for TypeScript users
  • Added: Support for Symfony3, HHVM and PHP 7
  • Added: Protection against rosetta flash attacks
  • Added: Inject the locale parameter automatically
  • Fixed: use ConfigCache::getPath() instead of __toString() method
  • Added: allow to configure router service name (#141)
  • Fixed: documentation
  • Fixed: serialization of RouteCollection and RoutesResponse
  • Fixed: debug command '(#109)

1.6.0 (2016-02-04)

04 Feb 19:59
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Aloha, and sorry for the too long delay... This release provides support for Symfony 3.0+ (older Symfony versions should still work though). Cheers!


  • Fixed: deprecation notice at routing.xml
  • Fixed: ConfigCache::__toString() is deprecated in favor of getPath() as of Symfony 2.7
  • Added: enable Symfony 3 support


23 Jan 02:50
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  • Fixed the compatibility with the router:debug command of Symfony 2.6+ by resetting the aliases properly when extending the class to avoid replacing the core command
  • Switched the autoloading to PSR-4
  • Marked HHVM as officially supported

FrameworkBundle 2.4 compatibility in the debug command

23 Jan 22:03
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  • Fixed the debug command to be compatible with FrameworkBundle 2.4+


05 Jan 18:34
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This bugfix release fixes a bug introduced in release 1.5.1.


16 Dec 21:21
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  • Only the routes are cached now, everything else is included dynamically
  • Deserialize routes when we actually load the serialized ones (and not previously already have the original array)


13 Dec 09:44
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  • Documentation has been rewritten
  • Updated composer configuration, changing minimum-stability from dev to stable


21 Oct 15:13
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1.4.0 - Security Release

17 Oct 21:08
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Prevent XSS attack through the JSONP callback. A CallbackValidator now validates the callback value. If it is not valid, a HttpException is thrown (status code = 400).

For more information, read: Do I need to sanitize the callback parameter from a JSONP call?