- ISSUE 70: Move record group metadata out from AlignmentRecord.
- ISSUE 69: Move to avro 1.7.7.
- ISSUE 66: Clean up fragment
- ISSUE 63: add optional referenceIndex field to Contigs
- ISSUE 51: Clean up VariantCallingAnnotations
- ISSUE 61: Added fragmentLength field to NucleotideContigFragment
- ISSUE 59: [FORMATS-58] Remove flat genotype.
- ISSUE 46: [bdg-formats-45] Removing pileup type.
- ISSUE 48: Generate UML diagrams from source (issue #47)
- ISSUE 42: fix artifact/schema publishing
- ISSUE 39: [bdg-formats-38] Add prior/posterior fields, somatic status, and attribute map
- ISSUE 36: [BDG-FORMATS-35] Change Avro strings to Java String
- ISSUE 34: Added the oldPosition and oldCigar fields to the bdg.avdl schema.
- ISSUE 30: [BDG-FORMATS-29] Re-organize the Feature schema
- ISSUE 32: [BDG-FORMATS-31] Added sampleId to Pileup
- ISSUE 26: [BDG-FORMATS-26] Removing bulky fields from the pileup record.
- ISSUE 27: [BDG-FORMATS-27] Add structural variant descriptor.
- ISSUE 21: Changing read to alignment record.
- ISSUE 23: Adding script to publish JSON/AVDL schemas to bigdatagenomics.github.io.
- ISSUE 24: Making modifications to array fields, and adding documentation.
- ISSUE 18: Adding two new fields, 'featureType' and 'source', to ADAMRecord.
- ISSUE 16: Adding IntelliJ files to the .gitignore
- ISSUE 15: Rename ADAMVariant variantAllele --> alternateAllele