diff --git a/server_extensions_api/src/main/java/com/generalbytes/batm/server/extensions/INotificationListener.java b/server_extensions_api/src/main/java/com/generalbytes/batm/server/extensions/INotificationListener.java
index f522cc81d..0f1036c17 100644
--- a/server_extensions_api/src/main/java/com/generalbytes/batm/server/extensions/INotificationListener.java
+++ b/server_extensions_api/src/main/java/com/generalbytes/batm/server/extensions/INotificationListener.java
@@ -243,6 +243,31 @@ default void countersShortCleared(String terminalSerialNumber, String cashCollec
default void cashCollectionMissed(String terminalSerialNumber, LocalDate missedCashCollectionDate) {}
+ /**
+ * Invoked when a new cash collection record has been created.
+ *
+ * @param cashCollectionRecord Represents the details of the created cash collection record.
+ *
+ *
+ * ITerminalCashCollectionRecord will have the following attributes populated:
+ *
+ * - Terminal Serial Number: The serial number of the terminal where the cash collection event occurred.
+ * - Terminal Time: Timestamp when event was created on terminal.
+ * - Server Time: Timestamp when event was delivered and stored on server.
+ * - Amounts: A collection of the total amounts in the cashbox, broken down by fiat currency. For example, if the ATM only sells BTC for USD, this will contain one member.
+ * - Collecting Person: Details of the person who performed the cash collection, if available.
+ * - Contains: A string containing a description of what was in the cashbox during the cash collection.
+ * - Note: Any additional text description set by the user via admin.
+ * - Counters Long: The value of the long counter at the time of cash collection.
+ * - Counters Short: The value of the short counter at the time of cash collection before it was reset.
+ * - Cashbox Name: The name of the cashbox.
+ * - Public ID: The public ID of the cash collection.
+ * - Location Public ID: The public ID of the related location.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ default void cashCollectionCreated(ITerminalCashCollectionRecord cashCollectionRecord) {}
default void customerEnrolled(String terminalSerialNumber, String identityPublicId) {}
default void identityCreated(String terminalSerialNumber, String identityPublicId) {}