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Docker - Connection aborted #177

rcoenen opened this issue Mar 27, 2019 · 6 comments

Docker - Connection aborted #177

rcoenen opened this issue Mar 27, 2019 · 6 comments


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rcoenen commented Mar 27, 2019

OK so I have Japonicus finally up and running using Docker (and I have absolutely no idea how to use Japonicus yet, but this is where the fun starts...)

The gekko/japonicus combo has been running for about an hour and now I am getting this below. Also the Gekko web interface is terribly slow.

Could it be that japonicus is simply overloading my poor little gekko bot?

japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI_high': 66.77272727272728, 'BULL_RSI_low': 41.96969696969697, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 30.60909090909091, 'BEAR_RSI': 15.5, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.01818181818182, 'SMA_long': 125.0, 'ROC': 5.181818181818182, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 50.45454545454545, 'SMA_short': 35.515151515151516, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 20.37878787878788, 'BULL_RSI': 9.181818181818182, 'BULL_RSI_high': 64.72727272727272}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 06:30:26', 'to': '2019-03-25 06:30:26'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
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rcoenen commented Mar 27, 2019

also why is "writeToDisk" false?

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rcoenen commented Mar 27, 2019

more errors keep coming...

japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | HTTPConnectionPool(host='gekko', port=3000): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/backtest (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f220447e080>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest

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rcoenen commented Mar 27, 2019

OK more on the same error.... and eventually (after 45 minutes or so) janopicus dies:

gekko_japonicus_1 exited with code 137
gekko_1      | 2019-03-27T22:27:37.678Z '[WS] stale websocket client, terminiating..'

Full console dump:

$ docker-compose up
Starting gekko_redis_1 ... done
Starting gekko_gekko_1 ... done
Starting gekko_japonicus_1 ... done
Attaching to gekko_redis_1, gekko_gekko_1, gekko_japonicus_1
redis_1      | 1:C 27 Mar 2019 21:23:15.405 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
redis_1      | 1:C 27 Mar 2019 21:23:15.408 # Redis version=5.0.4, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started
redis_1      | 1:C 27 Mar 2019 21:23:15.408 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
redis_1      | 1:M 27 Mar 2019 21:23:15.410 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379.
redis_1      | 1:M 27 Mar 2019 21:23:15.410 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
redis_1      | 1:M 27 Mar 2019 21:23:15.410 # Server initialized
redis_1      | 1:M 27 Mar 2019 21:23:15.411 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
gekko_1      | 
gekko_1      |     ______   ________  __    __  __    __   ______
gekko_1      |    /      \ /        |/  |  /  |/  |  /  | /      \
gekko_1      |   /$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$$/ $$ | /$$/ $$ | /$$/ /$$$$$$  |
gekko_1      |   $$ | _$$/ $$ |__    $$ |/$$/  $$ |/$$/  $$ |  $$ |
gekko_1      |   $$ |/    |$$    |   $$  $$<   $$  $$<   $$ |  $$ |
gekko_1      |   $$ |$$$$ |$$$$$/    $$$$$  \  $$$$$  \  $$ |  $$ |
gekko_1      |   $$ \__$$ |$$ |_____ $$ |$$  \ $$ |$$  \ $$ \__$$ |
gekko_1      |   $$    $$/ $$       |$$ | $$  |$$ | $$  |$$    $$/ 
gekko_1      |    $$$$$$/  $$$$$$$$/ $$/   $$/ $$/   $$/  $$$$$$/
gekko_1      | 
gekko_1      | 	Gekko v0.6.8
gekko_1      | 	I'm gonna make you rich, Bud Fox. 
gekko_1      | 
gekko_1      | 
gekko_1      | Serving Gekko UI on http://localhost:3000/
gekko_1      | 
redis_1      | 1:M 27 Mar 2019 21:23:15.417 * DB loaded from disk: 0.007 seconds
redis_1      | 1:M 27 Mar 2019 21:23:15.417 * Ready to accept connections
gekko_1      | Something went wrong when trying to open your web browser. UI is running on http://localhost:3000/.
gekko_1      |   <-- GET /api/imports
gekko_1      |   --> GET /api/imports 200 16ms 2b
gekko_1      |   <-- GET /api/gekkos
gekko_1      |   --> GET /api/gekkos 200 4ms 24b
gekko_1      |   <-- GET /api/apiKeys
gekko_1      |   --> GET /api/apiKeys 200 5ms 2b
gekko_1      |   <-- GET /api/exchanges
gekko_1      |   --> GET /api/exchanges 200 1,395ms 95.02kb
japonicus_1  | Error importing optional module pandas
japonicus_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
japonicus_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/plotly/", line 25, in get_module
japonicus_1  |     return import_module(name)
japonicus_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/importlib/", line 126, in import_module
japonicus_1  |     return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
japonicus_1  |   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 994, in _gcd_import
japonicus_1  |   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 971, in _find_and_load
japonicus_1  |   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked
japonicus_1  |   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 665, in _load_unlocked
japonicus_1  |   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 678, in exec_module
japonicus_1  |   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
japonicus_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/", line 39, in <module>
japonicus_1  |     from pandas.core.api import *
japonicus_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 10, in <module>
japonicus_1  |     from pandas.core.groupby import Grouper
japonicus_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/", line 1, in <module>
japonicus_1  |     from pandas.core.groupby.groupby import GroupBy  # noqa: F401
japonicus_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/groupby/", line 20, in <module>
japonicus_1  |     import pandas.compat as compat
japonicus_1  | AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'compat'
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/scansets
japonicus_1  | WEBSERVER MODE
japonicus_1  |  * Serving Flask app "promoterz.webServer.core" (lazy loading)
japonicus_1  |  * Environment: production
japonicus_1  |    WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
japonicus_1  |    Use a production WSGI server instead.
japonicus_1  |  * Debug mode: off
gekko_1      |   --> POST /api/scansets 200 1,481ms 228b
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/scansets
gekko_1      |   --> POST /api/scansets 200 1,068ms 228b
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/scansets
gekko_1      |   --> POST /api/scansets 200 827ms 228b
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/scansets
gekko_1      |   --> POST /api/scansets 200 1,079ms 228b
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | JAPONICUS
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 								v0.91
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | The profits reported here depends on backtest interpreter function; 
japonicus_1  | 	interpreter v3: 
japonicus_1  | if <backtest profit> > 0: <shown profit> = <backtest profit> - <market profit> 
japonicus_1  | else <shown profit> = <backtest profit> 
japonicus_1  | unable to locate http://localhost:3000
japonicus_1  | found gekko @ http://gekko:3000
japonicus_1  | /opt/japonicus/japonicus-run -gc --strat=NEO -w
japonicus_1  | Evolving NEO strategy;
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | evaluated parameters ranges:
japonicus_1  | SMA_long                      (105.0, 195.0)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | SMA_short                     (28.0, 52.0)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | BULL_RSI                      (7.0, 13.0)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | BULL_RSI_high                 (56.0, 104.0)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | BULL_RSI_low                  (35.0, 65.0)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | IDLE_RSI                      (8.4, 15.6)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | IDLE_RSI_high                 (45.5, 84.5)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | IDLE_RSI_low                  (27.3, 50.7)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | BEAR_RSI                      (10.5, 19.5)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | BEAR_RSI_high                 (35.0, 65.0)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | BEAR_RSI_low                  (17.5, 32.5)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | ROC                           (4.2, 7.8)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | ROC_lvl                       (0.0, 0.0)
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | evolution candlestick dataset 2018-12-25 05:57:00 to 2019-03-25 16:57:00
japonicus_1  | BNB/BTC @binance
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | evolution candlestick dataset 2018-12-25 05:57:00 to 2019-03-25 16:57:00
japonicus_1  | BNB/BTC @binance
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | evaluation candlestick dataset 2018-12-27 01:41:00 to 2019-03-27 00:42:00
japonicus_1  | EVX/BTC @binance
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 	====== EPOCH 0/3000 ======
japonicus_1  | Locale1
japonicus_1  | first unevaluated: 50
japonicus_1  | 0 individues removed due to equality
japonicus_1  | [50]
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI_low': 30.372727272727275, 'BULL_RSI_low': 45.0, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 22.045454545454547, 'IDLE_RSI': 12.472727272727273, 'BULL_RSI_high': 73.93939393939394, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BULL_RSI': 9.0, 'SMA_short': 32.36363636363636, 'SMA_long': 155.0, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.318181818181818, 'ROC': 4.890909090909091, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 61.25757575757576, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 36.21212121212121}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI_low': 34.154545454545456, 'BEAR_RSI': 14.136363636363637, 'IDLE_RSI': 12.036363636363635, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 24.166666666666668, 'SMA_short': 36.0, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 51.96969696969697, 'SMA_long': 141.36363636363637, 'BULL_RSI_high': 61.81818181818182, 'BULL_RSI': 9.06060606060606, 'ROC': 5.8, 'BULL_RSI_low': 45.303030303030305, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 57.71212121212121}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 34.86363636363637, 'SMA_short': 35.515151515151516, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 48.65151515151515, 'BULL_RSI_low': 45.90909090909091, 'BULL_RSI': 8.272727272727273, 'SMA_long': 135.9090909090909, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 25.075757575757578, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.672727272727272, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 50.45454545454545, 'ROC': 5.036363636363636, 'BULL_RSI_high': 61.333333333333336, 'BEAR_RSI': 14.863636363636363}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI': 13.227272727272727, 'BULL_RSI_low': 46.81818181818182, 'ROC': 4.8545454545454545, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BULL_RSI': 8.757575757575758, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 20.227272727272727, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 44.696969696969695, 'SMA_long': 147.72727272727272, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.963636363636363, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 58.10606060606061, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 40.53636363636364, 'SMA_short': 36.72727272727273, 'BULL_RSI_high': 60.84848484848485}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BULL_RSI_high': 72.0, 'SMA_long': 133.1818181818182, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 54.09090909090909, 'SMA_short': 36.24242424242424, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 56.92424242424242, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 38.88181818181818, 'ROC': 4.963636363636364, 'BEAR_RSI': 15.59090909090909, 'BULL_RSI': 9.06060606060606, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 19.924242424242426, 'BULL_RSI_low': 44.696969696969695, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.654545454545454, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI': 15.681818181818182, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 33.68181818181819, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 22.803030303030305, 'BULL_RSI_high': 74.9090909090909, 'SMA_long': 149.54545454545456, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 45.303030303030305, 'ROC': 4.636363636363637, 'IDLE_RSI': 9.927272727272728, 'SMA_short': 35.75757575757576, 'BULL_RSI_low': 44.09090909090909, 'BULL_RSI': 8.818181818181818, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 61.25757575757576}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BULL_RSI_high': 69.57575757575758, 'SMA_short': 37.93939393939394, 'ROC': 4.454545454545455, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 59.68181818181818, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.318181818181818, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 50.151515151515156, 'BULL_RSI_low': 52.27272727272727, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 22.045454545454547, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.581818181818182, 'BULL_RSI': 8.030303030303031, 'SMA_long': 125.0, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 34.39090909090909}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI_high': 63.621212121212125, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.145454545454546, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 31.31818181818182, 'SMA_long': 133.1818181818182, 'BEAR_RSI': 14.318181818181818, 'BULL_RSI': 9.303030303030303, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 26.28787878787879, 'ROC': 5.327272727272727, 'BULL_RSI_high': 71.51515151515152, 'BULL_RSI_low': 43.484848484848484, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'SMA_short': 37.21212121212121, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 40.45454545454545}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'ROC': 4.927272727272728, 'SMA_short': 38.666666666666664, 'BEAR_RSI': 11.681818181818182, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 34.39090909090909, 'BULL_RSI_low': 42.57575757575758, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 21.893939393939394, 'BULL_RSI_high': 61.81818181818182, 'BULL_RSI': 8.636363636363637, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 62.43939393939394, 'SMA_long': 130.45454545454544, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 45.303030303030305, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.654545454545454}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI': 11.318181818181818, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 35.57272727272728, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI': 9.490909090909092, 'BULL_RSI_low': 40.15151515151515, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 62.04545454545455, 'BULL_RSI': 9.424242424242424, 'BULL_RSI_high': 71.51515151515152, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 40.45454545454545, 'SMA_short': 36.484848484848484, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 20.833333333333332, 'ROC': 5.472727272727273, 'SMA_long': 117.72727272727272}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'SMA_long': 154.0909090909091, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 65.19696969696969, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 24.31818181818182, 'SMA_short': 35.03030303030303, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BULL_RSI_high': 68.60606060606061, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.136363636363637, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.50909090909091, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 32.736363636363635, 'BULL_RSI_low': 38.93939393939394, 'ROC': 5.327272727272727, 'BULL_RSI': 7.96969696969697, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 48.333333333333336}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI': 15.772727272727273, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 32.972727272727276, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'SMA_long': 129.54545454545456, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 57.31818181818182, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.654545454545454, 'SMA_short': 36.96969696969697, 'BULL_RSI': 8.93939393939394, 'ROC': 5.254545454545455, 'BULL_RSI_high': 65.6969696969697, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 45.303030303030305, 'BULL_RSI_low': 50.151515151515156, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 21.439393939393938}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'ROC': 5.254545454545455, 'SMA_short': 40.60606060606061, 'SMA_long': 132.27272727272728, 'BULL_RSI_low': 42.57575757575758, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 47.121212121212125, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 18.560606060606062, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 41.00909090909091, 'BEAR_RSI': 11.954545454545455, 'BULL_RSI': 8.030303030303031, 'BULL_RSI_high': 80.24242424242425, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.454545454545455, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 56.13636363636364}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI_high': 48.333333333333336, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 23.71212121212121, 'SMA_long': 155.0, 'ROC': 4.527272727272727, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 35.80909090909091, 'BEAR_RSI': 14.136363636363637, 'SMA_short': 32.36363636363636, 'BULL_RSI_high': 72.0, 'BULL_RSI_low': 48.333333333333336, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 61.651515151515156, 'BULL_RSI': 8.878787878787879, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.581818181818182}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BULL_RSI_high': 77.33333333333333, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 47.46969696969697, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.863636363636363, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.872727272727273, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 45.90909090909091, 'SMA_short': 34.54545454545455, 'BULL_RSI_low': 38.03030303030303, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 40.06363636363636, 'BULL_RSI': 9.969696969696969, 'ROC': 5.690909090909091, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 24.62121212121212, 'SMA_long': 116.81818181818181}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI_high': 39.54545454545455, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.50909090909091, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.5, 'ROC': 4.745454545454546, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 32.972727272727276, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 58.10606060606061, 'BULL_RSI_high': 72.48484848484848, 'SMA_short': 34.54545454545455, 'BULL_RSI': 7.787878787878788, 'BULL_RSI_low': 36.21212121212121, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 25.68181818181818, 'SMA_long': 144.0909090909091}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI_high': 45.303030303030305, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'SMA_long': 137.72727272727272, 'BULL_RSI_high': 66.66666666666667, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.01818181818182, 'BULL_RSI_low': 46.21212121212121, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 57.71212121212121, 'BULL_RSI': 10.272727272727273, 'BEAR_RSI': 14.40909090909091, 'ROC': 4.5636363636363635, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 41.95454545454545, 'SMA_short': 37.21212121212121, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 23.863636363636363}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI_low': 22.954545454545453, 'BEAR_RSI': 12.772727272727273, 'SMA_short': 30.666666666666668, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 41.06060606060606, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.672727272727272, 'ROC': 6.236363636363636, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 32.972727272727276, 'BULL_RSI_high': 72.0, 'BULL_RSI': 10.212121212121211, 'BULL_RSI_low': 36.81818181818182, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 54.56060606060606, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'SMA_long': 129.54545454545456}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 42.57575757575758, 'BULL_RSI_high': 62.303030303030305, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 27.772727272727273, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 62.43939393939394, 'SMA_long': 133.1818181818182, 'BULL_RSI': 8.272727272727273, 'BEAR_RSI': 15.5, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 21.59090909090909, 'SMA_short': 37.696969696969695, 'BULL_RSI_low': 47.121212121212125, 'ROC': 5.4, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.654545454545454}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI_low': 23.863636363636363, 'BULL_RSI': 8.454545454545455, 'ROC': 5.218181818181819, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 38.63636363636363, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 54.56060606060606, 'BEAR_RSI': 11.59090909090909, 'SMA_short': 34.06060606060606, 'BULL_RSI_low': 41.36363636363636, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 35.1, 'SMA_long': 120.45454545454545, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.654545454545454, 'BULL_RSI_high': 63.75757575757576}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI_high': 63.621212121212125, 'SMA_short': 33.09090909090909, 'BEAR_RSI': 11.772727272727273, 'BULL_RSI_low': 46.81818181818182, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 31.554545454545455, 'BULL_RSI_high': 59.878787878787875, 'ROC': 5.545454545454545, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 25.227272727272727, 'IDLE_RSI': 9.127272727272727, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BULL_RSI': 10.030303030303031, 'SMA_long': 139.54545454545456, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 37.72727272727273}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI': 9.127272727272727, 'ROC': 5.9818181818181815, 'SMA_long': 131.36363636363637, 'BULL_RSI_high': 68.60606060606061, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 33.68181818181819, 'BEAR_RSI': 12.40909090909091, 'SMA_short': 34.06060606060606, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 18.71212121212121, 'BULL_RSI_low': 44.39393939393939, 'BULL_RSI': 9.666666666666666, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 62.04545454545455, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 37.121212121212125}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'ROC': 5.545454545454545, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.863636363636363, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 44.39393939393939, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 35.57272727272728, 'BULL_RSI_low': 46.81818181818182, 'SMA_long': 117.72727272727272, 'BULL_RSI': 9.06060606060606, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 51.015151515151516, 'SMA_short': 37.93939393939394, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 22.196969696969695, 'BULL_RSI_high': 62.78787878787879, 'IDLE_RSI': 9.490909090909092}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BULL_RSI_high': 77.81818181818181, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 21.742424242424242, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 49.833333333333336, 'SMA_short': 36.96969696969697, 'SMA_long': 123.18181818181819, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 33.20909090909091, 'BEAR_RSI': 15.136363636363637, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.8, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 44.39393939393939, 'BULL_RSI': 9.242424242424242, 'BULL_RSI_low': 45.303030303030305, 'ROC': 4.636363636363637}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI_high': 54.166666666666664, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI': 9.927272727272728, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 33.20909090909091, 'BULL_RSI': 10.212121212121211, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.318181818181818, 'ROC': 5.7272727272727275, 'BULL_RSI_high': 69.57575757575758, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 48.333333333333336, 'SMA_long': 119.54545454545455, 'BULL_RSI_low': 44.696969696969695, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 21.59090909090909, 'SMA_short': 38.42424242424242}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BULL_RSI_high': 74.9090909090909, 'SMA_short': 34.06060606060606, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 40.06363636363636, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.045454545454545, 'ROC': 5.072727272727273, 'IDLE_RSI': 8.618181818181819, 'BULL_RSI_low': 39.54545454545455, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 36.515151515151516, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 21.59090909090909, 'SMA_long': 135.9090909090909, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BULL_RSI': 8.696969696969697, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 56.53030303030303}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI': 11.309090909090909, 'BEAR_RSI': 14.5, 'BULL_RSI_high': 72.96969696969697, 'BULL_RSI': 9.484848484848484, 'SMA_short': 37.696969696969695, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 24.166666666666668, 'SMA_long': 128.63636363636363, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 60.07575757575758, 'BULL_RSI_low': 45.303030303030305, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 42.27272727272727, 'ROC': 5.9818181818181815, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 37.46363636363637}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI': 12.863636363636363, 'SMA_short': 37.696969696969695, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 30.372727272727275, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 66.77272727272728, 'ROC': 4.890909090909091, 'BULL_RSI': 9.848484848484848, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 25.68181818181818, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.072727272727272, 'BULL_RSI_low': 43.18181818181818, 'BULL_RSI_high': 70.54545454545455, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 46.21212121212121, 'SMA_long': 134.0909090909091}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI': 12.045454545454545, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 31.081818181818182, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 38.63636363636363, 'BULL_RSI': 7.96969696969697, 'BULL_RSI_high': 74.42424242424242, 'SMA_long': 128.63636363636363, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 23.257575757575758, 'BULL_RSI_low': 43.484848484848484, 'ROC': 5.4363636363636365, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.09090909090909, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'SMA_short': 35.03030303030303, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 58.10606060606061}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'SMA_short': 42.06060606060606, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 47.42424242424242, 'BULL_RSI': 9.969696969696969, 'BEAR_RSI': 12.40909090909091, 'BULL_RSI_high': 69.0909090909091, 'SMA_long': 125.0, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 60.07575757575758, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 23.257575757575758, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.309090909090909, 'ROC': 4.636363636363637, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 35.1, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BULL_RSI_low': 37.72727272727273}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI': 10.072727272727272, 'BULL_RSI_low': 44.39393939393939, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 46.515151515151516, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 36.28181818181818, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 25.37878787878788, 'BULL_RSI': 8.212121212121213, 'BEAR_RSI': 12.136363636363637, 'BULL_RSI_high': 70.06060606060606, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 54.166666666666664, 'ROC': 5.181818181818182, 'SMA_short': 34.54545454545455, 'SMA_long': 135.0, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 28.954545454545457, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.872727272727273, 'BULL_RSI_low': 44.39393939393939, 'ROC': 4.963636363636364, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 44.39393939393939, 'BULL_RSI_high': 80.72727272727272, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 60.86363636363636, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.136363636363637, 'SMA_short': 37.45454545454545, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 23.40909090909091, 'BULL_RSI': 8.575757575757576, 'SMA_long': 125.9090909090909}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'ROC': 5.109090909090909, 'IDLE_RSI': 12.90909090909091, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 39.35454545454546, 'BULL_RSI': 10.636363636363637, 'SMA_short': 30.666666666666668, 'BEAR_RSI': 14.59090909090909, 'SMA_long': 125.9090909090909, 'BULL_RSI_low': 49.24242424242424, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 46.81818181818182, 'BULL_RSI_high': 60.84848484848485, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 25.075757575757578, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 63.621212121212125}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI_low': 39.11818181818182, 'BULL_RSI_low': 45.0, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.136363636363637, 'BULL_RSI': 9.181818181818182, 'ROC': 5.181818181818182, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 62.43939393939394, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.363636363636363, 'BULL_RSI_high': 69.0909090909091, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 53.78787878787879, 'SMA_long': 158.63636363636363, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 24.015151515151516, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'SMA_short': 36.72727272727273}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'SMA_long': 130.45454545454544, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'SMA_short': 36.96969696969697, 'BULL_RSI_high': 69.57575757575758, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 20.53030303030303, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.954545454545455, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.672727272727272, 'ROC': 4.381818181818182, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 54.95454545454545, 'BULL_RSI_low': 45.0, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 42.57575757575758, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 32.263636363636365, 'BULL_RSI': 8.757575757575758}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'SMA_short': 38.42424242424242, 'BULL_RSI_high': 78.30303030303031, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 36.21212121212121, 'BEAR_RSI': 11.954545454545455, 'ROC': 5.327272727272727, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 22.045454545454547, 'BULL_RSI_low': 41.96969696969697, 'IDLE_RSI': 9.709090909090909, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 53.378787878787875, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 32.736363636363635, 'SMA_long': 126.81818181818181, 'BULL_RSI': 9.06060606060606}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI': 13.772727272727273, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 30.845454545454547, 'SMA_long': 113.18181818181819, 'BULL_RSI_low': 41.06060606060606, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 52.196969696969695, 'SMA_short': 35.03030303030303, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 20.984848484848484, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 47.121212121212125, 'BULL_RSI': 9.363636363636363, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.50909090909091, 'ROC': 4.781818181818182, 'BULL_RSI_high': 74.9090909090909}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI': 12.254545454545454, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 35.80909090909091, 'BULL_RSI': 7.363636363636363, 'SMA_long': 145.9090909090909, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 65.5909090909091, 'BULL_RSI_high': 67.63636363636364, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 41.96969696969697, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 25.227272727272727, 'BEAR_RSI': 11.409090909090908, 'ROC': 5.872727272727273, 'SMA_short': 35.27272727272727, 'BULL_RSI_low': 38.63636363636363}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BULL_RSI': 7.7272727272727275, 'SMA_long': 120.45454545454545, 'BULL_RSI_low': 46.21212121212121, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 62.43939393939394, 'BEAR_RSI': 14.045454545454545, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 36.81818181818182, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'SMA_short': 33.81818181818182, 'ROC': 5.836363636363636, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 31.554545454545455, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 21.893939393939394, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.581818181818182, 'BULL_RSI_high': 67.63636363636364}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI': 9.127272727272727, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 20.68181818181818, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 51.015151515151516, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 30.372727272727275, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.40909090909091, 'SMA_long': 155.0, 'SMA_short': 35.515151515151516, 'BULL_RSI_low': 48.333333333333336, 'BULL_RSI': 8.393939393939394, 'ROC': 4.345454545454546, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 47.121212121212125, 'BULL_RSI_high': 71.03030303030303}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'ROC': 5.327272727272727, 'BULL_RSI_high': 76.36363636363636, 'IDLE_RSI': 12.690909090909091, 'BULL_RSI_low': 46.515151515151516, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 33.445454545454545, 'SMA_short': 34.78787878787879, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 20.984848484848484, 'BULL_RSI': 9.303030303030303, 'BEAR_RSI': 14.863636363636363, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 64.80303030303031, 'SMA_long': 126.81818181818181, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 39.54545454545455}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI_high': 56.13636363636364, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.363636363636363, 'BULL_RSI_high': 70.54545454545455, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'SMA_short': 32.121212121212125, 'ROC': 4.818181818181818, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 21.136363636363637, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 45.0, 'SMA_long': 161.36363636363637, 'BULL_RSI_low': 50.75757575757576, 'BEAR_RSI': 14.40909090909091, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 34.154545454545456, 'BULL_RSI': 8.272727272727273}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI_low': 36.518181818181816, 'SMA_short': 41.333333333333336, 'ROC': 5.4, 'BULL_RSI_low': 49.54545454545455, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 22.348484848484848, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 57.71212121212121, 'SMA_long': 143.1818181818182, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.40909090909091, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.0, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BULL_RSI': 8.757575757575758, 'BULL_RSI_high': 68.12121212121212, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 49.54545454545455}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI_low': 23.106060606060606, 'BULL_RSI': 8.757575757575758, 'SMA_short': 36.0, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BULL_RSI_high': 71.03030303030303, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 37.7, 'SMA_long': 145.0, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 44.39393939393939, 'ROC': 5.290909090909091, 'IDLE_RSI': 12.690909090909091, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 51.803030303030305, 'BEAR_RSI': 15.954545454545453, 'BULL_RSI_low': 43.18181818181818}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BULL_RSI_high': 72.96969696969697, 'BULL_RSI_low': 40.75757575757576, 'SMA_short': 42.78787878787879, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 24.62121212121212, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 39.82727272727273, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 49.43939393939394, 'SMA_long': 148.63636363636363, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.863636363636363, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.309090909090909, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 37.42424242424242, 'BULL_RSI': 8.454545454545455, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'ROC': 4.345454545454546}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI': 12.863636363636363, 'BULL_RSI_high': 72.48484848484848, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 24.166666666666668, 'BULL_RSI': 8.09090909090909, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 37.46363636363637, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'ROC': 4.636363636363637, 'SMA_long': 107.72727272727273, 'BULL_RSI_low': 40.45454545454545, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 55.348484848484844, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.454545454545455, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 45.0, 'SMA_short': 37.45454545454545}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'SMA_long': 161.36363636363637, 'BULL_RSI_low': 47.121212121212125, 'SMA_short': 40.848484848484844, 'BEAR_RSI': 14.954545454545453, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'BULL_RSI_high': 75.87878787878788, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 57.31818181818182, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.163636363636364, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 31.31818181818182, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 22.954545454545453, 'ROC': 5.036363636363636, 'BULL_RSI': 9.242424242424242, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 41.36363636363636}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'BEAR_RSI_low': 23.71212121212121, 'BULL_RSI_high': 66.18181818181819, 'ROC': 5.50909090909091, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.218181818181819, 'BULL_RSI_low': 44.09090909090909, 'SMA_short': 38.42424242424242, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 45.60606060606061, 'BEAR_RSI': 11.409090909090908, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 34.86363636363637, 'BULL_RSI': 9.787878787878789, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 60.86363636363636, 'SMA_long': 129.54545454545456}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI_low': 38.17272727272727, 'IDLE_RSI_high': 62.43939393939394, 'IDLE_RSI': 11.454545454545455, 'BULL_RSI': 8.454545454545455, 'BULL_RSI_low': 44.09090909090909, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'SMA_long': 135.9090909090909, 'BEAR_RSI': 11.772727272727273, 'SMA_short': 31.393939393939394, 'BULL_RSI_high': 78.30303030303031, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 36.515151515151516, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 21.439393939393938, 'ROC': 6.236363636363636}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Error: config failure
japonicus_1  | ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
japonicus_1  | http://gekko:3000/api/backtest
japonicus_1  | {'watch': {'exchange': 'binance', 'currency': 'BTC', 'asset': 'BNB'}, 'paperTrader': {'fee': 0.25, 'feeMaker': 0.15, 'feeTaker': 0.25, 'feeUsing': 'maker', 'slippage': 0.05, 'simulationBalance': {'asset': 1, 'currency': 100}, 'reportRoundtrips': True, 'enabled': True}, 'tradingAdvisor': {'enabled': True, 'method': 'NEO', 'candleSize': 10, 'historySize': 10}, 'NEO': {'IDLE_RSI_high': 64.01515151515152, 'BEAR_RSI': 13.681818181818182, 'ROC': 5.836363636363636, 'BULL_RSI_high': 66.18181818181819, 'BULL_RSI_low': 41.36363636363636, 'SMA_short': 37.696969696969695, 'IDLE_RSI': 10.654545454545454, 'ROC_lvl': 0.0, 'SMA_long': 133.1818181818182, 'BEAR_RSI_high': 48.03030303030303, 'BEAR_RSI_low': 26.136363636363637, 'IDLE_RSI_low': 36.518181818181816, 'BULL_RSI': 8.696969696969697}, 'backtest': {'daterange': {'from': '2018-12-25 12:17:32', 'to': '2019-03-25 12:17:32'}}, 'performanceAnalyzer': {'riskFreeReturn': 2, 'enabled': True}, 'valid': True, 'data': {'candleProps': ['id', 'start', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vwp', 'volume', 'trades'], 'indicatorResults': True, 'report': True, 'roundtrips': True, 'trades': True}, 'backtestResultExporter': {'enabled': True, 'writeToDisk': False, 'data': {'stratUpdates': False, 'roundtrips': True, 'stratCandles': False, 'stratCandleProps': ['open'], 'trades': False}}}
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | 'bool' object is not subscriptable
japonicus_1  | Population dead after trading number filter.
japonicus_1  | Population dead after roundtrip exposure filter.
japonicus_1  | Repopulating... Aborting epoch.
japonicus_1  | EPOCH 0	&50
japonicus_1  | Maximum profit 0         Average profit 0         
japonicus_1  | Minimum profit 0         Profit variation 0       
japonicus_1  | Population size 50       Max population size 50   
japonicus_1  | Avg trade number 0       Avg sharpe ratio 0       
japonicus_1  | Avg exposure time 0      
japonicus_1  | 
japonicus_1  | Loading Locale1
japonicus_1  | Locale2
japonicus_1  | first unevaluated: 50
japonicus_1  | 0 individues removed due to equality
japonicus_1  | [50]
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_japonicus_1 exited with code 137
gekko_1      | 2019-03-27T22:27:37.678Z '[WS] stale websocket client, terminiating..'
gekko_1      |   <-- GET /api/imports
gekko_1      |   --> GET /api/imports 200 5,585ms 2b
gekko_1      |   <-- GET /api/exchanges
gekko_1      |   <-- GET /api/gekkos
gekko_1      |   --> GET /api/gekkos 200 694ms 24b
gekko_1      |   <-- GET /api/apiKeys
gekko_1      |   --> GET /api/apiKeys 200 119ms 2b

Copy link

Gab0 commented Mar 28, 2019

Hey, it seems that each backtest is taking too long, so long that the connection dies before the result is ready. Taking 45 minutes to run this very few backtests just add weight to this hypothesis. I have never seen this, the normal thing here is each backtest taking 5 seconds at max.

So, many things could lead to this: is your strategy particularly heavy on computing? Is your CPU 4-core at least? How long it takes to run a similar backtest on gekko alone, outside docker?

Copy link

rcoenen commented Mar 28, 2019

Ah... ok I'm using a MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, 2017) so yeah 4 cores. I am testing the NEO strategy.
I have reduced deltaDays = 90 to 30 and removed some unneeded backtest data. Not sure why but Japonicus seemed to just take all backtest data it found? Having removed some. it now works it seems:

snippet from my current console:

japonicus_1  | 0 individues removed due to equality
japonicus_1  | [50]
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   --> POST /api/backtest 200 52s 12.26kb
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   --> POST /api/backtest 200 52s 10.51kb
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   --> POST /api/backtest 200 53s 7.34kb
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   --> POST /api/backtest 200 53s 13.16kb
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   --> POST /api/backtest 200 53s 13.01kb
gekko_1      |   --> POST /api/backtest 200 54s 16.79kb
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest
gekko_1      |   <-- POST /api/backtest

Copy link

Gab0 commented Mar 28, 2019

hey, so that's really it, taking too long to backtest. Your rig seems suitable, so maybe it is CPU throttled for power saving or docker is impairing performance.

50s per backtest is still too much, you won't be able to get useful results at this rate even if it is working...

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