In an empire of deception, six tomb-robbersHeros quest for the ultimate weapon and combat an army of raidersMobs
Most of the content in this guide so far is based off of or direclty coppied from: IGN:Minecraft Dunegons Game Guide
Special thanks to the homebrewery, for the formatting tools to make this guide look oh-so-professional with very little effort needed on my part. =D
This project can be tracked over at Its Home on GitHub
- 1. Character Generation
- 2. Gear
- 2.1. Melee Weapons
- 2.1.1. Common Melee Weapons
- 2.1.2. Unique Melee Weapons
- 2.1.3. Melee Weapons Enchantments
- 2.2. Ranged Weapons
- 2.2.1. Common Ranged Weapons
- 2.2.2. Unique Ranged Weapons
- 2.2.3. Ranged Weapons Enchantments
- 2.3. Armor
- 2.3.1. Common Armor
- 2.3.2. Unique Armor
- 2.3.3. Armor Enchantments
- 2.1. Melee Weapons
- 3. Monsters
Insert short introduction to character building here
Minecraft itself has no race or class boundaries, and therefore any race or class accents are purely flavor. A dragonborn barbarian will have the exact same stats as a human cleric. All minecraft Player Characters are proficient in all Melee/Ranged weapons and Artifacts. Since they are heroic, they start with a D10 hit die. Core attributes may be rolled, and/or point-bought depending on Player and Dungeon Master preference.
Non player characters include the Minecraft Villagers, and a few monsters (Mobs) within the minecraft world which have sentience (Illagers, Evokers, Enchanters, etc.) They will be detailed in the "Monsters" section.
Gear is... tbd
melee weapons are... tbd
|Weapon |Rarity |Cost |Damage |Weight |Perks |
|Axe |Common, Rare | 5 gp |1d 6 Slashing |2 lbs. |Spin Attack Move |
|Claymore |Common, Rare |50 gp |1d12 Slashing | 3 lbs. |Powerful Pushback |
|Cursed Axe |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d 6 Slashing |xx lbs. |Spin Attack |
|Cutlass |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d 8 Slashing |xx lbs. |Reliable Combo |
|Daggers |Common, Rare | 2 gp |1d 4 Piercing | 1 lbs. |Dual Wield |
|Double Axe |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d 8 Slashing |xx lbs. |Spin attack |
|Firebrand |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d 8 Slashing
+ 1d6 Fire |xx lbs. |Burns Mobs
Spin Attack Move |
|Fortune Spear |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d 6 Piercing |xx lbs. |Long Melee Reach
Drops More Consumables |
|Gauntlets |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d 4 Bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Relentless Combo |
|Glaive |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d 8 Slashing |xx lbs. |Long Melee Reach |
|Great Hammer |Common, Rare |15 gp |1d 8 Bludgeoning | 2 lbs. |Great Splash |
|Mace |Common, Rare | 5 gp |1d 6 Bludgeoning | 4 lbs. ||
|Master's Katana |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d 6 Slashing |xx lbs. |Increases Critical Hit Chance
|Pickaxe |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d 6 Piercing |xx lbs. ||
|Sickle |Common, Rare | 1 gp |1d 4 Slashing | 2 lbs. |Dual Wield |
|Soul Fists |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d 4 Bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Relentless Combo
Souls Critical Boost
+2 Soul Gather g |
|Soul Knife |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d 4 Piercing |xx lbs. |Thrust Attack
+2 Soul Gathering|
|Soul Scythe |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d 10 Slashing |xx lbs. |+2 Soul Gathering|
|Spear |Common, Rare | 1 gp |1d6 Piercing | 2 lbs. |Long Melee Reach |
|Sword |Common, Rare |10 gp |1d6 Piercing | 3 lbs. ||
|Whirlwind |Common, Rare |xx gp |1d12 Slashing |xx lbs. |Spin Attack
Casts Shockwaves|
Basic Axe...
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Kinda like a Greatsword...
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here...
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
TBD: write a really cool description here.
|Weapon |Rarity |Cost |Damage |Weight |Perks |
|Broadsword |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Powerful Pushback |
|Dancer's Sword |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Reliable Combo
Increased Attack Speed. |
|Dark Katana |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Extra Damage to Undead |
|Diamond Pickaxe |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Finds More Emeralds |
|Diamond Sword |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Extra Damage |
|Eternal Knife |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Thrust Attack
+2 Soul Gathering
Chance to Gain Souls |
|Fangs of Frost |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Dual Wield
Slows Mobs |
|Fighter's Bindings |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Boosts Attack Speed
Turbo Punches |
|Flail |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Binds and Chains Enemies |
|Frost Scythe |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |+2 Soul Gathering
Slows Mobs |
|Grave Bane |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Long Melee Reach
Extra Damage to Undead |
|Hammer of Gravity |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Pulls in enemies Great Splash |
|Hawkbrand |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Increases Critical Hit Chance |
|Heartstealer |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Powerful Pushback
Leeches Health from Mobs|
|Highland Axe |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. ||
|Jailor's Scythe |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |+2 Soul Gathering
Binds and Chains Enemies|
|Maulers |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Relentless Combo
Increases Attack Speed |
|Moon Daggers |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. ||
|Nameless Blade |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Relentless Combo
Weakens Enemy Attacks |
|Nightmare's Bite |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Dual Wield
Spawns Poison Clouds |
|Stormlander |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Great Splash
Fires Lightning Bolts|
|Sun's Grace |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Heals Allies in the Area |
|The Last Laugh |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Dual Wield
Mobs Drop More Emeralds |
|Truth Seeker |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Thrust Attack
+2 Soul Gathering
Increased Damage to Wounded Mobs |
|Venom Glaive |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Long Melee Reach
Spawns Poison Clouds |
|Whispering Spear |Unique |gp |xdy bludgeoning |xx lbs. |Long Melee Reach
Sometimes Strikes Twice|
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here..
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Short Description Goes here.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
|Enchantment |Rarity |Ability |Tier 1 |Tier 2 |Tier 3 | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| |Anima Conduit |Common |Each soul you absorb grants a small amount of health. |1% health gained |2% health gained |3% health gained | |Chains |Common |Has a 30% chance to chain a cluster of mobs together and keep them bound for a short time. |1 second duration |2 seconds duration |3 seconds duration | |Committed |Common |Deal increased damage against already wounded enemies. |0-50% bonus damage |0-75% bonus damage |0-100% bonus damage | |Critical Hit |Powerful |Gives you a chance to inflict critical hits dealing triple damage. |10% chance to trigger |15% chance to trigger |20% chance to trigger | |Echo |Common |Some of your attacks can be followed up by another attack in rapid succession. |5 seconds cool-down |4 seconds cool-down |3 seconds cool-down | |Exploding |Powerful |Mobs explode after they are defeated. |Deals 20% of enemy's health as damage |Deals 40% of enemy's health as damage |Deals 60% of enemy's health as damage | |Fire Aspect |Common |Sets mobs on fire for three seconds, dealing damage over time. |Small amount of fire damage per second |Medium amount of fire damage per second |Large amount of fire damage per second | |Freezing |Common |Slows mobs after hit for three seconds. |-20% reduced speed |-30% reduced speed |-40% reduced speed | |Gravity |Powerful |This effect pulls mobs in range towards the weapon's impact point. |1.0 second duration |1.5 second duration |2.0 second duration | |Leeching |Common |Defeating a mob heals you a small portion of the mob's max health. |4% of mob max health |6% of mob max health |8% of mob max health | |Looting |Common |Increases the chance for mobs to drop consumables. |+100% increased chance |+200% increased chance |+300% increased chance | |Poison Cloud |Common |Has a 30% chance to summon a poison cloud that deals damage to enemies in an area for three seconds. |Small amount of poison damage per second. |Medium amount of poison damage per second. |Large amount of poison damage per second. | |Prospector |Common |Has a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies within it. |+100% increased chance |+200% increased chance |+300% increased chance | |Radiance |Powerful |Has a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies within it. |Small amount of health healed |Medium amount of health healed |Large amount of health healed | |Rampaging |Common |After defeating a mob, there is a 10% chance to increase your attack speed by +50% for a short time. |5 seconds duration |10 seconds duration |15 seconds duration | |Sharpness |Common |Makes your weapon sharper, causing it to deal more damage. |+10% damage |+21% damage |+33% damage | |Shockwave |Powerful |The last attack in a combo launches a shockwave, damaging enemies. |Deals a small amount of damage |Deals a medium amount of damage |Deals a large amount of damage | |Smiting |Common |Increases damage against the Undead. |+20% increased damage |+30% increased damage |+40% increased damage | |Soul Siphon |Common |When you hit an enemy, gain a 10% chance to grant you a bunch of extra souls. |3 souls |6 souls |9 souls | |Stunning |Common |Chance to temporarily stun enemies |5% chance to trigger |10% chance to trigger |15% chance to trigger |
|Weapon |Rarity |Perks | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| |Swirling |Powerful |The last attack in a combo performs a swirling attack, damaging nearby enemies. |Deals a small amount of damage |Deals a medium amount of damage |Deals a large amount of damage | |Thundering |Common |Has 30% chance to summon a lightning strike that damages nearby enemies. |Deals small electrical damage |Deals medium electrical damage |Deals large electrical damage | |Weakening |Common |Your attacks decrease the attack damage of all nearby enemies for five seconds. |-20% reduced damage |-30% reduced damage |-40% reduced damage |
ranged weapons are... tbd
|Weapon |Rarity |Perks |
|Auto Crossbow |Common, Rare |High Firerate
Firerate increases upon firing |
|Bonebow |Common, Rare |Arrows Grow Size |
|Bow |Common, Rare |
|Bow of Lost Souls |Common, Rare | +2 Soul Gathering
Chance for Multishot |
|Butterfly Crossbow |Common, Rare | High Firerate
Shoot Two Enemies at Once. |
|Crossbow |Common, Rare |Faster Projectiles |
|Doom Crossbow |Common, Rare |Powerful Shots
Additional Knockback |
|Exploding Crossbow |Common, Rare |Explodes on Impact |
|Firebolt Thrower |Common, Rare |Explodes on Impact
Chance of Chain Reaction |
|Harp Crossbow |Common, Rare |Even More Projectiles |
|Heavy Crossbow |Common, Rare |Powerful Shots |
|Hunter's Promise |Common, Rare |Pets Attack Targeted Mobs
Chance to Regain Arrows |
|Hunting Bow |Common, Rare |Pets Attack Targeted Mobs |
|Imploding Crossbow |Common, Rare |Explodes on impact
Pulls Enemies In |
|Longbow |Common, Rare |Strong Charged Attacks |
|Power Bow |Common, Rare |Strong Charged Attacks |
|Purple Storm |Common, Rare |Increased Fire Rate |
|Rapid Fire Crossbow |Common, Rare |High Firerate |
|Red Snake |Common, Rare |Strong Charged Attacks
Chance for Arrows to Explode |
|Sabrewing |Common, Rare |Strong Charged Attacks
Heals Allies in the Area |
|Scatter Crossbow |Common, Rare |Multiple Projectiles |
|Shortbow |Common, Rare |
|Soul Crossbow |Common, Rare |+2 Soul Gathering |
|Soulbow |Common, Rare |+2 Soul Gathering |
|The Pink Scoundrel |Common, Rare |Hits Multiple Targets
Chance to Enrage Mobs |
|Trickbow |Common, Rare |Hits Multiple Targets |
|Twin Bow |Common, Rare |Shoots Two Enemies at Once |
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
|Weapon |Rarity |Perks |
|Azure Seeker |Unique |Faster Projectiles
Increased Firerate |
|Elite Power Bow |Unique |Strong Charged Attacks
Greater Damage |
|Feral Soul Crossbow |Unique |Souls Critical Boost
+2 Soul Gathering |
|Guardian Bow |Unique |Strong Charged Attacks
Super Charged Arrows |
|Lightning Harp Crossbow |Unique |Chance to Ricochet
Multiple Projectiles |
|Master's Bow |Unique |Pets Attack Targeted Mobs
Extra Damage Dealt |
|Mechanical Shortbow |Unique |Accelerated Fire Rate |
|Nocturnal Bow |Unique |+2 Soul Gathering > Steals Speed |
|Slayer Crossbow |Unique |Powerful Shots
Chance to Ricochet |
|The Green Menace |Unique |Hits Multiple Targets
Spawns Poison Clouds |
|The Slicer |Unique |Faster Projectiles
Chance to Fire Piercing Bolts |
|Voidcaller |Unique |Pulls Enemies In
+2 Soul Gathering |
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
Basic Axe.
- Price: xx gp; Damage xdy B; Weight zz
- Hands: 1
- Category: Common
- Group: Axe; Traits foo, bar
TBD: write a really cool description here
|Enchantment |Rarity |Ability |Tier 1 |Tier 2 |Tier 3 | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| |Accelerate |Common |Increases attack speed for each consecutive shot. Resets one second after the attack. |8% increase per shot |10% increase per shot |12% increase per shot | |Bonus Shot |Common |Firing a short also fires a second shot at a nearby enemy. The second shot has reduced damage. |10% damage per shot |17% damage per shot |24% damage per shot | |Chain Reaction |Powerful |Has a chance to fire five arrows in all directions on impact. |10% chance to trigger |20% chance to trigger |30% chance to trigger | |Enigma Resonator |Common |Give a chance to triple damage based on the number of souls you have. |0-15% chance to trigger |0-20% chance to trigger |0-25% chance to trigger | |Fuse Shot |Common |Every few shots has a timed charge that explodes one second after impact, dealing 100% damage to nearby mobs. |Every 5th shot |Every 4th shot |Every 3rd shot | |Gravity |Powerful |This effect pulls mobs in range towards the weapon's impact point. |1.0 second duration |1.5 second duration |2.0 second duration | |Growing |Common |The fired shot grows in the air, dealing extra damage to distant targets. |25% max damage |50% max damage |75% max damage | |Infinity |Common |Chance to immediately replenish an arrow after shooting |16% chance to trigger |32% chance to trigger |48% chance to trigger | |Multishot |Common |Grants the chance to fire five arrows at once. |20% change to trigger |30% change to trigger |40% change to trigger | |Piercing |Common |Fired arrows sometimes gain the piercing effect, which allows them to fly through multiple mobs. |Every 3rd arrow |Every 2nd arrow |Every arrow | |Poison Cloud |Common |Has a 30% chance to summon a poison cloud that deals damage to enemies in an area for three seconds. |Small poison damage per second |Medium poison damage per second |Large poison damage per second | |Power |Common |Boosts arrow damage. |+10% damage |+21% damage |+33% damage | |Punch |Common |Boosts arrow pushback |+200% pushback |+300% pushback |+400% pushback | |Radiance Shot |Common |Has a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies within it. |Small amount of health healed |Medium amount of health healed |Large amount of health healed | |Rapid Fire |Common |Increases your attack speed |+10% attack speed |+15% attack speed |+20% attack speed | |Ricochet |Common |Small chance for arrows to ricochet off mobs. |20% chance to trigger. |40% chance to trigger. |60% chance to trigger. | |Supercharge |Common |Charged shots deal more damage and have more pushback. |+20% increased damage |+30% increased damage |+40% increased damage | |Tempo Theft |Powerful |Steals a small amount of a mob's movement speed and gives it to you for four seconds. |17% stolen speed |33% stolen speed |50% stolen speed | |Unchanting |Common |Projectiles deal more damage to enchanted enemies. |+50% bonus damage |+75% bonus damage |+100% bonus damage | |Wild Rage |Common |Hitting an enemy has a chance to send it into a rage, making it hostile towards everyone. |20% chance to trigger |30% chance to trigger |40% chance to trigger |
armor is... tbd
|Armor |Rarity |Perks |
|Battle Robe |Common, Rare |-25% artifact cooldown
+30% melee damage |
|Champion's Armour |Common, Rare |35% damage reduction
Mobs target you more
-40% potion cooldown|
|Dark Armour |Common, Rare |+100% souls gathered
35% damage reduction |
|Evocation Robe |Common, Rare |-25% artifact cooldown
+15% movespeed aura |
|Full Metal Armor |Common, Rare |+30% melee damage
30% chance to negate hits
35% damage reduction
100% longer roll cooldown |
|Grim Armour |Common, Rare |+100% souls gathered
3% life steal aura |
|Guard's Armour |Common, Rare |-25% artifact cooldown
+10% arrows per bundle |
|Hunter's Armor |Common, Rare |+10 arrows per bundle
+30% ranged damage |
|Mercenary Armour |Common, Rare |35% damage reduction
+20% weapon damage boost aura |
|Mystery Armour |Common, Rare |10% damage reduction
-40% potion cooldown |
|Phantom Armour |Common, Rare |+100% souls gathered
+30% ranged damage |
|Plate Armour |Common, Rare |30% chance to negate hits
35% damage reduction
100% longer roll cooldown |
|Reinforced Mail |Common, Rare |35% damage reduction
30% chance to negate hits
100% longer roll cooldown |
|Scale Armour |Common, Rare |35% damage reduction
+30% melee damage |
|Soul Robe |Common, Rare |+100% souls gathered
+50% artifact damage |
|Spelunker's Armour |Common, Rare |+20% weapon damage boost aura
Gives you a pet bat |
|Thief Armour |Common, Rare |+25% melee attack speed |
|Wolf Armour |Common, Rare |+20% weapon damage boost aura
Health potions heal nearby allies |
|Armor |Rarity |Perks |
|Archer's Armor |Unique |+15% movespeed aura
+5 arrows per bundle
+15% ranged damage |
|Cave Crawler |Unique |+20% weapon damage boost aura
+50% artifact damage
Gives you a pet bat|
|Ember Robe |Unique |-25% artifact cooldown
+15% move speed aura
Burns nearby enemies |
|Fox Armour |Unique |30% chance to negate hits
+20% weapon damage boost aura
Health potions heal nearby allies |
|Frost Bite |Unique |+30% ranged damage
+100% Souls gathered
Spawns a Snowy Companion |
|Highland Armor |Unique |Gains Speed after Dodge
20% damage reduction
+15% melee damage |
|Renegade Armor |Unique |+25% melee attack speed
+35% damage reduction
+20% weapon damage boost aura |
|Spider Armour |Unique |+25% melee attack speed
3% life steal aura |
|Stalwart Armor |Unique |Potion use boosts defense
35% damage reduction
30% chance to negate hits
100% longer roll cooldown |
|Wither Armor |Unique |+100% souls gathered Up
35% Damage reduction
3% life steal aura |
|Enchantment |Rarity |Ability |Tier 1 |Tier 2 |Tier 3 | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| |Burning |Common |Every 0.5 seconds damages all enemies in melee range. |Small fire damage |Medium fire damage |Large fire damage | |Chilling |Powerful |Emits a blast every two seconds that reduces the movement and attack speed of nearby enemies for one second. |-20% reduced speed |-40% reduced speed |-60% reduced speed | |Cool Down |Common |Reduces the cool-down time between uses of your artefacts. |-10% reduced cool-down |-19% reduced cool-down |-27% reduced cool-down | |Cowardice |Common |While you are at full HP, you deal increased range and melee damage. |+20% increased range and melee damage |+30% increased range and melee damage |+40% increased range and melee damage | |Deflect |Common |Grants a small chance to deflect incoming attacks. |20% chance to trigger |40% chance to trigger |60% chance to trigger | |Electrified |Common |Rolling zaps three nearby enemies with lightning bolts, dealing damage. |Small electric damage |Medium electric damage |Large electric damage | |Explorer |Common |For every one hundred blocks explored on the map, you regain a small amount of health. |0.3% health regained |0.7% health regained |1.0% health regained | |Final Shout |Powerful |When your health drops below 25%, all your artifacts are used (ignoring cool-down periods). |Up to every 12th second |Up to every 10th second |Up to every 8th second | |Fire Trail |Common |Rolling creates a trail of fire behind you, which deals damage to mobs for four seconds. |Small fire damage per second. |Medium fire damage per second. |Large fire damage per second. | |Food Reserves |Common |Whenever you use a healing potion, you also create random food items. |1 items crafted |2 items crafted |3 items crafted | |Frenzied |Common |While you're at less than half health, your attack speed is increased. |+10% melee and ranged attack speed |+20% melee and ranged attack speed |+30% melee and ranged attack speed | |Gravity Pulse |Powerful |A blast occurs every five seconds that pulls nearby enemies towards you. |100% range |150% range |200% range | |Health Synergy |Common |When activating any artifact, you regain a small amount of health. |3% health regained |4% health regained |5% health regained | |Potion Barrier |Common |Whenever you use a healing potion, you take -90% damage for a short duration. |5 seconds duration |7 seconds duration |9 seconds duration | |Protection |Powerful |Reduces damage taken |-6% damage taken |-11% damage taken |-15% damage taken | |Recycler |Common |Being hit by damage-inflicting projectiles will occasionally craft a small quiver of arrows. |Every 30th projectile |Every 20th projectile |Every 10th projectile | |Snowball |Common |Fires a snowball at a nearby enemy every few seconds, briefly stunning it. |Triggers every 5 seconds |Triggers every 3 seconds |Triggers every second | |Soul Speed |Common |When you gather a soul, you gain a 1% stacking movement speed boost for a short time. |2 seconds duration |3 seconds duration |4 seconds duration | |Speed Synergy |Common |When activating any artifact, you gain +20% movement speed for a short time. |1 second duration |2 seconds duration |3 seconds duration | |Surprise Gift |Common |Whenever you use a healing potion, you sometimes create random consumables. |50% chance to trigger |100% chance to trigger |150% chance to trigger | |Swiftfooted |Common |Rolling makes you move faster for three seconds. |+30% movement speed |+40% movement speed |+50% movement speed | |Thorns |Common |Whenever you take damage, you deal damage back to the attacker. |100% damage returned |150% damage returned |200% damage returned |
tbd: short introduction to bosses in minecraft dunegons
Short Description.
- Armor Class 12
- Hit Points 86(1d4 + 5)
- Speed 12ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) 11 (+1)
- Condition Immunities groggy
- Senses passive Perception 15
- Languages Latin, Pottymouth
- Challenge 9 (5616 XP)
Sassiness. When questioned, this creature will talk back instead of answering.
Enormous Nose. This creature gains advantage on any check involving putting things in its nose.
Onion Stench. Any creatures within 5 feet of this thing develops an irrational craving for onion rings.
Dual Cobra Wristlock. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2)
Suffering Wringer. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2)
Team Foot. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2)
Somersault Stump Fists. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2)
Jumping Driver. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2)
Large guy, unoriginal neutral
- Armor Class 15
- Hit Points 105(1d4 + 5)
- Speed 48ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-3) 20 (+5) 18 (+4)
- Condition Immunities swagged
- Senses passive Perception 5
- Languages Latin
- Challenge 0 (66 XP)
Onion Stench. Any creatures within 5 feet of this thing develops an irrational craving for onion rings.
Enormous Nose. This creature gains advantage on any check involving putting things in its nose.
Big Jerk. Thinks he is just waaaay better than you.
Abdominal Drop. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2)
Open Chin Choke. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2)