- Understaning probability, Trijms, 2012
- population, census, sample
- univariate, bivariate, multivariate
- relation between probability and statistics
- stem-and-leaf displays
- historgrams
- mean
- median
- sample variance
- box plots
- experiment
- sample space
- events
- set theory
- axioms
- interpretation
- probability properties
- product rule for ordered pairs
- permutations and combinations
- conditional probability
- the multiplication rule
- law of total probability
- Bayes' theorem
- independence
- the multiplication rule for
$P(A\cap B)$ - independence of more than two events
- random variables
- discrete and continuous random variables
- probability mass function
- cummulative distribution function
- expected value of X
- rules of expected values
- law of total expectation
- variance and standard deviation of X
- rules of variance
- law of total variance
- the Binomial experiment
- the Binomial random variable and distribution
- random variable
- probability mass function
- expected value
- variance
- the Poisson distribution
- the Poisson distribution as a limit of the Binomial distribution
- the mean and variance of X
- the Poisson process
- the probability density function
- the cumulative distribution function
- obtaining f(x) from F(x)
- percentils of a continuous distribution
- expected values
- law of total expectation
- variance and standard deviation
- law of total variance
- the normal distribution
- percentiles of the standard normal distribution
- critical values
- the exponential distribution
- mean
- variance
- sample percentils
- probability plots
- examples
general formula of detmining the pdf of Y = g(X)
two discrete random variables
- joint probability mass function
- marginal probability mass function
two continuous random variables
- joint probability density function
- marginal probability density function
independent random variables
more than two random variables
- independence
conditional distributions
- E{h(X, Y)}
- Cov(X, Y)
- correlation coefficient
- statistics and sampling distributions
- random samples
- deriving simple sampling distributions
- simulation experiments
- general distribution of the sample mean
- the Normal case
- the distribution of a linear combination
Markov's inequality
Chevishev's inequality
The weak law of large numbers
The central limit theorem for iid RVs (with proof)
The central limit theorem for independent RVs
- The strong law of large numbers
- probability distribution function (PDF)
- probability density function (pdf)
- expectation vector
- covariance matrix
- positive definite matrices
- multidimensional normal pdf
- distribution of Y=AX, when X is an n-dimensional normal random vector
- sampling (correlated) multidimensional normal random vectors
Bishop, C. M., & Nasrabadi, N. M. (2006). Pattern recognition and machine learning (Vol. 4, No. 4, p. 738). New York: springer.
Casella, G., & Berger, R. L. (2002). Statistical inference, Duxbury Press. Pacific Grove, CA.
Devore, J. L. (2011). Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences. Cengage learning.
Stark, H., & Woods, J. W. (Eds.). (2002). Probability, random processes, and estimation theory for engineers. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2nd Ed.
Tijms, H. (2012). Understanding probability. Cambridge University Press.