This documentation focuses on the WMO WIGOS Metadata Standard based schema enhancements in pygeometa.
pygeometa's MCF model for WIGOS Metadata inherits as well as extends the core MCF constructs.
Codes for WMO WIGOS are available at
See MCF reference
See MCF reference. WMO WIGOS MCF add the contact type facility
attach contact information to a facility. The main MCF contact is attached
to the wmdr:Header
See MCF reference
The facility
object consists of 1..n keys. Key names are up to the user
with key objects having the model below.
Property Name | Mandatory/Optional | Description | Example | Reference |
identifier | Mandatory | WMO WIGOS identifier | 0-20008-0-JFJ | WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 8.6.4 |
name | WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3 | |||
type | The type of the observing facility from the MonitoringFacilityType codelist ( | Optional | landFixed | WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2 |
geopositioning_method | Element describes the geospatial refer ence system used for the specified geolocation (codelist | Optional | gps | WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.2.2 |
url | An online resource containing additional information about the facility or equipment | Optional | | WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.2.2 |
date_established | Date at which the observingFacility was established. Normally considered to be the date the first observations were made | Mandatory | 2011-11-11T11:11:11Z | WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2 |
wmo_region | The WMO region the observing facility is located in, from the WMORegionType codelist ( | Mandatory | northCentralAmericaCaribbean | WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2 |
The territory
object is a child of the facility
Property Name | Mandatory/Optional | Description | Example | Reference |
name | The territory the observing facility is located in, from the TerritoryType codelist ( | Mandatory | CAN | WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2 |
valid_period | Specifies at least the begin date of the indicated territoryName. If omitted, the dateEstablished of the facility will be assumed | Optional | begin:2011-11-11 , end: now |
WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2 |
The spatiotemporal
object is a child of the facility
object and
allows for specifying 1..n child objects to model a moving location
over time. At least one child object is required.
Property Name | Mandatory/Optional | Description | Example | Reference |
timeperiod | Specifies at least the begin date accompanying the location | Mandatory | begin:2011-11-11 , end: now |
WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 7.9 |
location | Representative or conventional geospatial location of observing facility, the reference location. This will always be a point location, but this location can change with time. | Mandatory. The location property includes a crs property (EPSG code), and `point`` property (x,y,z) |
crs: 4326, point: -75,45,400 , end: now |
WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 7.9 |