Releases: GoogleCloudPlatform/fluent-plugin-google-cloud
- Kubernetes/GKE label support:
- Add support for better labels on Kubernetes and Container Engine logs.
- Add support for attaching container metadata based on the tag.
- Include GCE labels also on dataflow.
- mark 'private_key_passphrase' as 'secret' so it doesn't show up in the fluent log.
Ensure timestamp is a Hash before using it as one.
The plugin will no longer produce an error upon receiving a field called 'timestamp' which is not a hash. -
Add a label_map configuration option
label_map (specified as a JSON object) is an unordered set of fluent field names whose values are sent as labels rather than as part of the struct payload.
Each entry in the map is a {"field_name": "label_name"} pair. When the "field_name" (as parsed by the input plugin) is encountered, a label with the corresponding "label_name" is added to the log entry. The value of the field is used as the value of the label.
The map gives the user additional flexibility in specifying label names, including the ability to use characters which would not be legal as part of fluent field names.
label_map {
"field_name_1": "sent_label_name_1",
"field_name_2": "some.prefix/sent_label_name_2"
- add support for timestamp and timestampSeconds/timestampNanos; deprecate timeNanos
- drop log records which are not hashes (see fluent/fluentd#591)
- Use IP address rather than 'metadata' to eliminate DNS dependency.