From b73646a8c3383302a3cd49a1de21c6bb2d476b43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jesus Lanchas Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 14:18:54 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Automatic detection of the char encoding using the juniversalchardet library. Moreover, the system now is prepared to use a language detection previously to count the stop words in each fragment. --- .../resources/com/gravity/goose/text/all.txt | 1549 +++++++++++++++++ .../resources/com/gravity/goose/text/ca.txt | 219 +++ .../resources/com/gravity/goose/text/de.txt | 231 +++ .../resources/com/gravity/goose/text/en.txt | 546 ++++++ .../resources/com/gravity/goose/text/es.txt | 308 ++++ .../resources/com/gravity/goose/text/fr.txt | 163 ++ .../resources/com/gravity/goose/text/it.txt | 279 +++ .../resources/com/gravity/goose/text/pt.txt | 203 +++ 8 files changed, 3498 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/all.txt create mode 100644 src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/ca.txt create mode 100644 src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/de.txt create mode 100644 src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/en.txt create mode 100644 src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/es.txt create mode 100644 src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/fr.txt create mode 100644 src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/it.txt create mode 100644 src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/pt.txt diff --git a/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/all.txt b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/all.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7f995fa5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,1549 @@ +a +è +über +êtes +abans +abbia +abbiamo +abbiano +abbiate +aber +about +above +ací +across +ad +after +afterwards +again +against +agl +agli +ah +ai +aie +aient +aies +ait +així +això +al +él +aleshores +algo +algun +alguna +algunas +algunes +algunos +alguns +alhora +all +alla +allí +allò +allà +alle +allem +allen +aller +alles +allo +almost +alone +along +already +als +also +although +altra +altre +altres +always +am +amb +ambdós +ambdues +among +amongst +amoungst +amount +an +anche +and +ander +andere +anderem +anderen +anderer +anderes +anderm +andern +anderr +anders +another +ante +antes +any +anyhow +anyone +anything +anyway +anywhere +ao +aos +apa +aquí +aquela +aquelas +aquele +aqueles +aquell +aquella +aquelles +aquells +aquest +aquesta +aquestes +aquests +aquilo +éramos +are +érem +éreu +around +as +és +at +até +été +étée +étées +étaient +étais +était +étant +étés +étiez +étions +au +auch +auf +aura +aurai +auraient +aurais +aurait +auras +aurez +auriez +aurions +aurons +auront +aus +aux +avaient +avais +avait +avec +avemmo +avendo +avesse +avessero +avessi +avessimo +aveste +avesti +avete +aveva +avevamo +avevano +avevate +avevi +avevo +avez +aviez +avions +avons +avrò +avrai +avranno +avrà +avrebbe +avrebbero +avrei +avremmo +avremo +avreste +avresti +avrete +avuta +avute +avuti +avuto +ayant +ayez +ayons +à +às +back +baix +be +became +because +become +becomes +becoming +been +before +beforehand +behind +bei +being +below +beside +besides +between +beyond +bill +bin +bis +bist +both +bottom +but +by +c +cada +cadascú +cadascuna +cadascunes +cadascuns +call +can +cannot +cant +ce +ceci +celà +ces +cet +cette +che +chi +ci +co +coi +col +com +come +como +computer +con +contra +contro +could +couldnt +cry +cual +cuando +cui +d +da +daß +dagl +dagli +dai +dal +dall +dalla +dalle +dallo +dalt +damit +dann +dans +das +dasselbe +dazu +de +degl +degli +dei +dein +deine +deinem +deinen +deiner +deines +del +dela +delas +dele +deles +dell +della +delle +dello +dels +dem +demselben +den +denn +denselben +depois +der +derer +derselbe +derselben +des +describe +desde +després +desselben +dessen +detail +di +dich +die +dies +diese +dieselbe +dieselben +diesem +diesen +dieser +dieses +dins +dintre +dir +do +doch +donat +doncs +donde +done +dort +dos +dov +dove +down +du +due +d'un +d'una +d'unes +d'uns +durant +durante +durch +during +e +each +eûmes +eût +eûtes +ebbe +ebbero +ebbi +ed +eg +eh +eight +ein +eine +einem +einen +einer +eines +einig +einige +einigem +einigen +einiger +einiges +einmal +either +el +ela +elas +ele +eles +eleven +ella +ellas +elle +ellos +els +else +elsewhere +em +empty +en +encara +enough +ens +entre +er +era +erais +eram +eran +erano +eras +eravamo +eravate +eren +eres +eri +ero +es +esa +esas +ese +eso +esos +essa +essas +esse +essendo +esses +est +esta +está +esté +estaba +estabais +estábamos +estaban +estabas +estad +estada +estadas +estado +estados +estáis +estéis +estamos +están +estén +estando +estão +estar +estará +estaré +estaría +estaríais +estaríamos +estarían +estarías +estaréis +estarán +estarás +estaremos +estas +estás +estés +estava +estavam +estávamos +estaven +està +estàvem +estàveu +este +esteja +estejam +estejamos +estemos +estes +esteu +esteve +estivéramos +estivéssemos +estive +estivemos +estiver +estivera +estiveram +estiverem +estivermos +estivesse +estivessem +esto +estos +estou +estoy +estuve +estuviéramos +estuviésemos +estuviera +estuvierais +estuvieran +estuvieras +estuvieron +estuviese +estuvieseis +estuviesen +estuvieses +estuvimos +estuviste +estuvisteis +estuvo +et +etc +ets +etwas +eu +euch +eue +euer +eues +eure +eurem +euren +eurent +eurer +eures +eus +eusse +eussent +eusses +eussiez +eussions +eut +eux +even +ever +every +everyone +everything +everywhere +except +für +faccia +facciamo +facciano +facciate +faccio +facemmo +facendo +facesse +facessero +facessi +facessimo +faceste +facesti +faceva +facevamo +facevano +facevate +facevi +facevo +fai +fûmes +fanno +farò +farai +fôramos +faranno +farà +farebbe +farebbero +farei +faremmo +faremo +fareste +faresti +farete +fôssemos +fût +fûtes +fece +fecero +feci +few +fifteen +fify +fill +find +fins +fire +first +five +foi +fomos +for +fora +foram +forem +former +formerly +formos +forty +fosse +fossem +fossero +fossi +fossimo +foste +fosti +found +four +from +front +fu +fuéramos +fuésemos +fue +fuera +fuerais +fueran +fueras +fueron +fuese +fueseis +fuesen +fueses +fui +fuimos +fuiste +fuisteis +full +fummo +furent +furono +further +fus +fusse +fussent +fusses +fussiez +fussions +fut +gairebé +gegen +get +gewesen +give +gli +go +ha +há +hab +había +habíais +habíamos +habían +habías +habéis +habe +haben +habida +habidas +habido +habidos +habiendo +habrá +habré +habría +habríais +habríamos +habrían +habrías +habréis +habrán +habrás +habremos +had +hai +haja +hajam +hajamos +han +hanno +hão +has +hasnt +hasta +hat +hatte +hatten +have +havemos +havia +hay +haya +hayáis +hayamos +hayan +hayas +he +hei +hem +hemos +hence +her +here +hereafter +hereby +herein +hereupon +hers +herself +heu +hi +hier +him +himself +hin +hinter +his +ho +houvéramos +houvéssemos +houve +houvemos +houver +houvera +houverá +houveríamos +houveram +houverão +houverei +houverem +houveremos +houveria +houveriam +houvermos +houvesse +houvessem +how +however +hube +hubiéramos +hubiésemos +hubiera +hubierais +hubieran +hubieras +hubieron +hubiese +hubieseis +hubiesen +hubieses +hubimos +hubiste +hubisteis +hubo +hundred +i +ich +ici +ie +if +igual +iguals +ihm +ihn +ihnen +ihr +ihre +ihrem +ihren +ihrer +ihres +il +ils +im +in +inc +indeed +indem +ins +interest +into +io +is +isso +ist +isto +it +its +itself +j +ja +já +je +jede +jedem +jeden +jeder +jedes +jene +jenem +jenen +jener +jenes +jetzt +kann +können +könnte +keep +kein +keine +keinem +keinen +keiner +keines +l +la +las +last +latter +latterly +le +least +lei +les +less +leur +leurs +lhe +lhes +l'hi +li +li'n +llavors +lo +loro +los +ltd +lui +m +ma +mí +mía +même +mías +machen +made +mais +mal +malgrat +man +manche +manchem +manchen +mancher +manches +many +mío +míos +mas +más +més +mateix +mateixa +mateixes +mateixos +may +me +meanwhile +mein +meine +meinem +meinen +meiner +meines +mentre +mes +mesmo +meu +meus +meva +meves +m'he +mi +mia +mich +mie +miei +might +mill +mine +minha +minhas +mio +mir +mis +mit +moi +molt +molta +moltes +molts +mon +mons +more +moreover +most +mostly +move +much +mucho +muchos +muito +muss +musste +must +muy +my +myself +n +na +nós +nach +nada +name +namely +não +nas +ne +negl +negli +nei +neither +nel +nell +nella +nelle +nello +nem +never +nevertheless +next +n'he +n'hi +ni +nicht +nichts +nine +no +nobody +noch +nogensmenys +noi +només +non +none +noone +nor +nos +nosaltres +nosotras +nosotros +nossa +nossas +nosso +nossos +nostra +nostre +nostres +nostri +nostro +not +nothing +notre +nous +now +nowhere +nuestra +nuestras +nuestro +nuestros +num +numa +nun +nur +o +ob +oder +of +off +often +oh +ohne +oi +on +once +one +only +ont +onto +or +os +other +others +otherwise +otra +otras +otro +otros +ou +our +ours +ourselves +out +over +own +par +para +part +pas +pel +pela +pelas +pelo +pelos +pels +per +però +perché +perhaps +pero +perquè +più +please +poc +poca +poco +pocs +poques +por +porque +potser +pour +propi +put +qu +què +qué +qual +quale +quals +quan +quando +quant +quanta +quante +quanti +quanto +que +quel +quelcom +quella +quelle +quelles +quelli +quello +quels +quem +questa +queste +questi +questo +qui +quien +quienes +quin +quina +quines +quins +rather +re +s +sa +sí +só +sóc +són +same +sans +são +sarò +sarai +saranno +sarà +sarebbe +sarebbero +sarei +saremmo +saremo +sareste +saresti +sarete +se +sea +seáis +seamos +sean +seas +see +seem +seemed +seeming +seems +sehr +sei +sein +seine +seinem +seinen +seiner +seines +seja +sejam +sejamos +selbst +sem +semblant +semblants +sera +será +seré +sería +seríais +seríamos +serían +serías +serai +seraient +serais +seréis +serait +serán +serão +seras +serás +serei +seremos +serez +seria +seriam +seriez +serions +serious +serons +seront +ses +seu +seu +seus +seva +several +seves +s'ha +s'han +she +should +show +si +sia +siamo +siano +siate +sich +side +sido +sie +siendo +siete +sin +since +sincere +sind +six +sixty +so +sobre +sobretot +soi +soient +sois +soit +solament +solche +solchem +solchen +solcher +solches +soll +sollte +sols +some +somehow +someone +something +sometime +sometimes +somewhere +sommes +somos +son +son +sondern +sono +sons +sonst +sont +sota +sou +soy +soyez +soyons +sta +stai +stando +stanno +starò +starai +staranno +starà +starebbe +starebbero +starei +staremmo +staremo +stareste +staresti +starete +stava +stavamo +stavano +stavate +stavi +stavo +stemmo +stesse +stessero +stessi +stessimo +steste +stesti +stette +stettero +stetti +stia +stiamo +stiano +stiate +still +sto +su +sua +suas +such +sue +sugl +sugli +sui +suis +sul +sull +sulla +sulle +sullo +suo +suoi +sur +sus +suya +suyas +suyo +suyos +system +t +ta +take +tal +tém +també +também +también +tampoc +tan +tínhamos +tant +tanta +tantes +tanto +tú +te +tem +temos +ten +tenía +teníais +teníamos +tenían +tenías +tenéis +tendrá +tendré +tendría +tendríais +tendríamos +tendrían +tendrías +tendréis +tendrán +tendrás +tendremos +tened +tenemos +tenga +tengáis +tengamos +tengan +tengas +tengo +tenha +tenham +tenhamos +tenho +tenida +tenidas +tenido +tenidos +teniendo +terá +teríamos +terão +terei +teremos +teria +teriam +tes +teu +teus +teva +teve +teves +t'ha +than +t'han +that +the +t'he +their +them +themselves +then +thence +there +thereafter +thereby +therefore +therein +thereupon +these +they +thick +thin +third +this +those +though +three +through +throughout +thru +thus +ti +tiene +tienen +tienes +tinha +tinham +tivéramos +tivéssemos +tive +tivemos +tiver +tivera +tiveram +tiverem +tivermos +tivesse +tivessem +to +todo +todos +together +toi +ton +tons +too +top +tot +tota +totes +tots +toward +towards +tra +tu +tua +tuas +tue +tuo +tuoi +tus +tutti +tutto +tuve +tuviéramos +tuviésemos +tuviera +tuvierais +tuvieran +tuvieras +tuvieron +tuviese +tuvieseis +tuviesen +tuvieses +tuvimos +tuviste +tuvisteis +tuvo +tuya +tuyas +tuyo +tuyos +twelve +twenty +two +um +uma +un +una +und +under +une +unes +uno +unos +uns +unse +unsem +unsen +unser +unses +unter +until +up +upon +us +va +vaig +vam +van +vas +very +veu +vi +via +viel +você +vocês +voi +vom +von +vor +vos +vosaltres +vosotras +vosotros +vostra +vostre +vostres +vostri +vostro +votre +vous +vuestra +vuestras +vuestro +vuestros +würde +würden +während +war +waren +warst +was +we +weg +weil +weiter +welche +welchem +welchen +welcher +welches +well +wenn +werde +werden +were +what +whatever +when +whence +whenever +where +whereafter +whereas +whereby +wherein +whereupon +wherever +whether +which +while +whither +who +whoever +whole +whom +whose +why +wie +wieder +will +wir +wird +wirst +with +within +without +wo +wollen +wollte +would +y +ya +yet +yo +you +your +yours +yourself +yourselvesa +zu +zum +zur +zwar +zwischen diff --git a/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/ca.txt b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/ca.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..458ecf212 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/ca.txt @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +a +abans +ací +ah +així +això +al +als +aleshores +algun +alguna +algunes +alguns +alhora +allà +allí +allò +altra +altre +altres +amb +ambdós +ambdues +apa +aquell +aquella +aquelles +aquells +aquest +aquesta +aquestes +aquests +aquí +baix +cada +cadascú +cadascuna +cadascunes +cadascuns +com +contra +d'un +d'una +d'unes +d'uns +dalt +de +del +dels +des +després +dins +dintre +donat +doncs +durant +e +eh +el +els +em +en +encara +ens +entre +érem +eren +éreu +es +és +esta +està +estàvem +estaven +estàveu +esteu +et +etc +ets +fins +fora +gairebé +ha +han +has +havia +he +hem +heu +hi +ho +i +igual +iguals +ja +l'hi +la +les +li +li'n +llavors +m'he +ma +mal +malgrat +mateix +mateixa +mateixes +mateixos +me +mentre +més +meu +meus +meva +meves +molt +molta +moltes +molts +mon +mons +n'he +n'hi +ne +ni +no +nogensmenys +només +nosaltres +nostra +nostre +nostres +o +oh +oi +on +pas +pel +pels +per +però +perquè +poc +poca +pocs +poques +potser +propi +qual +quals +quan +quant +que +què +quelcom +qui +quin +quina +quines +quins +s'ha +s'han +sa +semblant +semblants +ses +seu +seus +seva +seva +seves +si +sobre +sobretot +sóc +solament +sols +son +són +sons +sota +sou +t'ha +t'han +t'he +ta +tal +també +tampoc +tan +tant +tanta +tantes +teu +teus +teva +teves +ton +tons +tot +tota +totes +tots +un +una +unes +uns +us +va +vaig +vam +van +vas +veu +vosaltres +vostra +vostre +vostres diff --git a/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/de.txt b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/de.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..721d5ca68 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/de.txt @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +über +aber +alle +allem +allen +aller +alles +als +also +am +an +ander +andere +anderem +anderen +anderer +anderes +anderm +andern +anderr +anders +auch +auf +aus +bei +bin +bis +bist +da +daß +damit +dann +das +dasselbe +dazu +dein +deine +deinem +deinen +deiner +deines +dem +demselben +den +denn +denselben +der +derer +derselbe +derselben +des +desselben +dessen +dich +die +dies +diese +dieselbe +dieselben +diesem +diesen +dieser +dieses +dir +doch +dort +du +durch +ein +eine +einem +einen +einer +eines +einig +einige +einigem +einigen +einiger +einiges +einmal +er +es +etwas +euch +euer +eure +eurem +euren +eurer +eures +für +gegen +gewesen +hab +habe +haben +hat +hatte +hatten +hier +hin +hinter +ich +ihm +ihn +ihnen +ihr +ihre +ihrem +ihren +ihrer +ihres +im +in +indem +ins +ist +jede +jedem +jeden +jeder +jedes +jene +jenem +jenen +jener +jenes +jetzt +kann +können +könnte +kein +keine +keinem +keinen +keiner +keines +machen +man +manche +manchem +manchen +mancher +manches +mein +meine +meinem +meinen +meiner +meines +mich +mir +mit +muss +musste +nach +nicht +nichts +noch +nun +nur +ob +oder +ohne +sehr +sein +seine +seinem +seinen +seiner +seines +selbst +sich +sie +sind +so +solche +solchem +solchen +solcher +solches +soll +sollte +sondern +sonst +um +und +uns +unse +unsem +unsen +unser +unses +unter +viel +vom +von +vor +würde +würden +während +war +waren +warst +was +weg +weil +weiter +welche +welchem +welchen +welcher +welches +wenn +werde +werden +wie +wieder +will +wir +wird +wirst +wo +wollen +wollte +zu +zum +zur +zwar +zwischen diff --git a/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/en.txt b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/en.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d3a39543f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/en.txt @@ -0,0 +1,546 @@ +a's +able +about +above +according +accordingly +across +actually +after +afterwards +again +against +ain't +all +allow +allows +almost +alone +along +already +also +although +always +am +among +amongst +an +and +another +any +anybody +anyhow +anyone +anything +anyway +anyways +anywhere +apart +appear +appreciate +appropriate +are +aren't +around +as +aside +ask +asking +associated +at +available +away +awfully +be +became +because +become +becomes +becoming +been +before +beforehand +behind +being +believe +below +beside +besides +best +better +between +beyond +both +brief +but +by +c +c'mon +c's +came +campaign +can +can't +cannot +cant +cause +causes +certain +certainly +changes +clearly +co +com +come +comes +concerning +consequently +consider +considering +contain +containing +contains +corresponding +could +couldn't +course +currently +definitely +described +despite +did +didn't +different +do +does +doesn't +doing +don't +done +down +downwards +during +each +edu +eight +either +else +elsewhere +enough +endorsed +entirely +especially +et +etc +even +ever +every +everybody +everyone +everything +everywhere +ex +exactly +example +except +far +few +fifth +first +financial +five +followed +following +follows +for +former +formerly +forth +four +from +further +furthermore +get +gets +getting +given +gives +go +goes +going +gone +got +gotten +greetings +had +hadn't +happens +hardly +has +hasn't +have +haven't +having +he +he's +hello +help +hence +her +here +here's +hereafter +hereby +herein +hereupon +hers +herself +hi +him +himself +his +hither +hopefully +how +howbeit +however +i'd +i'll +i'm +i've +if +ignored +immediate +in +inasmuch +inc +indeed +indicate +indicated +indicates +inner +insofar +instead +into +inward +is +isn't +it +it'd +it'll +it's +its +itself +just +keep +keeps +kept +know +knows +known +last +lately +later +latter +latterly +least +less +lest +let +let's +like +liked +likely +little +look +looking +looks +ltd +mainly +many +may +maybe +me +mean +meanwhile +merely +might +more +moreover +most +mostly +much +must +my +myself +name +namely +nd +near +nearly +necessary +need +needs +neither +never +nevertheless +new +next +nine +no +nobody +non +none +noone +nor +normally +not +nothing +novel +now +nowhere +obviously +of +off +often +oh +ok +okay +old +on +once +one +ones +only +onto +or +other +others +otherwise +ought +our +ours +ourselves +out +outside +over +overall +own +particular +particularly +per +perhaps +placed +please +plus +possible +presumably +probably +provides +quite +quote +quarterly +rather +really +reasonably +regarding +regardless +regards +relatively +respectively +right +said +same +saw +say +saying +says +second +secondly +see +seeing +seem +seemed +seeming +seems +seen +self +selves +sensible +sent +serious +seriously +seven +several +shall +she +should +shouldn't +since +six +so +some +somebody +somehow +someone +something +sometime +sometimes +somewhat +somewhere +soon +sorry +specified +specify +specifying +still +sub +such +sup +sure +t's +take +taken +tell +tends +than +thank +thanks +thanx +that +that's +thats +the +their +theirs +them +themselves +then +thence +there +there's +thereafter +thereby +therefore +therein +theres +thereupon +these +they +they'd +they'll +they're +they've +think +third +this +thorough +thoroughly +those +though +three +through +throughout +thru +thus +to +together +too +took +toward +towards +tried +tries +truly +try +trying +twice +two +under +unfortunately +unless +unlikely +until +unto +up +upon +us +use +used +useful +uses +using +usually +uucp +value +various +very +via +viz +vs +want +wants +was +wasn't +way +we +we'd +we'll +we're +we've +welcome +well +went +were +weren't +what +what's +whatever +when +whence +whenever +where +where's +whereafter +whereas +whereby +wherein +whereupon +wherever +whether +which +while +whither +who +who's +whoever +whole +whom +whose +why +will +willing +wish +with +within +without +won't +wonder +would +would +wouldn't +yes +yet +you +you'd +you'll +you're +you've +your +yours +yourself +yourselves +zero +official +sharply +criticized \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/es.txt b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/es.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be3901a04 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/es.txt @@ -0,0 +1,308 @@ +a +al +él +algo +algunas +algunos +ante +antes +éramos +como +con +contra +cual +cuando +de +del +desde +donde +durante +e +el +ella +ellas +ellos +en +entre +era +erais +eran +eras +eres +es +esa +esas +ese +eso +esos +esta +está +esté +estaba +estabais +estábamos +estaban +estabas +estad +estada +estadas +estado 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+mías +mío +míos +más +me +mi +mis +mucho +muchos +muy +nada +ni +no +nos +nosotras +nosotros +nuestra +nuestras +nuestro +nuestros +o +os +otra +otras +otro +otros +para +pero +poco +por +porque +qué +que +quien +quienes +sí +se +sea +seáis +seamos +sean +seas +será +seré +sería +seríais +seríamos +serían +serías +seréis +serán +serás +seremos +sido +siendo +sin +sobre +sois +somos +son +soy +su +sus +suya +suyas +suyo +suyos +también +tanto +tú +te +tenía +teníais +teníamos +tenían +tenías +tenéis +tendrá +tendré +tendría +tendríais +tendríamos +tendrían +tendrías +tendréis +tendrán +tendrás +tendremos +tened +tenemos +tenga +tengáis +tengamos +tengan +tengas +tengo +tenida +tenidas +tenido +tenidos +teniendo +ti +tiene +tienen +tienes +todo +todos +tu +tus +tuve +tuviéramos +tuviésemos +tuviera +tuvierais +tuvieran +tuvieras +tuvieron +tuviese +tuvieseis +tuviesen +tuvieses +tuvimos +tuviste +tuvisteis +tuvo +tuya +tuyas +tuyo +tuyos +un +una +uno +unos +vosotras +vosotros +vuestra +vuestras +vuestro +vuestros +y +ya +yo diff --git a/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/fr.txt b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/fr.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a0bda2a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/fr.txt @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +êtes +ai +aie +aient +aies +ait +as +été +étée +étées +étaient +étais +était +étant +étés +étiez +étions +au +aura +aurai +auraient +aurais +aurait +auras +aurez +auriez +aurions +aurons +auront +aux +avaient +avais +avait +avec +avez +aviez +avions +avons +ayant +ayez +ayons +à +c +ce +ceci +celà +ces +cet +cette +d +dans +de +des +du +eûmes +eût +eûtes +elle +en +es +est +et +eu +eue +eues +eurent +eus +eusse +eussent +eusses +eussiez +eussions +eut +eux +fûmes +fût +fûtes +furent +fus +fusse +fussent +fusses +fussiez +fussions +fut +ici +il +ils +j +je +l +la +le +les +leur +leurs +lui +m +ma +même +mais +me +mes +moi +mon +n +ne +nos +notre +nous +on +ont +ou +par +pas +pour +qu +que +quel +quelle +quelles +quels +qui +s +sa +sans +se +sera +serai +seraient +serais +serait +seras +serez +seriez +serions +serons +seront +ses +soi +soient +sois +soit +sommes +son +sont +soyez +soyons +suis +sur +t +ta +te +tes +toi +ton +tu +un +une +vos +votre +vous +y diff --git a/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/it.txt b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/it.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52fdd78a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/it.txt @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ +a +è +abbia +abbiamo +abbiano +abbiate +ad +agl +agli +ai +al +all +alla +alle +allo +anche +avemmo +avendo +avesse +avessero +avessi +avessimo +aveste +avesti +avete +aveva +avevamo +avevano +avevate +avevi +avevo +avrò +avrai +avranno +avrà +avrebbe +avrebbero +avrei +avremmo +avremo +avreste +avresti +avrete +avuta +avute +avuti +avuto +c +che +chi +ci +coi +col +come +con +contro +cui +da +dagl +dagli +dai +dal +dall +dalla +dalle +dallo +degl +degli +dei +del +dell +della +delle +dello +di +dov +dove +e +ebbe +ebbero +ebbi +ed +era +erano +eravamo +eravate +eri +ero +essendo +faccia +facciamo +facciano +facciate +faccio +facemmo +facendo +facesse +facessero +facessi +facessimo +faceste +facesti +faceva +facevamo +facevano +facevate +facevi +facevo +fai +fanno +farò +farai +faranno +farà +farebbe +farebbero +farei +faremmo +faremo +fareste +faresti +farete +fece +fecero +feci +fosse +fossero +fossi +fossimo +foste +fosti +fu +fui +fummo +furono +gli +ha +hai +hanno +ho +i +il +in +io +l +la +le +lei +li +lo +loro +lui +ma +mi +mia +mie +miei +mio +ne +negl +negli +nei +nel +nell +nella +nelle +nello +noi +non +nostra +nostre +nostri +nostro +o +per +perché +più +quale +quanta +quante +quanti +quanto +quella +quelle +quelli +quello +questa +queste +questi +questo +sarò +sarai +saranno +sarà +sarebbe +sarebbero +sarei +saremmo +saremo +sareste +saresti +sarete +se +sei +si +sia +siamo +siano +siate +siete +sono +sta +stai +stando +stanno +starò +starai +staranno +starà +starebbe +starebbero +starei +staremmo +staremo +stareste +staresti +starete +stava +stavamo +stavano +stavate +stavi +stavo +stemmo +stesse +stessero +stessi +stessimo +steste +stesti +stette +stettero +stetti +stia +stiamo +stiano +stiate +sto +su +sua +sue +sugl +sugli +sui +sul +sull +sulla +sulle +sullo +suo +suoi +ti +tra +tu +tua +tue +tuo +tuoi +tutti +tutto +un +una +uno +vi +voi +vostra +vostre +vostri +vostro diff --git a/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/pt.txt b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/pt.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9723b3798 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/pt.txt @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +a +ao +aos +aquela +aquelas +aquele +aqueles +aquilo +éramos +as +até +à +às +com +como +da +das +de +dela +delas +dele +deles +depois +do +dos +e +ela +elas +ele +eles +em +entre +era +eram +essa +essas +esse +esses +esta +está +estamos +estão +estas +estava +estavam +estávamos +este +esteja +estejam +estejamos +estes +esteve +estivéramos +estivéssemos +estive +estivemos +estiver +estivera +estiveram +estiverem +estivermos +estivesse +estivessem +estou +eu +fôramos +fôssemos +foi +fomos +for +fora +foram +forem +formos +fosse +fossem +fui +há +haja +hajam +hajamos +hão +havemos +hei +houvéramos +houvéssemos +houve +houvemos +houver +houvera +houverá +houveríamos +houveram +houverão +houverei +houverem +houveremos +houveria +houveriam +houvermos +houvesse +houvessem +isso +isto +já +lhe +lhes +mais +mas +me +mesmo +meu +meus +minha +minhas +muito +na +nós +não +nas +nem +no +nos +nossa +nossas +nosso +nossos +num +numa +o +os +ou +para +pela +pelas +pelo +pelos +por +qual +quando +que +quem +só +são +se +seja +sejam +sejamos +sem +será +seríamos +serão +serei +seremos +seria +seriam +seu +seus +somos +sou +sua +suas +tém +também +tínhamos +te +tem +temos +tenha +tenham +tenhamos +tenho +terá +teríamos +terão +terei +teremos +teria +teriam +teu +teus +teve +tinha +tinham +tivéramos +tivéssemos +tive +tivemos +tiver +tivera +tiveram +tiverem +tivermos +tivesse +tivessem +tu +tua +tuas +um +uma +você +vocês +vos From c6ccc8adde01b8832324aab2e54d0e605cb65488 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jesus Lanchas Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 14:22:45 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Complement to the previous commit. --- pom.xml | 11 +- .../com/gravity/goose/text/stopwords-en.txt | 546 ------------------ .../gravity/goose/network/HtmlFetcher.scala | 56 +- .../com/gravity/goose/text/StopWords.scala | 28 +- 4 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 585 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 src/main/resources/com/gravity/goose/text/stopwords-en.txt diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml index 9be4d60bf..b0607836d 100644 --- a/pom.xml +++ b/pom.xml @@ -105,6 +105,15 @@ + + + + com.googlecode.juniversalchardet + juniversalchardet + 1.0.3 + compile + +