Dashboard's main purpose is to give an overview of what users in the workspace are doing and have been doing. Dashboard request returns two objects:
- Activity
- Most active user
The activity object holds the data of 10 latest actions in the workspace. Activity object has the following properties
- user_id: user ID
- project_id: project ID (ID is 0 if time entry doesn't have project connected to it)
- duration: time entry duration in seconds. If the time entry is currently running, the duration attribute contains a negative value, denoting the start of the time entry in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970). The correct duration can be calculated as current_time + duration, where current_time is the current time in seconds since epoch.
- description: (Description property is not present if time entry description is empty)
- stop: time entry stop time (ISO 8601 date and time. Stop property is not present when time entry is still running)
- tid: task id, if applicable
The most active user object holds the data of the top 5 users who have tracked the most time during last 7 days. Most active user object has the following properties
- user_id: user ID
- duration: Sum of time entry durations that have been created during last 7 days
##Get Dashboard data##
GET https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/dashboard/{workspace_id}
Example request
curl -v -u 1971800d4d82861d8f2c1651fea4d212:api_token \
-X GET https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/dashboard/3134975
Successful response
"description":"new design"
"description":"writing post"
"description":"research for presentation",