Tasks are available only for pro workspaces.
Task has the following properties
- name: The name of the task (string, required, unique in project)
- pid: project ID for the task (integer, required)
- wid: workspace ID, where the task will be saved (integer, project's workspace id is used when not supplied)
- uid: user ID, to whom the task is assigned to (integer, not required)
- estimated_seconds: estimated duration of task in seconds (integer, not required)
- active: whether the task is done or not (boolean, by default true)
- at: timestamp that is sent in the response for PUT, indicates the time task was last updated
- tracked_seconds: total time tracked (in seconds) for the task
Workspace id (wid) and project id (pid) can't be changed on update.
##Actions for single project user## ###Create a task###
POST https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks
Example request
curl -v -u 1971800d4d82861d8f2c1651fea4d212:api_token \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"task":{"name":"A new task","pid":777}}' \
-X POST https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks
Successful response
"data": {
"name":"A new task",
###Get task details###
GET https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks/{task_id}
Example request
curl -v -u 1971800d4d82861d8f2c1651fea4d212:api_token \
-X GET https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks/1335076912
Successful response
"data": {
"name":"A new task",
###Update a task###
PUT https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks/{task_id}
Example request
curl -v -u 1971800d4d82861d8f2c1651fea4d212:api_token \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"task":{"active":false,"estimated_seconds":3600,"fields":"done_seconds,uname"}}' \
-X PUT https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks/1335076912
Successful response
"data": {
"name":"A new task",
"uname": "John Swift",
"done_seconds": 1200
###Delete a task###
DELETE https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks/{task_id}
Example request
curl -v -u 1971800d4d82861d8f2c1651fea4d212:api_token \
-X DELETE https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks/1335076912
Successful request will return 200 OK
. If the user has no access to delete, you'll get a status code 4xx
##Mass Actions##
###Update multiple tasks###
By supplying multiple task ids, you can mass update tasks. This is good for marking tasks as done or not done (active
PUT https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks/{task_ids}
Example request
curl -v -u 1971800d4d82861d8f2c1651fea4d212:api_token \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"task":{"active":false,"fields":"done_seconds,uname"}}' \
-X PUT https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks/1335076912,1335076911
Successful response is an array of tasks.
"data": [
"name":"A new task",
"uname": "John Swift",
"done_seconds": 1200
}, {
"name":"Another task",
"done_seconds": 10
###Delete multiple tasks###
By supplying multiple task ids, you can mass delete tasks.
DELETE https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks/{task_ids}
Example request
curl -v -u 1971800d4d82861d8f2c1651fea4d212:api_token \
-X DELETE https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks/1335076912,1335076911,1335076910
Successful request will return 200 OK
. If the user has no access to delete, you'll get a status code 4xx