In this tutorial, you will:
- learn how to run
in interactive mode and export the transcript of the created dialogue ; and - learn how to run
on a single dialogue transcript in order to directly compute online metrics for each turn.
can be ran in interactive mode to simulate an ongoing chat dialogue.
can take an optional dialogue transcript that represents the
starting point of the dialogue. If no dialogue transcript is provided, dialign-online
starts from an empty dialogue.
In this tutorial, the transcript "excerpt-alice-partial.tsv" is used as a starting point. Its content is reproduced below:
Human: okay well but the books like there are many eh facts in the book which are against the law of physics like the piece of cake which is which makes eh Alice bigger or smaller i don't remember but which
Agent: indeed
Human: yeah eh does the piece of cake makes Alice bigger or smaller ?
Agent: the piece of cake grows Alice
Human: grows Alice okay and what makes her smaller ?
Agent: sorry could you repeat that ?
Human: what makes eh Alice smaller ?
The dialogue format used by dialign-online
is the same
format (tab-separated values)
as the one used for corpus studies.
To start an interactive session, just run dialign-online
with or without a dialogue
java -jar dialign-online.jar -f excerpt-alice-partial.tsv
# if no dialogue transcript is provided, simply do:
# java -jar dialign-online.jar
Results :
prints the current dialogue history and then prompts for the next
step. To obtain a description of the possible options, just enter "h" (as "help"):
Next, let's try to score a new utterance with the following features:
- Locutor: "Agent"
- Utterance: "throughout the book there are many making her smaller"
To do that, enter "s" (as "score") and specify the "locutor" and the "utterance". This returns the following result:
Scoring the utterance returns multiple information:
- information related to verbal alignement:
- DER (Dynamic Expression Repetition) which scores between 0.0 (not all) and 1.0 (completely) how much the utterance reuses shared lexical patterns
- Reused shared lexical patterns: the list of shared lexical patterns that are reused in this utterance
- Established shared lexical patterns: the list of shared lexical patterns that are reused for the first time (thus "established")
- information related to self-repetitions:
- DSER (Dynamic Self-repetition Expression Repetition): which scores between 0.0 (not all) and 1.0 (completely) how much the utterance reuses self-repetitions
- Reused self-repetition patterns: the list of self-repetitions that are reused in this utterance.
Then, the scored utterance can be added to the dialogue history ("y") or discarded ("n", default choice). Here, let's add the utterance ("y"):
It is also possible to directly add an utterance by pressing "a". For instance, let's directly add the following utterance:
- Locutor: "Human"
- Utterance: "i'm sorry i didn't understand"
Directly adding this utterance gives:
Then, let's score the following agent response:
- Locutor: "Agent"
- Utterance: "throughout the book there are many passages where Alice shrinks"
This gives the following scoring results:
Note that this last utterance both verbally aligns and verbally self-repeats. Let's add the utterance to the dialogue history by pressing "y".
To conclude this tutorial, let's export the created dialogue. To do this, simply press "e" and enter a filepath:
Exporting produces a tsv
file with the following columns (the full file is available at
locutor utterance der sharedExpressions establishedSharedExpressions dser selfRepetitions
: the locutor of the utteranceutterance
: the text content of the utteranceder
: the "Dynamic Expression Repetition" score of the utterancesharedExpressions
: the list of shared lexical patterns reused in this utteranceestablishedSharedExpressions
: the list of shared lexical patterns established in this utterancedser
: the "Dynamic Self-repetition Expression Repetition" score of the utteranceselfRepetitions
: the list of lexical self-repetitions used in the utterance
Finally, the interactive session can be closed by pressing "q" (as "quit").
can be ran directly on a file to compute online metrics for each
To do this, an input dialogue transcript and an output tsv
file should be provided.
For instance with:
- input dialogue transcript:
- output
can be executed as follows:
java -jar dialign-online.jar -f excerpt-alice-partial.tsv -o dialign-online-excerpt-alice-partial.tsv
The output file format is the same as exporting from the interactive session (see above).