All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Indexed-repeat() function
- Calculation on a select_one question inside a repeat clone throws an exception.
- Enable print script for themes based on Grid Theme that include "grid" in the theme name.
- Do not attempt to load table/radio/likert/media grid widgets when they are not required.
- Even faster validation for some forms.
- Screen view remaining at full screen width after printing form with Grid Theme.
- Print dialog buttons not visible with Grid Theme (Enketo Express).
- Sequential notes overlapping each other with Grid Theme.
- Exception occuring in some specific cases when loading an existing record.
- Faster default repeat creation (with repeat count).
- Faster click responses, especially on low-powered devices.
- Faster widget loading.
- Grid theme breakpoint to switch to single column changed from 700px to 600px.
- Form wider than screen on small screens.
- Sidebar records and handle not clickable in pages mode on touchscreens.
- Branch update performance
- Calculate update performance
- Widget loading performance
- Top border missing and margin too small when a visible note is preceded by a hidden note.
- Any branch containing a geoshape widget caused an exception to occur when it was made irrelevant.
- Appearance 'horizontal' no longer displays with evenly-spaced columns.
- Some buttons in Safari have border and background when they shouldn't have.
- Side bar in Safari is not stretching to bottom.
- When existing instance with multiple repeats is loaded, only the first repeat is created and populated.
- XML nodenames ending with hyphen or underscore failed to be found.
- critical: All non-native form logic fails to evaluate in Internet Explorer.
- Text and number inputs in Grid Theme now displayed in full cell width.
- Remove existing content form external instances.
- Geowidget not displayed displayed in full width in pages mode with Grid Theme.
- Hide/show input fields button in Geo Widgets in Grid Theme not clickable after clicking show.
- Support for current()
- Very slow validation performance when form contains radiobuttons or checkboxes.
- Slow XPath evaluator performance by avoiding the need to clone the XML model.
- Maintaining default namespaces in model & instance when provided in XForm.
- Updated tests to latest Jasmine and switched to Karma test runner.
- Save as Draft functionality broken in pages mode.
- Ability to pass external XML data to the form object.
- Updated installation instructions.
- Cleaner, more robust way of passing parameters to instantiate Form.
- Sample form link in developer template.
- If itext reference element for itemset item cannot be found use the itextref ID as label instead.
- Change log
- In media input widget, when media is too large, record is still populated with file name.
- Ability to extract meta data from cookies signed with the Express cookie-parser.
- Grid theme in pages mode shows all questions at full width.
- Loading a file input with existing value.
- Ability to extract instanceName from model
- Printing the Grid Theme
- Pages mode in developer template.
- Grid Theme thanks to KoBo and iMMAP
- File name not cleared when file is removed from File widget.
- Two markdown links in a note get merged into one.
- Repeats without a wrapping do not work.
- Improved performance of repeat cloning.
- Margin around repeat buttons.
- Select minimal in first repeat unchecks itself when it is cloned.
- False edited event fired.
- Short form and short page does not get stretched to bottom of window.
- App breaks when form is loaded with default value for geopoint, geoshape or geotrace widget.
- Logic not re-evaluated when /path/to/node/* syntax is used.
- Ability to use Google Map tile layers in geo widgets
- In sample development controller, files from file inputs not obtained.