- Remove lambda and remove reads shorter than 4kb from nanopore data
RAW=$(realpath $DIR/../0-raw/) printf "$RAW/%s/fastq_pass.fq.gz\n" "${runs[@]}" | xargs $DIR/apps/devour -t 20 -l 4000 | gzip > $DIR/1-assemble/kd/clean.fq.gz
- Assemble contigs using canu
ml canu/2.1 canu \ -p canu -d $DIR/1-assemble/kd \ genomeSize=590m \ gridOptions="-A191400-327070 --time=48:00:00" \ useGrid=true \ -nanopore $DIR/1-assemble/kd/clean.fq.gz
canu/2.1 n 2264 n:500 2264 L50 54 min 1197 N75 1201645 N50 2757100 N25 4885516 E-size 4190213 max 22.95e6 sum 551.1e6 - clean canu directory
pushd $DIR/1-assemble/kd rm -fr canu-logs/ \ canu-scripts/ \ canu.seqStore/ \ correction/ \ trimming/ \ unitigging/ \ canu.out gzip *.fasta canu.contigs.layout.* git add canu.report canu.seqStore.err git annex add canu.contigs.fasta.gz \ canu.contigs.layout.readToTig.gz \ canu.contigs.layout.tigInfo.gz \ canu.correctedReads.fasta.gz \ canu.trimmedReads.fasta.gz \ canu.unassembled.fasta.gz
- Create combined FASTQ file
ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) for file in "${runs[@]}"; do tar -Oxf $ROOT/wgs/0-raw/$file done | zcat -f > $DIR/1-assemble/kk/combined.fq
- Assemble with hifiasm
ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) PATH=$DIR/apps/hifiasm-0.18.5-r499/:$PATH RAW=$ROOT/wgs/0-raw hifiasm -t $CPUS -o $DIR/1-assemble/kk/genome \ --h1 $RAW/Kk/hi-c/Kk_HiC_CKDL220020123-1A_HCWYNDSX5_L1_1.fq.gz \ --h2 $RAW/Kk/hi-c/Kk_HiC_CKDL220020123-1A_HCWYNDSX5_L1_2.fq.gz \ $DIR/1-assemble/kk/combined.fq awk '/^S/{print ">"$2;print $3}' \ $DIR/1-assemble/kk/genome.hic.p_ctg.gfa \ > $DIR/1-assemble/kk/genome.hic.p_ctg.fa awk '/^S/{print ">"$2;print $3}' \ $DIR/1-assemble/kk/genome.hic.hap1.p_ctg.gfa \ > $DIR/1-assemble/kk/genome.hic.hap1.p_ctg.fa awk '/^S/{print ">"$2;print $3}' \ $DIR/1-assemble/kk/genome.hic.hap2.p_ctg.gfa \ > $DIR/1-assemble/kk/genome.hic.hap2.p_ctg.fa
- Create combined FASTQ file
ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) for file in "${runs[@]}"; do tar -Oxf $ROOT/wgs/0-raw/$file done | zcat -f > $DIR/1-assemble/kc/combined.fq
- Assemble with hifiasm
ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) PATH=$DIR/apps/hifiasm-0.18.5-r499/:$PATH RAW=$ROOT/wgs/0-raw hifiasm -t $CPUS -o $DIR/1-assemble/kc/genome \ --h1 $RAW/Kc/hi-c/Kc_HiC_CKDL220020122-1A_HCWYNDSX5_L1_1.fq.gz \ --h2 $RAW/Kc/hi-c/Kc_HiC_CKDL220020122-1A_HCWYNDSX5_L1_2.fq.gz \ $DIR/1-assemble/kc/combined.fq awk '/^S/{print ">"$2;print $3}' \ $DIR/1-assemble/kc/genome.hic.p_ctg.gfa \ > $DIR/1-assemble/kc/genome.hic.p_ctg.fa awk '/^S/{print ">"$2;print $3}' \ $DIR/1-assemble/kc/genome.hic.hap1.p_ctg.gfa \ > $DIR/1-assemble/kc/genome.hic.hap1.p_ctg.fa awk '/^S/{print ">"$2;print $3}' \ $DIR/1-assemble/kc/genome.hic.hap2.p_ctg.gfa \ > $DIR/1-assemble/kc/genome.hic.hap2.p_ctg.fa
ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
ml singularity/3.8.3
# clean up singularity medaka command. take the first element as
# subcommand, then remove it from stack. Pass the remaining stack to
# medaka cmd.
medaka () {
singularity exec -B $ROOT $DIR/apps/medaka_v1.7.1.sif $cmd $@;
for KOKIA in kc kk; do
medaka consensus -t $CPUS -m r104_e81_sup_g5015 \
-i $DIR/1-assemble/$KOKIA/combined.fq \
-d $DIR/1-assemble/$KOKIA/genome.hic.p_ctg.fa \
-o $DIR/2-polish/$KOKIA/
Name | Polsihed Genomes |
Kc | 2-polish/kc/consensus.fasta |
Kd | 1-assemble/kd/canu.contigs.fasta |
Kk | 2-polish/kk/consensus.fasta |
Name | Forward | Reverse |
Kc | Kc/hi-c/Kc_HiC_CKDL220020122-1A_HCWYNDSX5_L1_1.fq.gz | Kc/hi-c/Kc_HiC_CKDL220020122-1A_HCWYNDSX5_L1_2.fq.gz |
Kk | Kk/hi-c/Kk_HiC_CKDL220020123-1A_HCWYNDSX5_L1_1.fq.gz | Kk/hi-c/Kk_HiC_CKDL220020123-1A_HCWYNDSX5_L1_2.fq.gz |
Kd | kd/hi-c/kokia_S3HiC_R1.fastq.gz | kd/hi-c/kokia_S3HiC_R2.fastq.gz |
- Create bwa database for assembly
ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) PATH=$DIR/apps/bwa-0.7.17:$PATH line=$(sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p <<<"$genomes") read name fasta <<<"$line" bwa index -a bwtsw -p $DIR/3-scaffolding/0-db/$name $DIR/$fasta
- Align Hi-C data to assembly
ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) RAW=$(realpath $ROOT/wgs/0-raw/) PATH=$DIR/apps/bwa-0.7.17:$PATH PATH=$DIR/apps/samtools-1.17/bin:$PATH PATH=$PATH:$DIR/apps/samblaster-v.0.1.26/ line=$(sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p <<<"$data") read name fwd rev <<<"$line" bwa mem -5SP -t 48 $DIR/3-scaffolding/0-db/$name $RAW/$fwd $RAW/$rev | samblaster | samtools view -bS -F 2316 | samtools sort -m 60G -o $DIR/3-scaffolding/1-bwa/$name.bam samtools index $DIR/3-scaffolding/1-bwa/$name.bam
- Run yahs
ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) PATH=$DIR/apps/yahs/:$PATH line=$(sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p <<<"$genomes") read name fasta <<<"$line" yahs $DIR/$fasta $DIR/3-scaffolding/1-bwa/$name.bam \ -o $DIR/3-scaffolding/2-yahs/$name
Based on the dotplot to kirkii, scaffold_1 for both Kc and Kk and scaffold_2 and scaffold_7 in Kc contain multiple chrs. Using hic contact map to split those scaffolds.
- Get regions
for name in Kc Kk; do awk '$1 == "scaffold_1" && $5 == "W" {printf "%s:%d-%d\n", $6, $7, $8}' \ 3-scaffolding/2-yahs/${name}_scaffolds_final.agp \ > 3-scaffolding/3-split/$name.scaff1.regions done name=Kc awk '$1 == "scaffold_2" && $5 == "W" {printf "%s:%d-%d\n", $6, $7, $8}' \ 3-scaffolding/2-yahs/${name}_scaffolds_final.agp \ > 3-scaffolding/3-split/$name.scaff2.regions name=Kc awk '$1 == "scaffold_7" && $5 == "W" {printf "%s:%d-%d\n", $6, $7, $8}' \ 3-scaffolding/2-yahs/${name}_scaffolds_final.agp \ > 3-scaffolding/3-split/$name.scaff7.regions
- Plot
ml gd/ # for scaff in Kk.scaff1 Kc.scaff1 Kc.scaff2 Kc.scaff7; do for scaff in Kc.scaff7; do name=${scaff:0:2} $DIR/apps/hic-viz/hic-viz -m 600 -b 300 -s 5 \ -r $DIR/3-scaffolding/3-split/$scaff.regions \ $DIR/3-scaffolding/1-bwa/$name.bam \ > $DIR/3-scaffolding/3-split/$scaff.png done
- split scaffolds
ml python awk '$1 == "scaffold_1" && $6 == "ptg000024l" && $7==1 ; $1 == "scaffold_1" && $6 == "ptg000120l" && $7==1 ; $1 == "scaffold_1" && $6 == "ptg000004l" && $7==4001 ; $1 == "scaffold_1" && $6 == "ptg000153l" && $7==375001 ; $1 == "scaffold_1" && $6 == "ptg000592l" && $7==8001 ; $1 == "scaffold_2" && $6 == "ptg000137l" && $7==1 ; $1 == "scaffold_2" && $6 == "ptg000330l" && $7==1 $1 == "scaffold_7" && $6 == "ptg000740l" && $7==11001 $1 == "scaffold_7" && $6 == "ptg000242l" && $7==1 $1 == "scaffold_7" && $6 == "ptg000337l" && $7==3001 $1 == "scaffold_7" && $6 == "ptg000285l" && $7==1041001 ' \ FS="\t" OFS="\t" \ $DIR/3-scaffolding/2-yahs/Kc_scaffolds_final.agp | awk '{_[$1] = _[$1] "," ($2-1)} END {for( i in _ ) { sub("^,", "", _[i]); print i, _[i] }}' OFS="\t" | agptools split /dev/stdin \ $DIR/3-scaffolding/2-yahs/Kc_scaffolds_final.agp \ > $DIR/3-scaffolding/Kc.agp awk '$1 == "scaffold_1" && $6 == "ptg000053l" && $7==1 ;' \ $DIR/3-scaffolding/2-yahs/Kk_scaffolds_final.agp | awk '{_[$1] = _[$1] "," ($2-1)} END {for( i in _ ) { sub("^,", "", _[i]); print i, _[i] }}' OFS="\t" | agptools split /dev/stdin \ $DIR/3-scaffolding/2-yahs/Kk_scaffolds_final.agp \ > $DIR/3-scaffolding/Kk.agp
- make fasta
ml python cat <<<"$genomes" | while read name fasta; do agptools assemble $DIR/$fasta \ $DIR/3-scaffolding/$name.agp \ > $DIR/3-scaffolding/$name.fa done
- Align to kirkii
ml minimap2/2.17 name=$(sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p <<<"$genomes") minimap2 -x asm5 -t 48 \ $DIR/0-ref/kirkii.fa \ $DIR/3-scaffolding/$name.fa \ > $DIR/4-arrange/$name.paf
- Dotplot
name=$(sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p <<<"$genomes") cd $DIR/4-arrange Rscript $DIR/apps/pafCoordsDotPlotly.R \ -i $DIR/4-arrange/$name.paf \ -o $name \ -m 20000 \ -p 12 \ -x -s -t -l
- Orient and arrange using kirkii
ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) name=$(sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p <<<"$genomes") ml singularity ragtag () { singularity exec --no-home -B$ROOT \ $DIR/apps/ragtag_2.1.0--pyhb7b1952_0.sif \ ragtag.py "$@" } ragtag scaffold -t 48 -q 60 -i 0.75 \ -o $DIR/4-arrange/3-ragtag/$name \ $DIR/0-ref/kirkii.fa \ $DIR/3-scaffolding/$name.fa
- Join yahs scaffolds based on ragtag arrangment
ml python name=$(sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p <<<"$genomes") awk '$5 == "W" { _[$1] = _[$1] "," $9 $6; } END {for( i in _ ) { sub("^,", "", _[i]); print _[i], i; }}' OFS="\t" \ $DIR/4-arrange/3-ragtag/$name/ragtag.scaffold.agp | sed -e "s/KI_/${name}_/" -e "s/_RagTag//"| sort -k2,2 | agptools join -n 100 -t scaffold -e align_xgenus \ /dev/stdin $DIR/3-scaffolding/$name.agp \ > $DIR/4-arrange/$name.agp
- Plot
PATH=$DIR/apps/hic-viz/:$PATH PATH=$DIR/apps/agp-curator/:$PATH scaff=$1 name=${scaff:0:2} if [ ! -e $DIR/4-arrange/$name.$scaff.png ]; then awk '$1 == chr && $5 == "W" { sub("+", "", $9); printf "%s%s:%d-%d\n", $9, $6, $7, $8 }' chr=$scaff $DIR/4-arrange/$name.agp | hic-viz -m 600 -b 300 -s 8 -r /dev/stdin \ -f /usr/share/fonts/dejavu-sans-fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf \ -o $DIR/4-arrange/$name.$scaff.png \ $DIR/3-scaffolding/1-bwa/$name.bam fi magpie $DIR/5-curate/$name.magpie \ $DIR/4-arrange/$name.agp \ > $DIR/5-curate/$name.agp awk '$1 == chr && $5 == "W" { sub("+", "", $9); printf "%s%s:%d-%d\n", $9, $6, $7, $8 }' chr=$scaff $DIR/5-curate/$name.agp | hic-viz -m 600 -b 300 -s 8 -r /dev/stdin \ -f /usr/share/fonts/dejavu-sans-fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf \ -o $DIR/5-curate/$name.$scaff.png \ $DIR/3-scaffolding/1-bwa/$name.bam
- Assemble and align curated genomes to kirkii
ml python minimap2/2.14 DIR=/home/maa146/Projects/Kokia/wgs/1-assembly name=$(sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p <<<"$genomes") ~/.local/bin/agptools assemble \ $DIR/2-polish/$name.fa \ $DIR/5-curate/$name.agp \ > $DIR/5-curate/$name.fa minimap2 -x asm5 \ $DIR/0-ref/kirkii.fa.gz \ $DIR/5-curate/$name.fa \ > $DIR/5-curate/$name.paf cd $DIR/5-curate Rscript $DIR/apps/pafCoordsDotPlotly.R \ -i $DIR/5-curate/$name.paf \ -o $name \ -m 20000 \ -p 20 \ -x -s -t -l
- Align hic to curated genomes
- Create bwa database for assembly
ml python ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) PATH=$DIR/apps/bwa-0.7.17:$PATH PATH=$DIR/apps/agp-curator/:$PATH name=$(sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p <<<"$genomes") magpie $DIR/5-curate/$name.magpie \ $DIR/4-arrange/$name.agp \ > $DIR/5-curate/$name.agp agptools assemble \ $DIR/2-polish/$name.fa \ $DIR/5-curate/$name.agp \ > $DIR/5-curate/$name.fa bwa index -a bwtsw \ -p $DIR/5-curate/hic/0-db/$name \ $DIR/5-curate/$name.fa
- Align Hi-C data to assembly
ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) RAW=$(realpath $ROOT/wgs/0-raw/) PATH=$DIR/apps/bwa-0.7.17:$PATH PATH=$DIR/apps/samtools-1.17/bin:$PATH PATH=$PATH:$DIR/apps/samblaster-v.0.1.26/ line=$(sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p <<<"$data") read name fwd rev <<<"$line" bwa mem -5SP -t 48 \ $DIR/5-curate/hic/0-db/$name $RAW/$fwd $RAW/$rev | samblaster | samtools view -bS -F 2316 | samtools sort -m 60G \ -o $DIR/5-curate/hic/1-bwa/$name.bam samtools index $DIR/5-curate/hic/1-bwa/$name.bam
- Create bwa database for assembly
yahs split some contigs that are now adjacent in the agp file. Finding and combining all those to reduce gaps.
ml python
cat <<<"$genomes" |
while read name; do
magpie --simplify \
$DIR/5-curate/$name.magpie \
$DIR/4-arrange/$name.agp \
> $DIR/5-curate/$name.agp
agptools assemble \
$DIR/2-polish/$name.fa \
$DIR/5-curate/$name.agp |
gzip > $DIR/5-curate/$name.fa.gz
Kd was curated manually. Only thing needed is to orient chrs based on kirkii
# minimap2 -x asm5 $DIR/0-ref/kirkii.fa.gz $Kd |
cat $DIR/5-curate/Kd.paf |
awk '$11 >= 100000 {
i = 1;
if($5 == "-") i = -1;
_[$1] += i; }
END{for(i in _) print i, _[i];}' OFS="\t" |
while read chr dir; do
flags="--mark-strand no"
if [ $dir -lt 0 ]; then
flags="-i $flags"
samtools faidx $flags $Kd $chr
done |
gzip > $DIR/5-curate/Kd.fa.gz
Mostly ONT adapter contamination found on the end of internal contigs; however, since I’ve uploaded gapped fasta files, the contamination check won’t remove them.
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($contam_file, $genome_file) = @ARGV;
my $fh;
my $contam = {};
open($fh, $contam_file);
my $headers;
#skip empty lines
next unless length $_;
if($_ eq "Exclude:" || $_ eq "Trim:"){
$_ = readline $fh;
$headers=[split ", "];
#skip header lines
next unless defined $headers;
my %d;
@d{@$headers} = split "\t";
$contam->{$d{"Sequence name"}} ||= [];
push(@{$contam->{$d{"Sequence name"}}}, $d{"span(s)"});
open($fh, $genome_file);
my $curpos;
while(<$fh>) {
next unless s/^>//;
my $h = $_;
my $s ="";
for ($curpos = tell($fh); $_ = readline($fh); $curpos = tell($fh)) {
seek($fh, $curpos, 0);
$s .= $_;
# trim
foreach my $range (@{$contam->{$h}}){
my ($start, $end) = split "[.][.]", $range, 2;
$start -= 1;
my $length = $end - $start;
my $type;
if($start == 0 ||
substr($s, $start-1, 1) eq "N" ||
substr($s, $end, 1) eq "N" ||
substr($s, $end, 1) eq "") {
$type = "Extending";
} else {
$type = "Adding";
print STDERR join "\t", $h, $range, $length, $type,
substr($s, $start, $length);
print STDERR "\n";
my $check = length($s);
substr($s, $start, $length, "X"x$length);
die "$check != " . length($s)
unless $check == length($s);
print STDERR substr($s, $start, $length);
print STDERR "\n"
# exclude
print STDERR join "\t", $h, "Exclude";
print STDERR "\n";
my $gap = "N"x100;
printf ">%s\n%s\n", $h,
join($gap, grep {length($_) >= 200} split "[NXnx]+", $s);
First Pass
for i in Kc Kd Kk; do
./6-ncbi/remove.contam.pl \
6-ncbi/first/Contamination_$i.txt \
5-curate/$i.fa \
2> 6-ncbi/first/$i.report |
fold -w60 > 6-ncbi/first/$i.fa;
Second Pass.
for i in Kc Kk; do
gunzip 6-ncbi/$i.fa.gz
./6-ncbi/remove.contam.pl \
6-ncbi/second/Contamination_$i.2.txt \
6-ncbi/$i.fa \
2> 6-ncbi/second/$i.report |
fold -w60 > 6-ncbi/second/$i.fa;
./6-ncbi/seq-lengh.pl 6-ncbi/second/$i.fa \
> 6-ncbi/second/$i.len
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw/min max/;
my ($genome_file) = @ARGV;
my $fh;
open($fh, $genome_file);
my $curpos;
while(<$fh>) {
next unless s/^>//;
my $h = $_;
my $s ="";
for ($curpos = tell($fh); $_ = readline($fh); $curpos = tell($fh)) {
seek($fh, $curpos, 0);
$s .= $_;
my @contigs = map {length} split 'NN*', $s;
print join "\t", $h, length($s), scalar(@contigs),
min(@contigs), max(@contigs);
print "\n";