- Find highly conserved regions in all marine dolphin mitos
- bwa fastmap (v0.7.17) [PMID:22569178] finds exact matches between marine dolphin mitos and the bottlenose dolphin mito
- awk converts the fastmap outptu to 6 column bed
- bedtools genomecov (v2.28.0) [PMID:20110278] counts the overlap of conserved regions
- awk filters for conserved regions in all dolphins and removes regions shorter than 24bp
ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) ml singularity bwa () { singularity exec -B$ROOT /apps/singularity-3/bwa/bwa-0.7.17.sif \ bwa "$@" } bedtools () { singularity exec -B $ROOT /apps/singularity-3/bedtools/bedtools-2.28.0.sif \ bedtools "$@" } bwa index $ROOT/0-ref/bottlenose.mito.fa bwa fastmap $ROOT/0-ref/bottlenose.mito.fa \ $ROOT/0-ref/marine_dolphin.refseq.fasta | awk '$1 == "SQ" {sq = $2} $1 == "EM" { print $5, $6, $6 + $3 - $2 - 1, sq, $2, $3 }'\ FS="[\t:+]+" OFS="\t" | bedtools genomecov -g $ROOT/0-ref/bottlenose.mito.fa.fai -i - -bga | awk '$4 == 25 && $3-$2 >= 24 { print $1,$2,$3, "primer" ++c, $3-$2 }' \ > primers.bed
- Get primer sequences
ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) ml singularity bedtools () { singularity exec -B $ROOT /apps/singularity-3/bedtools/bedtools-2.28.0.sif \ bedtools "$@" } bedtools getfasta \ -bed $DIR/primers.bed \ -fi $ROOT/0-ref/bottlenose.mito.fa \ -fo $DIR/primers.fa \ -name
- (Not Needed) Find genes within the conserved regions and conserved regions
without genes
bedtools intersect -loj -b bottlenose.anno.gff3 -a primers.bed | awk '$8 == "exon" { sub(".*product=", "", $14); print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$14 }' FS='\t' OFS='\t' > primer.exons.bed bedtools intersect -v -b bottlenose.exons.gff3 -a primers.bed > primer.exons.none.bed cat primer.exons.bed primer.exons.none.bed | sort -V -k4,4 | sed -e 's/ID=.*\?\(Note\|product\)=//' -e 's/;[^\t]*//' > primers.add-exons
- (Not Needed) Check for NUMTs
PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/igbb/samtools-1.9/bin/ awk '/^Primer/ { p=$3 } /Seque/ {contig = $2} /hits forward strand/ { start = $6 } /Amplimer length/ { printf "%s:%d-%d\n", contig, start, start+$03; if(start - $3 > 0) printf "%s:%d-%d\n", contig, start-$3,start }' \ OFS="\t" selected.primers.dolphin.no-miss | xargs samtools faidx GCF_011762595.1_mTurTru1.mat.Y_genomic.fna | blastn -subject primer.pairs.seqs.fa -outfmt '6 std qcovs' -max_target_seqs 1
use strict; use warnings; use JSON::PP; my $lengths = {}; open(INDEX, 'GCF_011762595.1_mTurTru1.mat.Y_genomic.fna.fai'); while(<INDEX>){ chomp; $_ = [split]; $lengths->{$_->[0]} = $_->[1]; } close INDEX; open(PRIMER, 'selected.primers.dolphin.no-miss' ); my $labels = {}; my $primers = []; my ($primer, $amplimer, $sequence, $start, $stop, $length); while(<PRIMER>){ chomp; if(/^Primer name (\S*)/){ $primer = $1; next; } if(/^Amplimer (\d*)/){ $amplimer = $1-1; next; } if(/Sequence: (\S*)/){ $sequence = $1; $_ = readline(PRIMER); /chromosome (\S*),/; $labels->{$sequence} = "Chr $1"; next; } if(/hits forward strand at (\d*)/){ $start = 0+$1; next; } if(/hits reverse strand at \[(\d*)\]/){ $stop = $lengths->{$sequence} - $1; next; } if(/Amplimer length: (\d*)/){ ($start, $stop) = sort {$a <=> $b} ($start, $stop); warn "$stop-$start (".($stop-$start).") =/= $1" unless($stop-$start == $1-2); next if $sequence eq "NC_012059.1"; push(@$primers, {block_id => $sequence, start=>$start, end=>$stop, name=>$primer, len=>$1+0}); } } my $json = JSON::PP->new->ascii->allow_nonref; print $json->encode( $labels ); print $json->encode( $primers );
- Aided by Primer-BLAST, the locations were then manually screened, modified, and paired to produce ten candidate primer pairs (Table 1). P4, P6, P7, and P10 were chosen after laboratory testing and verification as the best candidates to retrieve the entire mitochondrial genome.
Primer pairs | forward primer | Length | Tm | GC% | Self complementarity | Self 3’ complementarity | reverse primer (still in the same strand) | Length | Tm | GC% | Self complementarity | Self 3’ complementarity | Amplicon length | Coordinates | reverse primer in complementary strand |
P1 | CAGCCCAAAACTCAAAGGACTTGGCGG | 27 | 68.43 | 55.56 | 4 | 2 | AAACTGGCTTCAATCTACTTCTCCCGCCGC | 30 | 70.23 | 53.33 | 5 | 3 | 4638 | 571-5209 | GCGGCGGGAGAAGTAGATTGAAGCCAGTTT |
P2 | GAGCCTGGTGATAGCTGGTTGTCCAA | 26 | 66.55 | 53.85 | 4 | 4 | CAAGAAAGGAAGGAATCGAACC | 22 | 57.31 | 45.45 | 4 | 2 | 5477 | 1453-6930 | GGTTCGATTCCTTCCTTTCTTG |
P3 | GCTACTTCAGTCTATATACCGCC | 23 | 58.02 | 47.83 | 6 | 2 | AAACTGGCTTCAATCTACTTCTCCCGCCGC | 30 | 70.23 | 53.33 | 5 | 3 | 4540 | 669-5209 | GCGGCGGGAGAAGTAGATTGAAGCCAGTTT |
P4 | GTCCTACGTGATCTGAGTTCAGACCGG | 27 | 66.09 | 55.56 | 8 | 4 | GACTTCCAATCAGTTAGTTTCGG | 23 | 57.47 | 43.48 | 3 | 1 | 7005 | 2481-9486 | CCGAAACTAACTGATTGGAAGTC |
P5 | GCTAAATCCTCACTAGATTGGAGGG | 25 | 60.51 | 48 | 4 | 2 | CTTCGTCTTATACCAACGCCTGAGCCC | 27 | 67.03 | 55.56 | 5 | 2 | 6680 | 5100-13015 | GGGCTCAGGCGTTGGTATAAGACGAAG |
P6 | GACTTCCAATCAGTTAGTTTCGG | 23 | 57.47 | 43.48 | 3 | 1 | ATGCCGCGTGAAACCAGCAACCCGCT | 26 | 73.41 | 61.54 | 4 | 1 | 6365 | 9460-15825 | AGCGGGTTGCTGGTTTCACGCGGCAT |
P7 | CCTCACCACCAACACCCAAAGCTGG | 25 | 67.88 | 60 | 4 | 2 | GCTAAATCCTCACTAGATTGGAGGG | 25 | 60.51 | 48 | 4 | 2 | 5862 | 15418-16143; 1-5137 | CCCTCCAATCTAGTGAGGATTTAGC |
P8 | CAAGAAAGGAAGGAATCGAACC | 22 | 57.31 | 45.45 | 4 | 2 | CCTCACCACCAACACCCAAAGCTGG | 25 | 67.88 | 60 | 4 | 2 | 8546 | 6906-15452 | CCTCACCACCAACACCCAAAGCTGG |
P9 | GACTTCCAATCAGTTAGTTTCGG | 23 | 57.47 | 43.48 | 3 | 1 | GAGCCTGGTGATAGCTGGTTGTCCAA | 26 | 66.55 | 53.85 | 4 | 4 | 4637 | 9460-16143; 1-1479 | TTGGACAACCAGCTATCACCAGGCTC |
P10 | CAAGAAAGGAAGGAATCGAACC | 22 | 57.31 | 45.45 | 4 | 2 | CTTCGTCTTATACCAACGCCTGAGCCC | 27 | 67.03 | 55.56 | 5 | 2 | 6109 | 6906-13015 | GGGCTCAGGCGTTGGTATAAGACGAAG |
Pair | used | Start | End |
P1 | F | 571 | 5209 |
P2 | F | 1453 | 6930 |
P3 | F | 669 | 5209 |
P4 | T | 2481 | 9486 |
P5 | F | 5100 | 13015 |
P6 | T | 9460 | 15825 |
P7 | T | 15418 | 16388 |
P7 | T | 1 | 5137 |
P8 | F | 6906 | 15452 |
P9 | F | 9460 | 16388 |
P9 | F | 1 | 1479 |
P10 | T | 6906 | 13015 |
colnames(locs) <- c('Pair', 'used', 'Start', 'End')
locs <- locs %>%
arrange(, Pair) %>%
mutate(pos = (Start+End) / 2,
Pair = factor(Pair, levels = paste0('P', 1:10))) %>%
mutate(level = as.numeric(Pair)) %>%
ymax=level + as.numeric(used)*0.25 + 0.5)
locs$Pair <- select(locs, Pair, used) %>%
unique %>%
pull(used, name=Pair) %>%
sprintf("**%s**", names(.)),
names(.)) %>%
setNames(names(.), .) %>%
fct_recode(locs$Pair, !!!.)
#colorbrewer pastel for primers not used
#colorbrewer set1 for primers used
cols <- c(
"P1" = "#b3e2cddd",
"P2" = "#fdcdacdd",
"P3" = "#cbd5e8dd",
"P5" = "#f4cae4dd",
"P8" = "#e6f5c9dd",
"P9" = "#fff2aedd",
"**P4**" = "#e41a1cff",
"**P6**" = "#377eb8ff",
"**P7**" = "#4daf4aff",
"**P10**"= "#984ea3ff"
label <- function(x){
l <- ifelse(x ==1 , "1/16.3Kbp",
aes(xmax=Start, xmin=End,
ymax=ymax, ymin=level,
fill=Pair )) +
annotate(geom='rect', xmin=1, xmax=Inf,
ymin=-Inf, ymax = 0 , fill='white') +
geom_rect() +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-15, 11), expand = c(0,0)) +
scale_alpha_manual(values=c(0.28, 1)) +
breaks=c(1, seq(2000, 14000, 2000)),
labels=label) +
coord_polar(clip='off') +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),