This list is sorted from top to bottom, highest to lowest priority
- investigate data issue with f.e. town Horb
- solve issue with saver/update-helpers - HERE api related timeouts / retries?
- introduce backup / fallbacks for data issues
- extend saver/save-processed-data to include geoCode data for sodexo_partners
- add map bounds for german boundingbox
- provide downloaded map for germany -> will have performance boost on application devices
- add caching for loaded map data (possibly will help with performance on web)
- rethink loading of near partners, maybe a combiation of loading near partners, loading all partners later?
- ONLY render, add to cluster partners that are visible on map for user
- introduce vuex store / ionic storage caching for map
- Fix performance issue with here map :(,
- introduce clustering to map:
- Fix issue that cities are always being sorted via geo, even if fetched from storage
- introduce request tab as (possibly restricted access to reduce exposer?)
- Look into ios build & deployment
- Look into UI design, adjust theme & improve component selection
- Rewrite everthing in ts