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IgorTimofeev edited this page Jan 9, 2019 · 15 revisions

This library allows developer to interact with filesystem components, to mount them on virtual directories, to perform buffered I/O operations and to process string paths for extraction of their parts.

Easy-peasy methods

Want to read whole file contents with one line of code? Or, for example, to save table as serialized string on external HDD? No problem: library has some really convenient stuff for file manipulations. string or nil data, boolean reason

Reads whole file as string. Returns string data if reading operation was successful, nil and reason message otherwise:

Hello world"/Test.txt")
> Hello world

filesystem.write(path, ...): boolean success, boolean reason

Overwrites passed data to file. Data can has a string, number or boolean type. Returns true if writing operation was successful, false and reason message otherwise.

filesystem.write("/Test.txt", "Meow, ", "I love", "you")
Meow, I love you

filesystem.append(path, ...): boolean success, boolean reason

Works the same way as filesystem.write(), but appends passed data to end of file without overwriting.

filesystem.readLines(path): table or nil data, boolean reason

Reads string lines from file and packs them to table. Returns table of strings if reading operation was successful, nil and reason message otherwise.

> {

filesystem.readTable(path): table or nil data, boolean reason

Reads whole file and deserializes it as table. Returns table if reading operation was successful, nil and reason message otherwise.

{"Ur mom gay", "No u"}
> {
    "Ur mom gay",
    "No u"

filesystem.writeTable(path, t, ...): boolean success, boolean reason

Serializes given table as string and writes it to file. Multiple arguments are passed to text.serialize method. Returns true if serializing and writing operation was successful, false and reason message otherwise.

filesystem.writeTable("/Test.txt", {
	"Primitive creature",
	"Wonderful being"
{"Primitive creature","Wonderful being"}

Path processing methods

Need to extract file name or extension from path? Or need to remove extra slashes? These methods are for you: string name

Returns file name from given path:"/MineOS/Pictures/Dick.pic")
> Dick.pic

filesystem.path(path): string parentPath

Returns parent path from given path:

> /MineOS/Pictures/

filesystem.extension(path): string extension

Returns extension from given path:

> .pic

filesystem.hideExtension(path): string path

Returns given path without it's extension:

> /MineOS/Pictures/Dick

filesystem.isHidden(path): boolean isHidden

Hidden files are files which names starts of dot symbol. This method returns true if file is hidden or false otherwise:

filesystem.isHidden("/MineOS/Pictures/.Very big.pic")
> false
> true

filesystem.removeSlashes(path): string path

Removes extra repeating slashes of path:

> /MineOS/Pictures/Dick.pic

Mounted filesystems

Want to copy file from one filesystem component to another? Mounts system was designed for that: when you add any filesystem component to computer, it's being "mounted" to virtual path.

filesystem.mounts(): function iterator -> proxy, path

Returns an iterator function for listing of mounted filesystems:

for proxy, path in filesystem.mounts() do
	-- Do something

filesystem.mount(proxy, path)

Mounts passed filesystem component proxy table to specified path.

filesystem.unmount(proxy or address)

Unmounts passed filesystem component proxy table or it's string address from mounted path.

filesystem.get(path): table proxy, string proxyPath

Determines correct filesystem component proxy from given path and returns it with rest path part:

> table, "Test.pic"

Advanced files processing

If you need to read write single byte to file, N bytes from file, to write a sing

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