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Backend Development

hilalh edited this page Sep 8, 2014 · 18 revisions

##Backend Development ###What is Backend Development? Backend Development generally involves developing the core business logic of your application. More specifically, Backend Development is server-side (as opposed to Frontend Development, which is client-side).

##Backend Technologies ###Structured Query Language (SQL) A language used to interact with database systems.

##Backend Frameworks ###What are Backend Frameworks? Backend Frameworks are frameworks that abstract the core business logic of your application into a higher-level language. Many also include functionality for common tasks such as user authentication and database queries.

###Django Django is a Python-based "battries included" web framework that's great for newbs and experienced developers alike. It does a decent job of making sure you do things the right way while keeping your code organized and your site secure.

###Flask A python-based micro web-framework, by micro web-framework, it means, that only the minimal components of a web-framework already exist in the system, while other components (like ORMs to manage your database need to be added).

Using a micro web-framework allows us to fully customize and optimize our systems, this might be an option for those who want to learn by building a system of their own (challenging but rewarding), or those who are already experienced with Rails or Django and want to dive deeper.

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