- Docker v24.0.2+;
- Docker Compose v2;
- Go v1.21+;
To run and manage microservice, you can use Makefile, which contains already created commands to run, build and remove containers, also for local compilation.
- Local build:
make build-up
- Local start:
(before, need copies `.env.example` as `.env`)
# make tools
# make gen
# make start-build-up
# SWAGGER_USE=true GIT_USE=true CMD_RUN="migrate --action=up" make run
# SWAGGER_USE=true GIT_USE=true CMD_RUN="run" make run
make tools
make gen
make build-up
make up
make lint
make down
make build-up
- (node) Serving gRPC server on
- (node) Serving HTTP on
- (node) Serving status on
- (node) Serving health on
- (node) Serving prometheus metric on
- (node) Serving OpenAPI Documentation on
- (node) Serving JSON OpenAPI Documentation on
Available Commands:
# ./intmax2-node --help
app [flags]
app [command]
Available Commands:
balance Manage balance
block_builder Manage block builder
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
deposit Manage deposit
ethereum_private_key_wallet Generate Ethereum and IntMax wallets from Ethereum private key
generate_account Generate new Ethereum and IntMax accounts
help Help about any command
intmax_private_key_wallet Generate IntMax wallet from IntMax private key
messenger Manage messenger
migrate Execute migration
mnemonic_account Generate Ethereum and IntMax accounts from mnemonic
run run command
store-vault-server run store valut server command
tx Manage transaction
withdrawal Manage withdrawal
withdrawal-server run withdrawal server command
-h, --help help for app
Use "app [command] --help" for more information about a command.
# ./intmax2-node run --help
run command
app run [flags]
-h, --help help for run
# ./intmax2-node migrate --help
Execute migrations stored at binary
up - migrate all steps Up
down - migrate all steps Down
number - amount of steps to migrate (if > 0 - migrate number steps up, if < 0 migrate number steps down)
app migrate --action "<up|down|1|-1>" [flags]
--action string action flag. use as --action "<up|down|1|-1>"
-h, --help help for migrate
# ./intmax2-node generate_account --help
Generate new Ethereum and IntMax accounts
app generate_account [flags]
--derivation_path string derivation_path flag. use as --derivation_path "m/44'/60'/0'/0/" (default "m/44'/60'/0'/0/")
-h, --help help for generate_account
--key_number string key_number flag. use as --key_number "0" (0 - parent account, 1...n - child accounts numbers)
--mnemonic_password string mnemonic_password flag. use as --mnemonic_password "pass"
# ./intmax2-node mnemonic_account --help
Generate Ethereum and IntMax accounts from mnemonic
app mnemonic_account [flags]
--derivation_path string derivation_path flag. use as --derivation_path "m/44'/60'/0'/0/" (default "m/44'/60'/0'/0/")
-h, --help help for mnemonic_account
--key_number string key_number flag. use as --key_number "0" (0 - parent account, 1...n - child accounts numbers)
--mnemonic string mnemonic flag. use as --mnemonic "mnemonic1 mnemonic2 ... mnemonic24"
--mnemonic_password string mnemonic_password flag. use as --mnemonic_password "pass"
# ./intmax2-node ethereum_private_key_wallet --help
Generate Ethereum and IntMax wallets from Ethereum private key
app private_key_wallet [flags]
-h, --help help for private_key_wallet
--private_key string private_key flag. use as --private_key "__PRIVATE_KEY_IN_HEX_WITHOUT_0x__"
# ./intmax2-node block_builder --help
Manage block builder
app block_builder [command]
Available Commands:
info Returns the block builder info
stop Stop block builder
unstake Unstake block builder
-h, --help help for block_builder
Use "app block_builder [command] --help" for more information about a command.
# ./intmax2-node block_builder info --help
Returns the block builder info
app block_builder info [flags]
-h, --help help for info
# ./intmax2-node block_builder stop --help
Stop block builder
app block_builder stop [flags]
-h, --help help for stop
# ./intmax2-node block_builder unstake --help
Unstake block builder
app block_builder unstake [flags]
-h, --help help for unstake
# ./intmax2-node deposit --help
Manage deposit
app deposit [command]
Available Commands:
analyzer Run deposit analyzer service
relayer Run deposit relayer service
-h, --help help for deposit
Use "app deposit [command] --help" for more information about a command.
# ./intmax2-node deposit analyzer --help
Run deposit analyzer service
app deposit analyzer [flags]
-h, --help help for analyzer
# ./intmax2-node store-valut-server run --help
Run store vault server
app store-valut-server run [flags]
-h, --help help for server
# ./intmax2-node withdrawal-server run --help
Run withdrawal server
app withdrawal-server run [flags]
-h, --help help for server
# ./intmax2-node withdrawal aggregator --help
Run withdrawal aggregator service
app withdrawal aggregator [flags]
-h, --help help for aggregator
# ./intmax2-node withdrawal withdrawal-relayer --help
Run messenger withdrawal-relayer service
app messenger withdrawal-relayer [flags]
-h, --help help for withdrawal-relayer
# ./intmax2-node withdrawal withdrawal-relayer-mock --help
Run messenger withdrawal-relayer-mock service
app messenger withdrawal-relayer-mock [flags]
-h, --help help for withdrawal-relayer-mock
# ./intmax2-node balance get --help
Get balance of specified INTMAX account
app balance get [flags]
-h, --help help for get
--private-key string specify user address. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
./intmax2-node balance get eth --private-key 0x030644e72e131a029b85045b68181585d97816a916871ca8d3c208c16d87cfd3
./intmax2-node balance get erc20 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 --private-key 0x030644e72e131a029b85045b68181585d97816a916871ca8d3c208c16d87cfd3
# ./intmax2-node tx deposit --help
Manage deposit transaction
app tx deposit [command]
Available Commands:
erc1155 Send deposit transaction by token "erc1155"
erc20 Send deposit transaction by token "erc20"
erc721 Send deposit transaction by token "erc721"
eth Send deposit transaction by token "eth"
info Manage deposit by hash
list Manage deposit list
-h, --help help for deposit
# ./intmax2-node tx deposit eth --help
Send deposit transaction by token "eth"
app tx deposit eth [flags]
--amount string specify amount without decimals. use as --amount "10"
-h, --help help for eth
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
--recipient string specify recipient INTMAX address. use as --recipient "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
./intmax2-node tx deposit eth --amount 10000 --recipient 0x06a7b64af8f414bcbeef455b1da5208c9b592b83ee6599824caa6d2ee9141a76 --private-key 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
# ./intmax2-node tx deposit erc20 --help
Send deposit transaction by token "erc20"
app tx deposit erc20 [flags]
--amount string specify amount without decimals. use as --amount "10"
-h, --help help for erc20
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
--recipient string specify recipient INTMAX address. use as --recipient "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
./intmax2-node tx deposit erc20 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 --amount 10000 --recipient 0x06a7b64af8f414bcbeef455b1da5208c9b592b83ee6599824caa6d2ee9141a76 --private-key 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
# ./intmax2-node tx deposit erc721 --help
Send deposit transaction by token "erc721"
app tx deposit erc721 [flags]
--amount string specify amount without decimals. use as --amount "10"
-h, --help help for erc721
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
--recipient string specify recipient INTMAX address. use as --recipient "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
./intmax2-node tx deposit erc721 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 7 --amount 10000 --recipient 0x06a7b64af8f414bcbeef455b1da5208c9b592b83ee6599824caa6d2ee9141a76 --private-key 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
# ./intmax2-node tx deposit erc1155 --help
Send deposit transaction by token "erc1155"
app tx deposit erc1155 [flags]
--amount string specify amount without decimals. use as --amount "10"
-h, --help help for erc1155
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
--recipient string specify recipient INTMAX address. use as --recipient "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
# ./intmax2-node tx deposit list --help
Manage deposit list
app tx deposit list [command]
Available Commands:
incoming Get deposit list (incoming)
outgoing Get deposit list (outgoing); coming soon
-h, --help help for list
Use "app tx deposit list [command] --help" for more information about a command.
# ./intmax2-node tx deposit list incoming --help
Get deposit list (incoming)
app tx deposit list incoming [flags]
--filterCondition string specify the filter condition. use as --filterCondition "is" (support values: "lessThan", "lessThanOrEqualTo", "is", "greaterThanOrEqualTo", "greaterThan")
--filterName string specify the filter name. use as --filterName "block_number" (support value: "block_number")
--filterValue string specify the value of filter. use as --filterValue "1"
-h, --help help for incoming
--paginationCursorBlockNumber string specify the BlockNumber cursor. use as --paginationCursorBlockNumber "1" (more then "0")
--paginationCursorSortingValue string specify the SortingValue cursor. use as --paginationCursorSortingValue "1" (more then "0")
--paginationDirection string specify the direction pagination. use as --paginationDirection "next" (support values: "next", "prev") (default "next")
--paginationLimit string specify the limit for pagination without decimals. use as --paginationLimit "100" (default "100")
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
--sorting string specify the sorting. use as --sorting "desc" (support values: "asc", "desc") (default "desc")
# ./intmax2-node tx deposit info --help
Manage deposit by hash
app tx deposit info [command]
Available Commands:
incoming Get deposit by hash (incoming)
outgoing Get deposit by hash (outgoing); coming soon
-h, --help help for info
Use "app tx deposit info [command] --help" for more information about a command.
# ./intmax2-node tx deposit info incoming --help
Get deposit by hash (incoming)
app tx deposit info incoming [DepositHash] [flags]
-h, --help help for incoming
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
# ./intmax2-node tx transfer --help
Manage transfer transaction
app tx transfer [command]
Available Commands:
erc1155 Send transfer transaction by token "erc1155"
erc20 Send transfer transaction by token "erc20"
erc721 Send transfer transaction by token "erc721"
eth Send transfer transaction by token "eth"
info Get transaction by hash
list Get transactions list
-h, --help help for transfer
Send transfer transaction by token "eth"
app tx transfer eth [flags]
--amount string specify amount without decimals. use as --amount "10"
-h, --help help for eth
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
--recipient string specify recipient INTMAX address. use as --recipient "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
./intmax2-node tx transfer eth --amount 10 --recipient 0x06a7b64af8f414bcbeef455b1da5208c9b592b83ee6599824caa6d2ee9141a76 --private-key 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
Send transfer transaction by token "erc20"
app tx transfer erc20 [flags]
--amount string specify amount without decimals. use as --amount "10"
-h, --help help for erc20
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
--recipient string specify recipient INTMAX address. use as --recipient "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
./intmax2-node tx transfer erc20 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 --amount 10 --recipient 0x06a7b64af8f414bcbeef455b1da5208c9b592b83ee6599824caa6d2ee9141a76 --private-key 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
Send transfer transaction by token "erc721"
app tx transfer erc721 [flags]
--amount string specify amount without decimals. use as --amount "10"
-h, --help help for erc721
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
--recipient string specify recipient INTMAX address. use as --recipient "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
./intmax2-node tx transfer erc721 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 7 --amount 10 --recipient 0x06a7b64af8f414bcbeef455b1da5208c9b592b83ee6599824caa6d2ee9141a76 --private-key 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
Send transfer transaction by token "erc1155"
app tx transfer erc1155 [flags]
--amount string specify amount without decimals. use as --amount "10"
-h, --help help for erc1155
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
--recipient string specify recipient INTMAX address. use as --recipient "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Get transactions list
app tx transfer list [flags]
--filterCondition string specify the filter condition. use as --filterCondition "is" (support values: "lessThan", "lessThanOrEqualTo", "is", "greaterThanOrEqualTo", "greaterThan")
--filterName string specify the filter name. use as --filterName "block_number" (support value: "block_number")
--filterValue string specify the value of filter. use as --filterValue "1"
-h, --help help for list
--paginationCursorBlockNumber string specify the BlockNumber cursor. use as --paginationCursorBlockNumber "1" (more then "0")
--paginationCursorSortingValue string specify the SortingValue cursor. use as --paginationCursorSortingValue "1" (more then "0")
--paginationDirection string specify the direction pagination. use as --paginationDirection "next" (support values: "next", "prev") (default "next")
--paginationLimit string specify the limit for pagination without decimals. use as --paginationLimit "100" (default "100")
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
--sorting string specify the sorting. use as --sorting "desc" (support values: "asc", "desc") (default "desc")
Get transaction by hash
app tx transfer info [TxHash] [flags]
-h, --help help for info
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
# ./intmax2-node tx withdrawal --help
Send withdrawal transaction
app tx withdrawal [flags]
--amount string specify amount without decimals. use as --amount "10"
-h, --help help for withdrawal
--private-key string specify user's private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
--recipient string specify recipient Ethereum address. use as --recipient "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
--resume resume withdrawal. use as --resume
./intmax2-node tx withdrawal eth --amount 10 --recipient 0x32eD70FE0F69D6E915D27127fe6d0C016F20D2c2 --private-key 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
./intmax2-node tx withdrawal erc20 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 --amount 10 --recipient 0x32eD70FE0F69D6E915D27127fe6d0C016F20D2c2 --private-key 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
./intmax2-node tx withdrawal erc721 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 7 --amount 10 --recipient 0x32eD70FE0F69D6E915D27127fe6d0C016F20D2c2 --private-key 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
Example4: Resume withdrawal transaction with recipient address.
./intmax2-node tx withdrawal --resume --recipient 0x32eD70FE0F69D6E915D27127fe6d0C016F20D2c2
# ./intmax2-node tx claim --help
Send claim transaction
app tx claim [flags]
-h, --help help for claim
--private-key string specify user's Ethereum private key. use as --private-key "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
When a node starts, it tries to find and remember its external address in this order:
- If the
environment variables are set, the node will publish the Block Builder address asNETWORK_DOMAIN:NETWORK_PORT
. - Before starting, the node attempts to determine its external IP address. To obtain an external address, an external STUN server is used (see settings for customizing the
inENV Variables
) - If the external IP address matches the local IP address, then the node will publish the Block Builder address as the external IP and the port
(see settings customizing theHTTP (node)
inENV Variables
) - If the external IP address is different from the local IP address, then the node will attempt a NAT Discover search for address
, which was retrieved with help theSTUN
server. If successful, then the node will publish the Block Builder address as the external IP address and external port. - If the previous steps are not successful, the node will offer to enter
manually. In success, the node will publish the Block Builder address asNETWORK_DOMAIN:NETWORK_PORT
. - Once the Network is configured, the Network address will be committed to the blockchain.
* | Variable | Default | Description |
APP | |||
PRINT_CONFIG | false | displaing config info with start service | |
CA_DOMAIN_NAME | x.test.example.com | DNS.1 name of CA Root certificate | |
PEM_PATH_CA_CERT | scripts/x509/ca_cert.pem | path to pem file with CA Root certificate | |
PEM_PATH_SERV_CERT | scripts/x509/server_cert.pem | path to pem file with Server certificate | |
PEM_PATH_SERV_KEY | scripts/x509/server_key.pem | path to pem file with Server key | |
PEM_PATH_CA_CERT_CLIENT | scripts/x509/client_ca_cert.pem | path to pem file with CA Root Client certificate | |
PEM_PATH_CLIENT_CERT | scripts/x509/client_cert.pem | path to pem file with Client certificate | |
PEM_PATH_CLIENT_KEY | scripts/x509/client_key.pem | path to pem file with Client key | |
PoW | |||
POW_DIFFICULTY | 4000 | the difficulty of proof-of-work | |
POW_WORKERS | 2 | the number workers for compute PoW | |
BLOCKCHAIN_SCROLL_NETWORK_CHAIN_ID | the Scroll blockchain network ID. Chain ID must be equal: ScrollSepolia = 534351 ; Scroll = 534352 |
BLOCKCHAIN_SCROLL_MIN_BALANCE | 100000000000000000 | the Scroll blockchain balance minimal value for node start (min value equal or more then 0.1ETH) | |
BLOCKCHAIN_SCROLL_STAKE_BALANCE | 100000000000000000 | the Scroll blockchain balance value for stake with block builder update (min value equal or more then 0.1ETH) | |
BLOCKCHAIN_SCROLL_MESSENGER_L1_CONTRACT_ADDRESS | the Scroll messagenger contract address on L1 Mainnet | ||
BLOCKCHAIN_SCROLL_MESSENGER_L2_CONTRACT_ADDRESS | the Scroll messagenger contract address on L2 Scroll | ||
* | BLOCKCHAIN_BLOCK_BUILDER_REGISTRY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS | the Block Builder Registry Contract address in the Scroll blockchain | |
* | BLOCKCHAIN_ROLLUP_CONTRACT_ADDRESS | the Rollup Contract address in the Scroll blockchain | |
* | BLOCKCHAIN_LIQUIDITY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS | the Liquidity Contract address in the Mainnet | |
* | BLOCKCHAIN_WITHDRAWAL_CONTRACT_ADDRESS | the Withdrawal Contract address in the Scroll blockchain | |
BLOCKCHAIN_ETHEREUM_NETWORK_CHAIN_ID | the Ethereum blockchain network ID. Chain ID must be equal: Sepolia = 11155111 ; Ethereum = 1 |
BLOCKCHAIN_ETHEREUM_BUILDER_KEY_HEX | (pk) Ethereum builder private key | ||
BLOCKCHAIN_ETHEREUM_DEPOSIT_ANALYZER_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX | (pk) Ethereum deposit analyzer private key | ||
BLOCKCHAIN_ETHEREUM_WITHDRAWAL_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX | (pk) Ethereum withdrawal private key | ||
BLOCKCHAIN_ETHEREUM_MESSENEGER_MOCK_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX | (pk) Ethereum messenger mock private key | ||
BLOCKCHAIN_MAX_COUNTER_OF_TRANSACTION | 128 | max number of transactions in the block | |
BLOCKCHAIN_DEPOSIT_ANALYZER_THRESHOLD | 10 | threshold for deposit analyzer | |
BLOCKCHAIN_DEPOSIT_ANALYZER_MINUTES_THRESHOLD | 10 | minutes threshold for deposit analyzer | |
WALLET | |||
WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX | (pk) private key for wallet address recognizing | ||
WALLET_MNEMONIC_VALUE | (mnemonic) mnemonic for recovery private key | ||
WALLET_MNEMONIC_DERIVATION_PATH | (mnemonic) mnemonic password for recovery private key | ||
WALLET_MNEMONIC_PASSWORD | (mnemonic) mnemonic derivation path | ||
LOG | |||
LOG_LEVEL | debug | log level | |
IS_LOG_LINES | false | whether log line number of code where log func called or not | |
LOG_JSON | false | when true prints each log message as separate JSON object | |
LOG_TIME_FORMAT | 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z | log time format in go time formatting style | |
HTTP (node) | |||
HTTP_CORS_ALLOW_ALL | false | (node) allow all with cross-origin resource sharing | |
HTTP_CORS | * | (node) cross-origin resource sharing | |
HTTP_CORS_MAX_AGE | 600 | (node) default timeout in seconds of the cross-origin resource sharing | |
HTTP_CORS_STATUS_CODE | 204 | (node) status code for the answer of the cross-origin resource sharing | |
HTTP_HOST | | (node) host address for bind http external server | |
HTTP_PORT | 80 | (node) port for bind http external server | |
HTTP_CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS | true | (node) allowed credentials | |
HTTP_CORS_ALLOW_METHODS | OPTIONS | (node) allowed http methods | |
HTTP_CORS_ALLOW_HEADS | Accept;Authorization;Content-Type;X-CSRF-Token;X-User-Id;X-Api-Key | (node) allowed http heads | |
HTTP_CORS_EXPOSE_HEADS | (node) exposed http methods | ||
HTTP_TLS_USE | false | (node) flag of turn off (false) or turn on (true) about use HTTPS | |
COOKIE_SECURE | false | (node) flag of turn off (false) or turn on (true) the cookie secure (HTTP) | |
COOKIE_DOMAIN | (node) name of domain for cookie | ||
COOKIE_SAME_SITE_STRICT_MODE | false | (node) flag of turn off (false) or turn on (true) the cookie same site strict mode | |
COOKIE_FOR_AUTH_USE | false | (node) flag of turn off (false) or turn on (true) mode for the cookie use for authorization | |
GRPC (node) | |||
GRPC_HOST | | (node) host address for bind gRPC external server | |
GRPC_PORT | 10000 | (node) port for bind gRPC external server | |
SWAGGER (node) | |||
SWAGGER_HOST_URL | | (node) host url for swagger-json connection | |
SWAGGER_BASE_PATH | / | (node) base path for swagger-json connection | |
NETWORK_DOMAIN | domain or ip-address of external proxy-server for connections with node |
NETWORK_PORT | port of external proxy-server for connections with node |
NETWORK_HTTPS_USE | false | flag of turn off (false) or turn on (true) about use HTTPS schema for external proxy-server for connections with node | |
API | |||
* | API_WITHDRAWAL_PROVER_URL | API endpoint for verifying and processing withdrawal prover requests. | |
* | API_SCROLL_BRIDGE_URL | API endpoint for verifying and processing scroll bridge requests. | |
* | API_BLOCK_BUILDER_URL | API endpoint for verifying and processing block builder requests. | |
* | API_DATA_STORE_VAULT_URL | API endpoint for verifying and processing data store vault requests. | |
* | API_WITHDRAWAL_SERVER_URL | API endpoint for verifying and processing withdrawal requests. | |
* | STUN_SERVER_NETWORK_TYPE | udp6;udp4 | network type for dial with stun server (separator equal ; ) |
* | STUN_SERVER_LIST | stun.l.google.com:19302 | network address for dial with stun server (separator equal ; ) |
GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_EXTRA_FEE | 0 | minimum value of extra fee that must be added to gasFee for transfer | |
GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_DELIMITER | 10 | minimum number of senders to which gasFee must be distributed for transfer | |
* | GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_TIMEOUT | 30s | timeout for updating gasFee from contract of the gas price oracle |
WORKER | |||
WORKER_ID | pgx | id of worker | |
WORKER_PATH | /app/worker | dir of worker | |
WORKER_MAX_COUNTER | 20 | max counter of worker | |
WORKER_PATH_CLEAN_IN_START | 20 | flag of turn off (false) or turn on (true) the clean dir of worker | |
WORKER_CURRENT_FILE_LIFETIME | 1m | timeout for create new current file of worker | |
WORKER_TIMEOUT_FOR_CHECK_CURRENT_FILE | 10s | timeout for check the status of current file of worker | |
WORKER_TIMEOUT_FOR_SIGNATURES_AVAILABLE_FILES | 15s | timeout for processing the transaction signature of current file of worker | |
WORKER_MAX_COUNTER_OF_USERS | 128 | condition for create new of current file of worker | |
BLOCK_VALIDITY_PROVER_EVENT_WATCHER_LIFETIME | 1m | timeout for block validity prover event watcher | |
BLOCKCHAIN_ROLLUP_CONTRACT_DEPLOYED_BLOCK_NUMBER | 0 | the block number when the Rollup contract was deployed | |
SQL_DB_APP_DRIVER_NAME | pgx | system driver name with sql driver of application (only, pgx of postgres ) |
* | SQL_DB_APP_DNS_CONNECTION | connection string for connect with sql driver of application | |
SQL_DB_APP_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT | 1s | timeout for database connection with sql driver of application | |
SQL_DB_APP_OPEN_LIMIT | 5 | maximum number of connections in the pool with sql driver of application | |
SQL_DB_APP_IDLE_LIMIT | 5 | the maximum number of connections in the idle with sql driver of application | |
SQL_DB_APP_CONN_LIFE | 5m | the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused with sql driver of application | |
SQL_DB_RECOMMIT_ATTEMPTS_NUMBER | 50 | attempts number tried of commits with transactions of sql driver | |
SQL_DB_RECOMMIT_TIMEOUT | 1s | timeout of attempts number tried of commits with transactions of sql driver | |
OPEN_TELEMETRY_ENABLE | false | flag of turn off (false) or turn on (true) the OpenTelemetry | |
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT | external parameter (see official documentation about the OpenTelemetry; example: gRPC http://localhost:4317 or HTTP http://localhost:4318) | ||
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_COMPRESSION | external parameter (see official documentation about the OpenTelemetry; example = 'gzip') |
For applies tests need copies .env.example
as .env
and runs command: go test ./...