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Releases: IntersectMBO/cardano-db-sync

Cardano DB Sync 5.0.3

22 Oct 15:59
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This patch release provides a fix for the problem that DB synchronisation stopped due to violating the lovelace_check DB constraint. In this release, pool registration parameter values in the range 2^63..2^64-1 will be displayed as negative values. This infelicity will be resolved in the upcoming 6.0.x release.

Deployed to the testnet 22 October 2020.
Deployed to the mainnet 22 October 2020.

Compatible with Cardano Node 1.21.1.


  • Fix the handling of unsigned 64-bit integer fields in pool registration parameters #351 #345


Cardano DB Sync Overview
Building and Running the Cardano DB Sync Node
Schema Management
The Plug-in System


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Cardano DB Sync 5.0.2

13 Oct 11:43
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This patch release provides a fix for handling of unsigned 64-bit integer fields and resolves a problem with parsing field pledge from table pool_update.

Deployed to the testnet 12 October 2020.
Deployed to the mainnet 13 October 2020.

Compatible with Cardano Node 1.21.1.


  • #334 Fixed handling of unsigned 64-bit integer fields #335


Cardano DB Sync Overview
Building and Running the Cardano DB Sync Node
Schema Management
The Plug-in System


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Cardano DB Sync 5.0.1

23 Sep 14:24
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This patch release provides a workaround for a Unicode NUL character issue.

Deployed to mainnet 23 September 2020.

Compatible with Cardano Node 1.19.1 and with Cardano Node 1.20.0.


  • #297 Reject TxMetadata objects containing NUL characters #298


Cardano DB Sync Overview
Building and Running the Cardano DB Sync Node
Schema Management
The Plug-in System


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Cardano DB Sync 5.0.0

16 Sep 14:36
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This release provides schema changes, validation additions and bug fixes. The database schema changes include new fees and registeredTxId data, breaking changes in column names of ParamUpdate table, removal of redundant indexes. It also has documentation improvements.

As this release has breaking changes, the database has to be dropped and recreated for the upgrade.

Compatible with Cardano Node 1.19.1.


  • Added a fees column to the Epoch table (#275)
  • Added a registeredTxId column to PoolOwner table (#281)
  • Resurrected the cardano-db-tool validate functionality (#268)


  • Added validation that all pools have owners in db-tool (#262)
  • Updated : removed old queries, fixed existed relevant ones, and added an example query for transaction inputs and outputs (#273)

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • Renamed, corrected and clarified column names in ParamUpdate table: active_slot_coeff is replaced by decentralisation, and n_optimal is replaced with optimal_pool_count (#264)
  • Removed redundant indices from schema (#261)


  • Dropped support for non-HFC protocols. Specifically, dropped support for pure Byron and pure Shelley networks (#284)


  • Corrected uniqueness constraint on PoolOwner table (#251)
  • Fixed calculation of deposit field of Tx table and accounting (#249, #266, #265, #267)


Cardano DB Sync Overview
Building and Running the Cardano DB Sync Node
Schema Management
The Plug-in System


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Cardano DB Sync 4.0.0

18 Aug 14:13
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This release provides improvements and bug fixes. The database schema additions include transaction metadata, certificate index within a transaction, raw hexadecimal transaction address, raw stake address. The update fixes delegation and pool_retire references, stake deregistration, stake ordering, epoch start and end times data.

This release has a breaking change, and requires the database to be dropped and recreated.

Compatible with Cardano Node 1.18.0.

Released as a library (not deployed to any environment).


  • Added and populated tx_metadata table (#229)
  • Added index within the transaction for all transaction certificates (#230)
  • Added raw address to tx_out table; the raw address that is stored along the rendered version of address (#223)

Breaking change ⚠️

  • Added raw address in stake_address table; the raw address is stored as well as the rendered version, and stake_address.hash is renamed to stake_address.hash_raw (#224)


  • Moved stake deregistrations into a correct table instead of the registration table (#234)
  • Fixed certificate ordering issues that resulted in an abort if a MIR certificate was found whose output was a stake address that was inserted later in the same transaction (#237)
  • Corrected stake_address registration handling on rollbacks (#238)
  • Fixed epoch start and end times in epoch table (#242)
  • Made delegation and pool_retire tables reference pool_hash table instead of pool_update (#245)

Known issues

  • Missing PoolOwner for some pools (#251)


Cardano DB Sync Overview
Building and Running the Cardano DB Sync Node
Schema Management
The Plug-in System


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Technical Lead ✔️
QA Engineer ✔️
Release Manager ✔️

Cardano DB Sync 3.1.0

28 Jul 18:45
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This minor release adds incremental additional functionality to support the GraphQL component, wallet implementations based on the DB Sync, and to cover more parts of the Shelley chain data.

This release requires the database to be dropped and recreated.

Compatible with Cardano Node 1.18.0.

Deployed on the mainnet 28 July 2020.


  • payment_cred column to the tx_out table for the benefit of wallet implementations (#208)
  • slot_in_epoch column to the block table. Slot numbers become more complicated to calculate once there are multiple eras with different slot lengths, so we now store it instead (#214)
  • Support for storing the on-chain parameter update proposals (#217)


  • MIR certs now go into their own table(s) rather than the reward table (#218)


Cardano DB Sync Overview
Building and Running the Cardano DB Sync Node
Schema Management
The Plug-in System


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Release Manager ✔️

Cardano DB Sync 3.0.0

25 Jul 18:22
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This update provides support for Shelley era, Cardano mode of Cardano node, and transition from Byron era to Shelley era. It also includes a few improvements in column types and outputs.

This release requires the database to be dropped and recreated.

Compatible with Cardano Node 1.18.0.


  • Added support for the cardano-node in Cardano mode (#186, #188, #196)
  • Added Shelley schema elements (#173)


  • Made changes in Shelley schema (#173, #174, #199)
  • Improved to support Word64 column types (#203)
  • Fixed implementation to support very large values of per-epoch aggregate table column outputs (#201)


Cardano DB Sync Overview
Building and Running the Cardano DB Sync Node
Schema Management
The Plug-in System


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Technical Lead ✔️
QA Engineer ✔️
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Release Manager ✔️

Cardano DB Sync 2.1.0

03 Jul 16:58
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This update provides initial support of Byron-to-Shelley blockchain transition state, and includes improvements and fixes for the update of Epoc table, rollback handling logic, and Docker image maintenance. This release requires the database to be dropped and recreated.

Compatible with Cardano Node 1.14.2.

Deployed on the mainnet 3 July 2020.


  • The database schema has been adjusted to accept the superset of Byron and Shelley era information (#113)
  • Last hard coded values for slots per epoch have been removed (#162)
  • Docker build has been improved to use the latest release of cardano-node and cardano-db-sync; implemented log rotation (#152)


  • Fixed the update of Epoch table (#164)
  • Fixed and improved the rollback handling logic (#130, #131)


Cardano DB Sync Overview
Building and Running the Cardano DB Sync Node
Schema Management
The Plug-in System


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Technical Lead ✔️
QA Engineer ✔️
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Release Manager ✔️

Cardano DB Sync 2.0.0

22 May 15:05
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This small update brings schema changes including removal of SQL views and addition of a block index. This release requires the database to be dropped and recreated. The docker image is available on DockerHub.


  • Added a column to the Tx table to record the order of transactions within a block (#94)


  • Removed SQL views required by Cardano GraphQL (#92)


  • Flattened the DB schema migrations


Cardano DB Sync Overview
Building and Running the Cardano DB Sync Node
Schema Management
The Plug-in System


  • Linux 64-bit

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Technical Lead ✔️
QA Engineer ✔️
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Release Manager ✔️

Cardano DB Sync 1.5.0

01 May 11:13
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The Cardano DB Sync synchronises blockchain data into a relational database.

This release brings some changes in the database, a few improvements and fixes in cardano-db-sync service, and updates its three components to the latest state of their dependencies. cardano-db-sync docker image is available.

Compatible with Cardano node 1.11.0.

Deployed on the mainnet 1 May 2020.

New features

  • Added cardano-db library API for query to determine if the DB is fully in sync (#36)
  • Added a block count column to the epoch cache table (#42, #46, #51)
  • Added an Epoch convenience VIEW to the DB schema (#31)
  • Added support for multiple chains in a single database (#76, #77)


  • Added export of the generated DB schema as documentation (#43)
  • Added index to the TransactionInput VIEW (#67)
  • Updated dependencies to latest versions (#39, #55, #78)
  • Improved README (#32, #38, #57, #58)
  • Improved example docker config (#59)

Resolved issues

  • Fixed a bug related to block rollback (#61)
  • Fixed handling of OBFT epochs without transactions (#40)
  • Some build instructions have been updated with new configuration file names (#32)


Cardano DB Sync Overview
Building and Running the Cardano DB Sync Node
Schema Management
The Plug-in System


  • Linux 64-bit

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Technical Lead ✔️
QA Engineer ✔️
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Release Manager ✔️