Level: Medium
Author: inik
The elves created an API where you get random jokes about santa.
Go and try it here: http://whale.hacking-lab.com:10101
This challenge was straightforward. There is an API where we can create new users and request random jokes. Each joke looked like this:
"joke": "Three phrases that sum up Christmas are: Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men, and Batteries not Included.",
"author": "Author Unknown",
"platinum": false
It was clear that the goal was to get a platinum joke which would then contain the flag. Whilst trying to register a new user, I received the following error message when trying to add new properties to the JSON object:
Unrecognized field "test" (class ch.dkuhn.hv19.fsja.model.User), not marked as ignorable (3 known properties: "password", "platinum", "username"])
at [Source: org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$UnCloseableInputStream@28f46ce4; line: 1, column: 68] (through reference chain: ch.dkuhn.hv19.fsja.model.User["test"])
Now that I knew that the User
class has an attribute called platinum
I simply created a new user where platinum
set to true
"username": "some_username",
"password": "some_password",
"platinum": true
Accessing the joke endpoint then returned the flag:
"joke": "Congratulation! Sometimes bugs are rather stupid. But that's how it happens, sometimes. Doing all the crypto stuff right and forgetting the trivial stuff like input validation, Hohoho! Here's your flag: HV19{th3_cha1n_1s_0nly_as_str0ng_as_th3_w3ak3st_l1nk}",
"author": "Santa",
"platinum": true