Level: Medium
Author: kiwi
Switzerland's national security is at risk. As you try to infiltrate a secret spy facility to save the nation you stumble upon an interesting looking login portal.
Can you break it and retrieve the critical information?
The zip file contained a simple Java program with the following important parts:
private PatriciaTrie<Integer> trie = init();
private static final String securitytoken = "auth_token_4835989";
public String getTrie() throws IOException {
if(isAdmin(trie)) {
InputStream in = getStreamFromResourcesFolder("data/flag.txt");
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
IOUtils.copy(in, writer, "UTF-8");
String flag = writer.toString();
return flag;
public void setTrie(String note) {
trie.put(unescapeJava(note), 0);
private static PatriciaTrie<Integer> init(){
PatriciaTrie<Integer> trie = new PatriciaTrie<Integer>();
return trie;
private static boolean isAdmin(PatriciaTrie<Integer> trie){
return !trie.containsKey(securitytoken);
The goal of this challenge was to manipulte the trie such that it does not longer contain a particular key. At first I
thought that there was some kind of Java (de)serialization vulnerability but it turns out that there was a bug in the Apache
Commons Collections library. A search on their issue tracker revealed the following
bug. By adding null characters at the end of a key the element
withou the null character gets removed. I then simply entered auth_token_4835989\u0000
into the input field and got
the flag HV19{get_th3_chocolateZ}