Level: hard
Author: daubsi
Reversing is considered hard so we thought some old school stuff might be a gentle start? This one is only for a simple 8 Bit, 16 MHz and 2KB RAM machine, so how hard can it be? Remember: there is always a hard and a simple way.... choose your path!
For this challenge we are given an AVR 8-bit ELF file. Looking at it in Ghidra we can see some intersting things:
void setup() {
println("Give me your best shot!");
void main() {
do {
} while(true);
This pattern is how you usually program on Arduinos. At this point I switched to dynamic analysis. Unfortunately, I do not own an Arduino, instead I used SimulIDE to simulate the board. To run the binary in the simulator I had to convert it to a .hex file:
objcopy -O ihex backtotheroots.elf backtotheroots.hex
Once I got the emulator to run, I was greeted by the message of the setup
I knew that I would have to press some buttons (or in other words send a signal to some pin) since they are initialized
in the setup
code. Since I was lazy and didn't want to figure out which pin needs to receive a signal, I simply hooked
up a button to all pins:
Pressing the button three times passes all three checks and prints the flag he2022{0ld_Sko0l_CPu$_st1ll_r0cK!}