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Homework 20_06_29

JMP TechLive, C Programming

PS: You should provide a test program which include the main function to test your functions, with the possibility of user input.


Write the following functions.

  • int is_leap(int year)

    It checks if a given year is leap or not, it returns 1 if it's leap and 0 if not.

    A leap year is exactly divisible by 4 except for century years (years ending with 00). The century year is a leap year only if it is perfectly divisible by 400.

  • int seq_arith(int u0, int d, int n)

    It calculates the value of n-th element of a geometric sequence, where u0 is the initial element and d is thte common difference.

    U(n+1) = U(n) + d, U(0) = 3, d=2, U(1) = 5

    DON'T use the simplified formula, unless for testing.

  • int seq_geometric(int u0, int r, int n)

    It calculates the value of n-th element of a geometric sequence, where u0 is the initial element and r is the common ratio.

    U(n+1) = r.U(n)

    DON'T use the simplified formula, unless for testing.

  • int fact(int n)

    It caclulates the factorial number of n.

  • int print_fibonacci(int n)

    It displays the Fibonacci sequence of first n numbers.

    The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence where the next term is the sum of the previous two terms. The first two terms of the Fibonacci sequence are 0 followed by 1.

    U(n) = U(n - 1) + U(n - 2), U(0) = 1, U(1) = 1

    DON'T use the simplified formula, unless for testing.

  • int pow_int(int n, int p)

    It calculates the power of the number n using a loop.

    ie: pow(2, 3) ---> 2*2*2 = 8

  • int hcf(int a, int b)

    It calculates HCF (PGCD) of two integers (for both positive and negative integers).

    DON'T use the simplified formula, unless for testing.

  • int lcm(int a, int b)

    It calculate the LCM (Lowest common multiple) of two numbers.

    DON'T use the simplified formula, unless for testing.

  • int n_digits(long long int n)

    It count the number of digits in an integer.

  • long long int n_reverse(long long int n)

    It reverse the number n, ie: 20394 become 49302.

  • int n_palindrome(long long int n)

    It checks whether the number n is a palindrome or not. it returns 1 if it's palindrom and 0 otherwise. ie: 27572 is palindrome.

  • int is_armstrong(int n)

    It checks whether an integer n is an Armstrong number or not. it returns 1 if it's Armstrong number and 0 otherwise.

  • is_prime(int n)

    It checks whether a number is Prime number or not. it returns 1 if n is prime, and 0 otherwise.

  • int bin_to_dec(int n)

    It finds the decimal value of an integer representing a binary number. ie: bin_to_dec(110) ---> 6

  • int oct_to_dec(int n)

    It finds the decimal value of an integer representing a octal number. ie: bin_to_dec(12) ---> 10

  • Give the output of the following programs without compiling and executing.

    • Program 01
        int a, b;
        int main()
            int c, d = 5;
            c = ++a - b++;
            a += c++ - b;
            b -= c - a;
            d = a + b-- + --c;
            print("%d, %d, %d, %d", a, b, c, d);
    • Program 02
        int g;
        int do_something(int x, y, z)
            int v;
            v = x-- + --g;
            v = ++x + y - z--;
            v += 2 * x + 3 * (y-- + 1) + ++z;
            return (v++);
        int main()
            int a = 1, b= 2, c, d = 5;
            c = ++a - b++ + g--;
            do_something(a, b, c);
            a += c++ - b;
            do_something(d, a, c--);
            b -= c - a;
            do_something(g--, ++b, c += a--);
            d = a + b-- + --c;
            print("%d, %d, %d, %d, %d", a, b, c, d, g);

  • void tri_pascal(int n)

    It prints pascal triangle up to n rows using loop.

    n = 5
       1 1
      1 2 1
     1 3 3 1
    1 4 6 4 1

  • Write a program to draw the following star patterns, each pattern must be implemented in a separate function, and the main function must provide a menu to let the user choose which pattern to draw with the possibility to exit the menu.

    Pattern 1


    Pattern 2

    *   *
    *   *
    *   *

    Pattern 3


    Pattern 4

    * *
    *  *

    Pattern 5


    Pattern 6

       * *
      *   *
     *     *

    Pattern 7


    Pattern 8

    *       *
     *     *
      *   *
       * *
       * *
      *   *
     *     *
    *       *

by @xBlueCode.