👋 Hello! I'm Javian Picardo
🔭 I am currently working on:
Saas platform built with React, .NET Core, and Azure.Also working on free lancing projects.
Projects in AI/ML and deep learning with Python to expand my knowledge and expertise.
🌱 I am currently learning:
Advanced concepts in React and Next.js, as well as AI/ML and Python.
🤝 I am looking to collaborate on:
React, .NET Core, and AI/ML projects, especially those aiming to create SaaS products.
💬 Ask me about:
Full-stack development, .NET Core, React, and how to build resilient applications on Azure.
🤔 I am looking for help with:
Best practices and innovative approaches in React and AI/ML for SaaS projects.
⚡ Fun Fact:
I'm not only a developer but also a snooker and pool player, and I enjoy photography in my free time!