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Formerly known as "stock-quotes-and-recco", this project is a portfolio to showcase ideas created using the React JS library on the front-end side. The server side currently used Node.js Current features include:

See the ToDo List for upcoming features. Also, checkout the Issues section for current unresolved issues. In addition, there is a wiki section which currently consists of a test plan, and a design plan of future features.

To view the live demo of the original app use this link: Refer to the Project Setup section for launching the application from a local server.

#Layout of Project

Below is the layout of the main parts of this project.

-------- components/
-----Views/ //These contain the views for each individual page
--------CreateAccount.js//registration page
--------Login.js//login page
--------ExchangeRates.js//a currency converter
--------Home.js//the home page
--------StockList.js//buy and sell stocks
--------StudyTracker.js//logs amount of hours spent studying
--App.js//Backend for rendering each page
--NavigationBar.js//Navigation Bar for navigating each page
-Routes.js//routing paths for each component
--autoTests.js//automated tests with Selenium Webdriver
--ComponentsTest.js//tests for components
----serverTest.js//tests for server
--setup.js//jsdom configuration for ComponentsTest
.babelrc//required babel 6 file to run tests with mocha  

#Required Tools

This project currently supports the following languages: Javascript, React JS, Node JS, HTML, and CSS. In order to use Node JS you will have to install the latest version of [node ] ( .

#Project Setup

  1. Make sure node (with npm) is installed.

  2. Install webpack globally: npm install webpack -g

  3. Go ahead and make a forked repository of the original project. Then copy the link, 'cd' to your desired project location, and run the following:

git clone [your forked link]

cd [name of project]

npm install

npm start #or type webpack && node server.js

Give the server a few minutes to download npm dependencies depending on your connection speed, you will eventually see a message saying 'Example app available at: http://localhost:8080'. This means you've pulled the project successfully and you can check the app at http://localhost:8080 from your browser.

Note: Windows users might get thrown an error about node not being able to find the 'server.js' file. As an alternative, you can run bash **'webpack && node server.js'**.

If you want to sync your fork with the master repo, read syncing a fork.

###Running Tests

Since Release v.022 I've added automated tests using selenium web driver, so you'll need to install it in order to properly run tests:

# first install react.
npm install react

# then install selenium-webdriver
npm install selenium-webdriver

# once done, to run tests run this command from root of project:
mocha --require test/setup.js --compilers js:babel-register

For reference, see note under Release v.012 in the Old Releases section.


New Release features will be updated here. To view past releases see old releases.

##Release v.026

  • Moved serverTests.js back into test folder.
  • Updated README ToDo List.

Note: The serverTests.js file will eventually be removed in a future release, as the tests performed within it are no longer necessary now that Selenium is being used.

Go here to view a screenshot of the tests with the included serverTest.js file.

##Release v.025

  • Added Screenshot of the Currency Converter feature (see hyperlink in Description section).

###Release v.024

  • Improved wording for each test case in autoTest and ComponentsTest
  • Made composite tests out of cases where multiple assertions were declared

To view screen shot of revised test cases go here

###Release v.023

  • Changed syntax for searched elements in autoTests.
  • Added new docs sections for OLD RELEASES
  • Updated Wiki

###Release v.022

  • Added more tests this time with Selenium !!! (see autoTest.js in Test folder)
  • Added className and ID tag names for the input, button, and link fields within the Exchange Rates, StockList, NavigationBar, ..., etc. files (These are needed to perform some of the tests).
  • Removed some of the routing paths in 'Routes.js'.
  • Removed 'register' button from Login file.

To view screenshot of passing tests go here.

Note: I've kept the TDD tests just for those who want to see them. Will probably remove them in a future release.

Regarding the routing paths, I found out that each page can be navigated with the path names removed (Probably overlooked something. Will need to look through source code).

Currently, the selenium tests performed just navigate to each page from the Navigation Bar from a closed web browser (FireFox). These tests will be enhanced in future releases.

###Release v.021

  • Renamed 'app.js' to 'Routes.js'
  • Updated README
  • Created wiki for Demo 1 of Login / Registration Feature

To download this release go here.

###Release v.020

  • Added demo 1 of Login / Registration Feature (Login and Registration views within a modal)
  • Converted 'NavigationBar' and 'App' components to JSX (from ES6).
  • Placed the Home page title and description from 'App' component into its own component 'Home' (more on this in my upcoming wiki section.
  • Added IndexRoute to Routes.js
  • Updated test, in 'serverTest.js', to reflect new title on home page.
  • Reorganized Project Directory js files (see Layout of Project section)

To view demo of this feature go here. (buttons don't work yet, only the abilities to close the modal)


  • In order to run this recent update, you will need to install the most recent version of react-router (currently 2.0.0).
  • I've created a wiki which explains how I implemented this demo. You can read about it here.

#Todo List


  • 1st stage: Build single page with form + results display that allows for querying stocks by symbol, issuer_name and various date ranges, eventually bring in d3 graphing of historical data.

  • 2nd stage: Query google news for recent news articles, allow news link sharing and different timespan horizon recommendations (day/week, few months, long-term hold)

  • Run tests from root directory with Mocha, run express server (e.g. local dev mode) with 'npm start' or 'webpack && node server.js'.

Login/ Registration

  • 1st Demo: A modal, that opens up a login or registration page whenever the "login" or "register" button is clicked from within the Navigation Menu.

  • 2nd Demo: Display "login" and "register" buttons, when a user hasn't logged in (view 1), and "[user's name]" and "logout" buttons, once a user has logged in (view 2). The logout button should change the view back to the default view.

  • 3rd Demo: Build a database (either mongodb or mysql) to store a user's profile and credentials.

  • 4th Demo: Add GUI to make modal and menus look better.

  • Other: Create/ Update Tests for Login and Registration Features.


  • Convert relevant tests in serverTests.js inside autoTests.js and remove serverTests.js folder.
  • Add the ability to run tests with an open web browser.


  • Create automated tests using selenium-webdriver and mocha
  • Add Action Sequences, or event changes, to Selenium tests.
  • Add the ability to run tests with an open web browser.
  • Add more features and incorporate an advanced application architecture (flux, redux, ..., etc.) in place of the current one.
