This is a "Centipede" Game wrote in assembly language.
Bitmap Display Configuration:
- Unit width in pixels: 8
- Unit height in pixels: 8
- Display width in pixels: 256
- Display height in pixels: 256
- Base Address for Display: 0x10008000 ($gp)
Which approved additional features have been implemented?
(See the project handout for the list of additional features)
1. break into multiple parts when centipede got shoot.
2. Mushroom gone after been shoot three tmes, and each life match with one different color.
3. Count number of lives (default 3), once it get shooted, it sink for three times.
4. After each round, we will randomly generate couple more mushrooms, otherwise mushroom will become less and less
5. pop up messages when we lose one life or dead.
Any additional informations:
$s1 store the location of BB, just in the last row (0 to 4 * 31),
so we have to add 31 * 32 * 4 to acacess correct offset
$s3 always store the status of centipede!! 0 means dead! #1 means still alive
$s4 store the life of BB, initioal 3 lives!
$s5 store the location of Flea.
Bitmap Display Configuration:
- Unit width in pixels: 8
- Unit height in pixels: 8
- Display width in pixels: 256
- Display height in pixels: 256
- Base Address for Display: 0x10008000 ($gp)