Supercharge Pods for your multisites
Version: 0.1 (dev)
Sync your Pods accross your network of sites
Note: This will only sync your Pod configuration, not your data!
Before using the sync options, please keep the following notes in mind:
- Sync is not bi-directional by default. If you want to sync both ways you need to check the current site as well
- This plugin should be enabled on every site that you want to sync FROM. The sites you sync TO don't require this plugin to be active (unless you also want to sync FROM those sites as well..) See Sync Logic for some config examples.
- If you use relationship fields, please make sure the object you want to create a relationship with is available on the remote site.
- If you also use bi-directional relationship fields, please make sure the relationship field for the related object is available in the remote site.
Make one of your sites your "master" site and sync to your other sites.
- Activate Pods on all sites
- Activate Pods Multisite on the site you want to sync from (most likely your primary site)
- Enable synchronisation on your Pods. This needs to be set for every Pod.
- Every time you save a Pod on your master site the options and configuration will be synced to the sites you have enabled for synchronisation.
Bi-directional synchronisation.
- Activate Pods on all sites
- Activate Pods Multisite on all sites
- Enable synchronisation on your Pods for all sites. This needs to be set for every Pod. This configuration will only need to be done on 1 of your sites. Pods Multisite will also sync the sync-configuration (sync-ception yay!)
- Every time you save a Pod on any site the options and configuration will be synced to the sites you have enabled for synchronisation.
Bi-directional synchronisation between some sites in your network. Basically works exactly the same als "Full sync" but you only select the sites you want to sync and leave the others unchecked ;).