Un bot dofus 2 en full socket entièrement en python.
Install node js. It's needed to run the simulated launcher. Install make if you are under Windows. In windows i reccommend using git bash.
make setup
make update
⚠️ This process takes quite some time.
Crate a folder outside the repository for example C:/my_passEnc_keys
. Add a new env variable to your env pointing to this folder you just created. Name this variable PASS_ENC_KEYS
. Don't make an error in the variable name because the launcher searches for it in the env to find the key used to encrypt your passwords before saving them.
Then run :
make genKeys
⚠️ You may have to restart your terminal for the new variable to be added to env.
make createAccount entryName=grinder login="myAccountAwsomeLogin" password='keepThisOneSafe'
⚠️ Make sure to put the password inside single quotes to avoid having problems with special chars.
make createBot botName='myBotName' account='grinder' charachterId=290210840786 serverId=210
Here 'account' arg should correspond to the entryName you chose for your account creds.
⚠️ If you don't know how to get your server ID and character Id. Start the sniffer 'make startSniffer', go to page localhost:8888 and login manually. Then look for serverSelectionMessage.
make test bot='myBotName'