This directory will contain the official genesis.json file for the emoney-3 mainnet.
Below you'll find the instructions for participating in the upgrade from emoney-2.
- Install em-ledger v0.9.7 binaries
- Restart emd with
--halt-time 1632142800
to stop the emoney-2 chain on 2021-09-20 at 13:00:00 UTC - Install Cosmovisor in preparation for future emoney-3 upgrades
- Signal readiness in
- Make sure you followed the preparation steps above
- Wait until the halt time has passed and the chain has stopped
- Run
emd export --home <emoney-home> --for-zero-height > emoney-2.export.json
- Install em-ledger v1.1.0
- Run
emd migrate v0.9 emoney-2.export.json --chain-id emoney-3 > genesis.json
- Finally commit new genesis using
git add -f emoney-2.export.json genesis.json && git commit -m "Add emoney-3 genesis"
Since emcli is deprecated the default location of the file based keyring has changed as well.
You'll need to copy your keyring from ~/.emcli to ~/.emd, e.g. cp -vR ~/.emcli/keyring-e-money/ ~/.emd/keyring-file