Created: July 31, 2022 5:09 PM Modified: March 8, 2023 12:54 AM
🎯 USE BetterTouchTool to customize more commands. 🎯 NOTE: Hold option to copy/select! ctrl + d to exit terminalsNote my prefix is ctrl + a (default is ctrl + b)
- todo: tmux net speed (kinda interesting, and can specify specific interfaces)
Tmux Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference
<prefix> then type `:setw synchronize-panes`
Swap panes, move it around prefix + {
Note indicator in bottom right
ctrl +a + z
- Rename session
prefix + $
prefix + c
— create new window,
- rename windoww
- list all windowsf
- find window by name.
- move window to another session (promt):movew
- move window to next unused number
prefix + !
— super handy
Rename windows (tabs at bottom) prefix + ,
or spell it out: tmux rename-session $(echo testsession)
+ )
(and the other paren way)
tmux kill-server
— nuclear reset
prefix + shift + X
— kill pane (bind-key X kill-pane
ctrl + o
cycle clockwise{
— move pane clockwise.
Mouse works!
+ HOLD option
+ arrow arrow arrow
(to iteratively expand! super nice)
prefix + n / w
— cycle forward and backwards
prefix + <window number>
— switch to specific window