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JohnDuprey committed Nov 13, 2024
2 parents 5c63df3 + 8a04b30 commit 6362279
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Showing 20 changed files with 318 additions and 159 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function Get-CIPPAlertSharepointQuota {
$UsedStoragePercentage = [int](($sharepointQuota.GeoUsedStorageMB / $sharepointQuota.TenantStorageMB) * 100)
if ($UsedStoragePercentage -gt $Value) {
$AlertData = "SharePoint Storage is at $($UsedStoragePercentage)%. Your alert threshold is $($Value)%"
$AlertData = "SharePoint Storage is at $($UsedStoragePercentage)% [$([math]::Round($sharepointQuota.GeoUsedStorageMB / 1024, 2)) GB/$([math]::Round($sharepointQuota.TenantStorageMB / 1024, 2)) GB]. Your alert threshold is $($Value)%"
Write-AlertTrace -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand -tenantFilter $TenantFilter -data $AlertData
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Function Invoke-AddRoomMailbox {

$APIName = $TriggerMetadata.FunctionName
$User = $request.headers.'x-ms-client-principal'

Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -message 'Accessed this API' -Sev 'Debug'

# Write to the Azure Functions log stream.
Expand All @@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ Function Invoke-AddRoomMailbox {

$Results = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
$MailboxObject = $Request.body
$Tenant = $MailboxObject.tenantid
$AddRoomParams = [pscustomobject]@{
Name = $MailboxObject.username
DisplayName = $MailboxObject.displayName
Expand All @@ -30,30 +32,30 @@ Function Invoke-AddRoomMailbox {
# Interact with query parameters or the body of the request.
try {
$AddRoomRequest = New-ExoRequest -tenantid $($MailboxObject.tenantid) -cmdlet 'New-Mailbox' -cmdparams $AddRoomParams
$AddRoomRequest = New-ExoRequest -tenantid $Tenant -cmdlet 'New-Mailbox' -cmdparams $AddRoomParams
$Results.Add("Successfully created room: $($MailboxObject.DisplayName).")
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $($MailboxObject.tenantid) -message "Created room $($MailboxObject.DisplayName) with id $($" -Sev 'Info'
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $Tenant -message "Created room $($MailboxObject.DisplayName) with id $($" -Sev 'Info'

# Block sign-in for the mailbox
try {
$Request = Set-CIPPSignInState -userid $AddRoomRequest.ExternalDirectoryObjectId -TenantFilter $($MailboxObject.tenantid) -APIName $APINAME -ExecutingUser $User -AccountEnabled $false
$Request = Set-CIPPSignInState -userid $AddRoomRequest.ExternalDirectoryObjectId -TenantFilter $Tenant -APIName $APINAME -ExecutingUser $User -AccountEnabled $false
$Results.add("Blocked sign-in for Room mailbox; $($MailboxObject.userPrincipalName)")
} catch {
$ErrorMessage = Get-NormalizedError -Message $_.Exception.Message
$Results.add("Failed to block sign-in for Room mailbox: $($MailboxObject.userPrincipalName). Error: $ErrorMessage")
$ErrorMessage = Get-CippException -Exception $_
$Results.add("Failed to block sign-in for Room mailbox: $($MailboxObject.userPrincipalName). Error: $($ErrorMessage.NormalizedError)")

$StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::OK
} catch {
$ErrorMessage = Get-CippException -Exception $_
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $($MailboxObject.tenantid) -message "Failed to create room: $($MailboxObject.DisplayName). Error: $($ErrorMessage.NormalizedError)" -Sev 'Error' -LogData $ErrorMessage
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $Tenant -message "Failed to create room: $($MailboxObject.DisplayName). Error: $($ErrorMessage.NormalizedError)" -Sev 'Error' -LogData $ErrorMessage
$Results.Add("Failed to create Room mailbox $($MailboxObject.userPrincipalName). $($ErrorMessage.NormalizedError)")
$StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::Forbidden

$Body = [pscustomobject] @{ 'Results' = @($Results) }
# Associate values to output bindings by calling 'Push-OutputBinding'.
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::OK
StatusCode = $StatusCode
Body = $Body
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ Function Invoke-AddSharedMailbox {

Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -message 'Accessed this API' -Sev 'Debug'

# Write to the Azure Functions log stream.
Write-Host 'PowerShell HTTP trigger function processed a request.'

$Results = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$MailboxObject = $Request.body
$Tenant = $MailboxObject.tenantid
$Aliases = $MailboxObject.addedAliases -Split '\n'

# Write to the Azure Functions log stream.
Write-Host 'PowerShell HTTP trigger function processed a request.'
try {

$Email = "$($MailboxObject.username)@$($MailboxObject.domain)"
Expand All @@ -30,48 +32,51 @@ Function Invoke-AddSharedMailbox {
'primarySMTPAddress' = $Email
Shared = $true
$AddSharedRequest = New-ExoRequest -tenantid $MailboxObject.tenantid -cmdlet 'New-Mailbox' -cmdparams $BodyToShip
$AddSharedRequest = New-ExoRequest -tenantid $Tenant -cmdlet 'New-Mailbox' -cmdparams $BodyToShip
$Body = $Results.add("Successfully created shared mailbox: $Email.")
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $($MailboxObject.tenantid) -message "Created shared mailbox $($MailboxObject.displayname) with email $Email" -Sev 'Info'
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $Tenant -message "Created shared mailbox $($MailboxObject.displayname) with email $Email" -Sev 'Info'

# Block sign-in for the mailbox
try {
$null = Set-CIPPSignInState -userid $AddSharedRequest.ExternalDirectoryObjectId -TenantFilter $($MailboxObject.tenantid) -APIName $APINAME -ExecutingUser $User -AccountEnabled $false
$null = Set-CIPPSignInState -userid $AddSharedRequest.ExternalDirectoryObjectId -TenantFilter $Tenant -APIName $APINAME -ExecutingUser $User -AccountEnabled $false
$Body = $Results.add("Blocked sign-in for shared mailbox $Email")
} catch {
$ErrorMessage = Get-NormalizedError -Message $_.Exception.Message
$Body = $Results.add("Failed to block sign-in for shared mailbox $Email. Error: $ErrorMessage")
$ErrorMessage = Get-CippException -Exception $_
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $Tenant -message "Failed to block sign-in for shared mailbox $Email. Error: $($ErrorMessage.NormalizedError)" -Sev 'Error' -LogData $ErrorMessage
$Body = $Results.add("Failed to block sign-in for shared mailbox $Email. Error: $($ErrorMessage.NormalizedError)")

} catch {
$ErrorMessage = Get-NormalizedError -Message $_.Exception.Message
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $($MailboxObject.tenantid) -message "Failed to create shared mailbox. Error: $ErrorMessage" -Sev 'Error'
$Body = $Results.add("Failed to create Shared Mailbox. $ErrorMessage")
# Add aliases to the mailbox if any are provided
if ($Aliases) {
try {
Start-Sleep 3 # Sleep since there is apparently a race condition with the mailbox creation if we don't delay for a lil bit
$AliasBodyToShip = [pscustomobject] @{
'Identity' = $AddSharedRequest.Guid
'EmailAddresses' = @{'@odata.type' = '#Exchange.GenericHashTable'; Add = $Aliases }
$null = New-ExoRequest -tenantid $Tenant -cmdlet 'Set-Mailbox' -cmdparams $AliasBodyToShip -UseSystemMailbox $true
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $Tenant -message "Added aliases to $Email : $($Aliases -join ',')" -Sev 'Info'
$Body = $results.add("Added Aliases to $Email : $($Aliases -join ',')")

# Add aliases to the mailbox if any are provided
if ($Aliases) {
try {
Start-Sleep 3 # Sleep since there is apparently a race condition with the mailbox creation if we don't delay for a lil bit
$AliasBodyToShip = [pscustomobject] @{
'Identity' = $AddSharedRequest.Guid
'EmailAddresses' = @{'@odata.type' = '#Exchange.GenericHashTable'; Add = $Aliases }
} catch {
$ErrorMessage = Get-CippException -Exception $_
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $Tenant -message "Failed to add aliases to $Email : $($ErrorMessage.NormalizedError)" -Sev 'Error' -LogData $ErrorMessage
$Body = $results.add("ERROR: Failed to add aliases to $Email : $($ErrorMessage.NormalizedError)")
$null = New-ExoRequest -tenantid $MailboxObject.tenantid -cmdlet 'Set-Mailbox' -cmdparams $AliasBodyToShip -UseSystemMailbox $true
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $($MailboxObject.tenantid) -message "Added aliases to $Email : $($Aliases -join ',')" -Sev 'Info'
$Body = $results.add("Added Aliases to $Email : $($Aliases -join ',')")

} catch {
$ErrorMessage = Get-NormalizedError -Message $_.Exception.Message
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $($MailboxObject.tenantid) -message "Failed to add aliases to $Email : $ErrorMessage" -Sev 'Error'
$Body = $results.add("ERROR: Failed to add aliases to $Email : $ErrorMessage")
$StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::OK
} catch {
$ErrorMessage = Get-CippException -Exception $_
Write-LogMessage -user $User -API $APINAME -tenant $Tenant -message "Failed to create shared mailbox. Error: $($ErrorMessage.NormalizedError)" -Sev 'Error' -LogData $ErrorMessage
$Body = $Results.add("Failed to create Shared Mailbox. $($ErrorMessage.NormalizedError)")
$StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::Forbidden

$Body = [pscustomobject] @{ 'Results' = @($results) }
# Associate values to output bindings by calling 'Push-OutputBinding'.
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::OK
StatusCode = $StatusCode
Body = $Body

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Modules/CIPPCore/Public/GraphHelper/New-ExoRequest.ps1
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Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ function New-ExoRequest {
Method = 'POST'
Body = $ExoBody
Headers = $Headers
ContentType = 'application/json'
ContentType = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

$Return = Invoke-RestMethod @ExoRequestParams -ResponseHeadersVariable ResponseHeaders
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Expand Up @@ -42,12 +42,14 @@ function Invoke-CIPPStandardActivityBasedTimeout {
# Backwards compatibility for v5.7.0 and older
if ($null -eq $Settings.timeout ) { $Settings.timeout = '01:00:00' }

$State = New-GraphGetRequest -Uri '' -tenantid $tenant
$StateIsCorrect = $State.definition -like "*$($Settings.timeout)*"
$CurrentState = New-GraphGetRequest -Uri '' -tenantid $tenant
$StateIsCorrect = if ($CurrentState.definition -like "*$($Settings.timeout)*") { $true } else { $false }

If ($Settings.remediate -eq $true) {
try {
if (!$StateIsCorrect) {
if ($StateIsCorrect -eq $true) {
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message "Activity Based Timeout is already enabled and set to $($Settings.timeout)" -sev Info
} else {
$PolicyTemplate = @{
displayName = 'DefaultTimeoutPolicy'
isOrganizationDefault = $true
Expand All @@ -58,27 +60,24 @@ function Invoke-CIPPStandardActivityBasedTimeout {
$body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $PolicyTemplate -Depth 10 -Compress

# Switch between parameter sets if the policy already exists
if ($null -eq $ {
if ($null -eq $ {
$RequestType = 'POST'
$URI = ''
} else {
$RequestType = 'PATCH'
$URI = "$($"
$URI = "$($"
New-GraphPostRequest -tenantid $tenant -Uri $URI -Type $RequestType -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json'
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message "Enabled Activity Based Timeout with a value of $($Settings.timeout)" -sev Info
} else {
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message "Activity Based Timeout is already enabled and set to $($Settings.timeout)" -sev Info
} catch {
$ErrorMessage = Get-NormalizedError -Message $_.Exception.Message
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message "Failed to enable Activity Based Timeout a value of $($Settings.timeout). Error: $ErrorMessage" -sev Error
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message "Failed to enable Activity Based Timeout a value of $($Settings.timeout)." -sev Error -LogData $_

if ($Settings.alert -eq $true) {

if ($StateIsCorrect) {
if ($StateIsCorrect -eq $true) {
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message "Activity Based Timeout is enabled and set to $($Settings.timeout)" -sev Info
} else {
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message "Activity Based Timeout is not set to $($Settings.timeout)" -sev Alert
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Expand Up @@ -29,26 +29,26 @@ function Invoke-CIPPStandardDisableEmail {
param($Tenant, $Settings)
##$Rerun -Type Standard -Tenant $Tenant -Settings $Settings 'DisableEmail'

$CurrentInfo = New-GraphGetRequest -Uri '' -tenantid $Tenant
$State = if ($CurrentInfo.state -eq 'enabled') { $true } else { $false }
$CurrentState = New-GraphGetRequest -Uri '' -tenantid $Tenant
$StateIsCorrect = ($CurrentState.state -eq 'disabled')

If ($Settings.remediate -eq $true) {
if ($State) {
Set-CIPPAuthenticationPolicy -Tenant $tenant -APIName 'Standards' -AuthenticationMethodId 'Email' -Enabled $false
} else {
if ($StateIsCorrect -eq $true) {
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message 'Email authentication method is already disabled.' -sev Info
} else {
Set-CIPPAuthenticationPolicy -Tenant $tenant -APIName 'Standards' -AuthenticationMethodId 'Email' -Enabled $false

if ($Settings.alert -eq $true) {
if ($State) {
if ($StateIsCorrect -eq $true) {
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message 'Email authentication method is enabled' -sev Alert
} else {
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message 'Email authentication method is not enabled' -sev Info

if ($ -eq $true) {
Add-CIPPBPAField -FieldName 'DisableEmail' -FieldValue $State -StoreAs bool -Tenant $tenant
Add-CIPPBPAField -FieldName 'DisableEmail' -FieldValue $StateIsCorrect -StoreAs bool -Tenant $tenant
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,26 +29,26 @@ function Invoke-CIPPStandardDisableSMS {
param($Tenant, $Settings)
##$Rerun -Type Standard -Tenant $Tenant -Settings $Settings 'DisableSMS'

$CurrentInfo = New-GraphGetRequest -Uri '' -tenantid $Tenant
$State = if ($CurrentInfo.state -eq 'enabled') { $true } else { $false }
$CurrentState = New-GraphGetRequest -Uri '' -tenantid $Tenant
$StateIsCorrect = ($CurrentState.state -eq 'disabled')

If ($Settings.remediate -eq $true) {
if ($State) {
Set-CIPPAuthenticationPolicy -Tenant $tenant -APIName 'Standards' -AuthenticationMethodId 'SMS' -Enabled $false
} else {
if ($StateIsCorrect -eq $true) {
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message 'SMS authentication method is already disabled.' -sev Info
} else {
Set-CIPPAuthenticationPolicy -Tenant $tenant -APIName 'Standards' -AuthenticationMethodId 'SMS' -Enabled $false

if ($Settings.alert -eq $true) {
if ($State) {
if ($StateIsCorrect -eq $true) {
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message 'SMS authentication method is enabled' -sev Alert
} else {
Write-LogMessage -API 'Standards' -tenant $tenant -message 'SMS authentication method is not enabled' -sev Info

if ($ -eq $true) {
Add-CIPPBPAField -FieldName 'DisableSMS' -FieldValue $State -StoreAs bool -Tenant $tenant
Add-CIPPBPAField -FieldName 'DisableSMS' -FieldValue $StateIsCorrect -StoreAs bool -Tenant $tenant

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