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OfficialEsco committed Feb 25, 2025
1 parent d844722 commit eda1055
Showing 1 changed file with 152 additions and 152 deletions.
304 changes: 152 additions & 152 deletions Tools/Update-StandardsComments.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
This script updates the comment block in the CIPP standard files.
The script reads the standards.json file and updates the comment block in the corresponding CIPP standard files.
It adds or modifies the comment block based on the properties defined in the standards.json file.
This is made to be able to generate the help documentation for the CIPP standards automatically.
None. You cannot pipe objects to this script.
None. The script modifies the CIPP standard files directly.
.FUNCTIONALITY Internal needs to be present in the comment block for the script, otherwise it will not be updated.
This is done as a safety measure to avoid updating the wrong files.
This example runs the script to update the comment block in the CIPP standard files.
param (

function EscapeMarkdown([object]$InputObject) {
$Temp = ''

if ($null -eq $InputObject) {
return ''
} elseif ($InputObject.GetType().BaseType -eq [System.Array]) {
$Temp = '{' + [System.String]::Join(', ', $InputObject) + '}'
} elseif ($InputObject.GetType() -eq [System.Collections.ArrayList] -or $InputObject.GetType().ToString().StartsWith('System.Collections.Generic.List')) {
$Temp = '{' + [System.String]::Join(', ', $InputObject.ToArray()) + '}'
} elseif (Get-Member -InputObject $InputObject -Name ToString -MemberType Method) {
$Temp = $InputObject.ToString()
} else {
$Temp = ''

return $Temp.Replace('\', '\\').Replace('*', '\*').Replace('_', '\_').Replace("``", "\``").Replace('$', '\$').Replace('|', '\|').Replace('<', '\<').Replace('>', '\>').Replace([System.Environment]::NewLine, '<br />')

# Find the paths to the standards.json file based on the current script path
$StandardsJSONPath = Split-Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot)
$StandardsJSONPath = Resolve-Path "$StandardsJSONPath\*\src\data\standards.json"
$StandardsInfo = Get-Content -Path $StandardsJSONPath | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10

foreach ($Standard in $StandardsInfo) {

# Calculate the standards file name and path
$StandardFileName = $ -replace 'standards.', 'Invoke-CIPPStandard'
$StandardsFilePath = Resolve-Path "$(Split-Path $PSScriptRoot)\Modules\CIPPCore\Public\Standards\$StandardFileName.ps1"
if (-not (Test-Path $StandardsFilePath)) {
Write-Host "No file found for standard $($" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$Content = (Get-Content -Path $StandardsFilePath -Raw).TrimEnd() + "`r`n"

# Remove random newlines before the param block
$regexPattern = '#>\s*\r?\n\s*\r?\n\s*param'
$Content = $Content -replace $regexPattern, "#>`r`n`r`n param"

# Regex to match the existing comment block
$Regex = '<#(.|\n)*?\.FUNCTIONALITY\s*Internal(.|\n)*?#>'

if ($Content -match $Regex) {
$NewComment = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
# Add the initial static comments
$NewComment.Add(" .FUNCTIONALITY`r`n")
$NewComment.Add(" Internal`r`n")
$NewComment.Add(" .COMPONENT`r`n")
$NewComment.Add(" (APIName) $($ -replace 'standards.', '')`r`n")
$NewComment.Add(" .SYNOPSIS`r`n")
$NewComment.Add(" (Label) $($Standard.label.ToString())`r`n")
$NewComment.Add(" .DESCRIPTION`r`n")
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Standard.docsDescription)) {
$NewComment.Add(" (Helptext) $($Standard.helpText.ToString())`r`n")
$NewComment.Add(" (DocsDescription) $(EscapeMarkdown($Standard.helpText.ToString()))`r`n")
} else {
$NewComment.Add(" (Helptext) $($Standard.helpText.ToString())`r`n")
$NewComment.Add(" (DocsDescription) $(EscapeMarkdown($Standard.docsDescription.ToString()))`r`n")
$NewComment.Add(" .NOTES`r`n")

# Loop through the rest of the properties of the standard and add them to the NOTES field
foreach ($Property in $Standard.PSObject.Properties) {
switch ($Property.Name) {
'name' { continue }
'impactColour' { continue }
'docsDescription' { continue }
'helpText' { continue }
'label' { continue }
Default {
$NewComment.Add(" $($Property.Name.ToUpper())`r`n")
if ($Property.Value -is [System.Object[]]) {
foreach ($Value in $Property.Value) {
$NewComment.Add(" $(ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Value -Depth 5 -Compress)`r`n")
$NewComment.Add(" $(EscapeMarkdown($Property.Value.ToString()))`r`n")


# Add header about how to update the comment block with this script
$NewComment.Add(" UPDATECOMMENTBLOCK`r`n")
$NewComment.Add(" Run the Tools\Update-StandardsComments.ps1 script to update this comment block`r`n")
# -Online help link
$NewComment.Add(" .LINK`r`n")
$DocsLink = ''

switch ($ {
'Global Standards' { $DocsLink += 'global-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
'Entra (AAD) Standards' { $DocsLink += 'entra-aad-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
'Exchange Standards' { $DocsLink += 'exchange-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
'Defender Standards' { $DocsLink += 'defender-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
'Intune Standards' { $DocsLink += 'intune-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
'SharePoint Standards' { $DocsLink += 'sharepoint-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
'Teams Standards' { $DocsLink += 'teams-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
Default {}

switch ($Standard.impact) {
condition { }
Default {}

$NewComment.Add(" $DocsLink`r`n")
$NewComment.Add(' #>')

# Write the new comment block to the file
if ($WhatIf.IsPresent) {
Write-Host "Would update $StandardsFilePath with the following comment block:"
} else {
$Content -replace $Regex, $NewComment | Set-Content -Path $StandardsFilePath -Encoding utf8 -NoNewline
} else {
Write-Host "No comment block found in $StandardsFilePath" -ForegroundColor Yellow
This script updates the comment block in the CIPP standard files.
The script reads the standards.json file and updates the comment block in the corresponding CIPP standard files.
It adds or modifies the comment block based on the properties defined in the standards.json file.
This is made to be able to generate the help documentation for the CIPP standards automatically.
None. You cannot pipe objects to this script.
None. The script modifies the CIPP standard files directly.
.FUNCTIONALITY Internal needs to be present in the comment block for the script, otherwise it will not be updated.
This is done as a safety measure to avoid updating the wrong files.
This example runs the script to update the comment block in the CIPP standard files.
param (

function EscapeMarkdown([object]$InputObject) {
$Temp = ''

if ($null -eq $InputObject) {
return ''
} elseif ($InputObject.GetType().BaseType -eq [System.Array]) {
$Temp = '{' + [System.String]::Join(', ', $InputObject) + '}'
} elseif ($InputObject.GetType() -eq [System.Collections.ArrayList] -or $InputObject.GetType().ToString().StartsWith('System.Collections.Generic.List')) {
$Temp = '{' + [System.String]::Join(', ', $InputObject.ToArray()) + '}'
} elseif (Get-Member -InputObject $InputObject -Name ToString -MemberType Method) {
$Temp = $InputObject.ToString()
} else {
$Temp = ''

return $Temp.Replace('\', '\\').Replace('*', '\*').Replace('_', '\_').Replace("``", "\``").Replace('$', '\$').Replace('|', '\|').Replace('<', '\<').Replace('>', '\>').Replace([System.Environment]::NewLine, '<br />')

# Find the paths to the standards.json file based on the current script path
$StandardsJSONPath = Split-Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot)
$StandardsJSONPath = Resolve-Path "$StandardsJSONPath\*\src\data\standards.json"
$StandardsInfo = Get-Content -Path $StandardsJSONPath | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10

foreach ($Standard in $StandardsInfo) {

# Calculate the standards file name and path
$StandardFileName = $ -replace 'standards.', 'Invoke-CIPPStandard'
$StandardsFilePath = Resolve-Path "$(Split-Path $PSScriptRoot)\Modules\CIPPCore\Public\Standards\$StandardFileName.ps1"
if (-not (Test-Path $StandardsFilePath)) {
Write-Host "No file found for standard $($" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$Content = (Get-Content -Path $StandardsFilePath -Raw).TrimEnd() + "`n"

# Remove random newlines before the param block
$regexPattern = '#>\s*\r?\n\s*\r?\n\s*param'
$Content = $Content -replace $regexPattern, "#>`n`n param"

# Regex to match the existing comment block
$Regex = '<#(.|\n)*?\.FUNCTIONALITY\s*Internal(.|\n)*?#>'

if ($Content -match $Regex) {
$NewComment = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
# Add the initial static comments
$NewComment.Add(" .FUNCTIONALITY`n")
$NewComment.Add(" Internal`n")
$NewComment.Add(" .COMPONENT`n")
$NewComment.Add(" (APIName) $($ -replace 'standards.', '')`n")
$NewComment.Add(" .SYNOPSIS`n")
$NewComment.Add(" (Label) $($Standard.label.ToString())`n")
$NewComment.Add(" .DESCRIPTION`n")
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Standard.docsDescription)) {
$NewComment.Add(" (Helptext) $($Standard.helpText.ToString())`n")
$NewComment.Add(" (DocsDescription) $(EscapeMarkdown($Standard.helpText.ToString()))`n")
} else {
$NewComment.Add(" (Helptext) $($Standard.helpText.ToString())`n")
$NewComment.Add(" (DocsDescription) $(EscapeMarkdown($Standard.docsDescription.ToString()))`n")
$NewComment.Add(" .NOTES`n")

# Loop through the rest of the properties of the standard and add them to the NOTES field
foreach ($Property in $Standard.PSObject.Properties) {
switch ($Property.Name) {
'name' { continue }
'impactColour' { continue }
'docsDescription' { continue }
'helpText' { continue }
'label' { continue }
Default {
$NewComment.Add(" $($Property.Name.ToUpper())`n")
if ($Property.Value -is [System.Object[]]) {
foreach ($Value in $Property.Value) {
$NewComment.Add(" $(ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Value -Depth 5 -Compress)`n")
$NewComment.Add(" $(EscapeMarkdown($Property.Value.ToString()))`n")


# Add header about how to update the comment block with this script
$NewComment.Add(" Run the Tools\Update-StandardsComments.ps1 script to update this comment block`n")
# -Online help link
$NewComment.Add(" .LINK`n")
$DocsLink = ''

switch ($ {
'Global Standards' { $DocsLink += 'global-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
'Entra (AAD) Standards' { $DocsLink += 'entra-aad-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
'Exchange Standards' { $DocsLink += 'exchange-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
'Defender Standards' { $DocsLink += 'defender-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
'Intune Standards' { $DocsLink += 'intune-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
'SharePoint Standards' { $DocsLink += 'sharepoint-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
'Teams Standards' { $DocsLink += 'teams-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
Default {}

switch ($Standard.impact) {
condition { }
Default {}

$NewComment.Add(" $DocsLink`n")
$NewComment.Add(' #>')

# Write the new comment block to the file
if ($WhatIf.IsPresent) {
Write-Host "Would update $StandardsFilePath with the following comment block:"
} else {
$Content -replace $Regex, $NewComment | Set-Content -Path $StandardsFilePath -Encoding utf8 -NoNewline
} else {
Write-Host "No comment block found in $StandardsFilePath" -ForegroundColor Yellow

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