diff --git a/Tools/Update-StandardsComments.ps1 b/Tools/Update-StandardsComments.ps1
index 6f5cc8397db9..e804aefe0998 100644
--- a/Tools/Update-StandardsComments.ps1
+++ b/Tools/Update-StandardsComments.ps1
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
- This script updates the comment block in the CIPP standard files.
- The script reads the standards.json file and updates the comment block in the corresponding CIPP standard files.
- It adds or modifies the comment block based on the properties defined in the standards.json file.
- This is made to be able to generate the help documentation for the CIPP standards automatically.
- None. You cannot pipe objects to this script.
- None. The script modifies the CIPP standard files directly.
- .FUNCTIONALITY Internal needs to be present in the comment block for the script, otherwise it will not be updated.
- This is done as a safety measure to avoid updating the wrong files.
- Update-StandardsComments.ps1
- This example runs the script to update the comment block in the CIPP standard files.
-param (
- [switch]$WhatIf
-function EscapeMarkdown([object]$InputObject) {
- # https://github.com/microsoft/FormatPowerShellToMarkdownTable/blob/master/src/FormatMarkdownTable/FormatMarkdownTable.psm1
- $Temp = ''
- if ($null -eq $InputObject) {
- return ''
- } elseif ($InputObject.GetType().BaseType -eq [System.Array]) {
- $Temp = '{' + [System.String]::Join(', ', $InputObject) + '}'
- } elseif ($InputObject.GetType() -eq [System.Collections.ArrayList] -or $InputObject.GetType().ToString().StartsWith('System.Collections.Generic.List')) {
- $Temp = '{' + [System.String]::Join(', ', $InputObject.ToArray()) + '}'
- } elseif (Get-Member -InputObject $InputObject -Name ToString -MemberType Method) {
- $Temp = $InputObject.ToString()
- } else {
- $Temp = ''
- }
- return $Temp.Replace('\', '\\').Replace('*', '\*').Replace('_', '\_').Replace("``", "\``").Replace('$', '\$').Replace('|', '\|').Replace('<', '\<').Replace('>', '\>').Replace([System.Environment]::NewLine, '
-# Find the paths to the standards.json file based on the current script path
-$StandardsJSONPath = Split-Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot)
-$StandardsJSONPath = Resolve-Path "$StandardsJSONPath\*\src\data\standards.json"
-$StandardsInfo = Get-Content -Path $StandardsJSONPath | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10
-foreach ($Standard in $StandardsInfo) {
- # Calculate the standards file name and path
- $StandardFileName = $Standard.name -replace 'standards.', 'Invoke-CIPPStandard'
- $StandardsFilePath = Resolve-Path "$(Split-Path $PSScriptRoot)\Modules\CIPPCore\Public\Standards\$StandardFileName.ps1"
- if (-not (Test-Path $StandardsFilePath)) {
- Write-Host "No file found for standard $($Standard.name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
- continue
- }
- $Content = (Get-Content -Path $StandardsFilePath -Raw).TrimEnd() + "`r`n"
- # Remove random newlines before the param block
- $regexPattern = '#>\s*\r?\n\s*\r?\n\s*param'
- $Content = $Content -replace $regexPattern, "#>`r`n`r`n param"
- # Regex to match the existing comment block
- $Regex = '<#(.|\n)*?\.FUNCTIONALITY\s*Internal(.|\n)*?#>'
- if ($Content -match $Regex) {
- $NewComment = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
- # Add the initial static comments
- $NewComment.Add("<#`r`n")
- $NewComment.Add(" .FUNCTIONALITY`r`n")
- $NewComment.Add(" Internal`r`n")
- $NewComment.Add(" .COMPONENT`r`n")
- $NewComment.Add(" (APIName) $($Standard.name -replace 'standards.', '')`r`n")
- $NewComment.Add(" .SYNOPSIS`r`n")
- $NewComment.Add(" (Label) $($Standard.label.ToString())`r`n")
- $NewComment.Add(" .DESCRIPTION`r`n")
- if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Standard.docsDescription)) {
- $NewComment.Add(" (Helptext) $($Standard.helpText.ToString())`r`n")
- $NewComment.Add(" (DocsDescription) $(EscapeMarkdown($Standard.helpText.ToString()))`r`n")
- } else {
- $NewComment.Add(" (Helptext) $($Standard.helpText.ToString())`r`n")
- $NewComment.Add(" (DocsDescription) $(EscapeMarkdown($Standard.docsDescription.ToString()))`r`n")
- }
- $NewComment.Add(" .NOTES`r`n")
- # Loop through the rest of the properties of the standard and add them to the NOTES field
- foreach ($Property in $Standard.PSObject.Properties) {
- switch ($Property.Name) {
- 'name' { continue }
- 'impactColour' { continue }
- 'docsDescription' { continue }
- 'helpText' { continue }
- 'label' { continue }
- Default {
- $NewComment.Add(" $($Property.Name.ToUpper())`r`n")
- if ($Property.Value -is [System.Object[]]) {
- foreach ($Value in $Property.Value) {
- $NewComment.Add(" $(ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Value -Depth 5 -Compress)`r`n")
- }
- continue
- }
- $NewComment.Add(" $(EscapeMarkdown($Property.Value.ToString()))`r`n")
- }
- }
- }
- # Add header about how to update the comment block with this script
- $NewComment.Add(" UPDATECOMMENTBLOCK`r`n")
- $NewComment.Add(" Run the Tools\Update-StandardsComments.ps1 script to update this comment block`r`n")
- # -Online help link
- $NewComment.Add(" .LINK`r`n")
- $DocsLink = 'https://docs.cipp.app/user-documentation/tenant/standards/list-standards/'
- switch ($Standard.cat) {
- 'Global Standards' { $DocsLink += 'global-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
- 'Entra (AAD) Standards' { $DocsLink += 'entra-aad-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
- 'Exchange Standards' { $DocsLink += 'exchange-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
- 'Defender Standards' { $DocsLink += 'defender-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
- 'Intune Standards' { $DocsLink += 'intune-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
- 'SharePoint Standards' { $DocsLink += 'sharepoint-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
- 'Teams Standards' { $DocsLink += 'teams-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
- Default {}
- }
- switch ($Standard.impact) {
- condition { }
- Default {}
- }
- $NewComment.Add(" $DocsLink`r`n")
- $NewComment.Add(' #>')
- # Write the new comment block to the file
- if ($WhatIf.IsPresent) {
- Write-Host "Would update $StandardsFilePath with the following comment block:"
- $NewComment
- } else {
- $Content -replace $Regex, $NewComment | Set-Content -Path $StandardsFilePath -Encoding utf8 -NoNewline
- }
- } else {
- Write-Host "No comment block found in $StandardsFilePath" -ForegroundColor Yellow
- }
+ This script updates the comment block in the CIPP standard files.
+ The script reads the standards.json file and updates the comment block in the corresponding CIPP standard files.
+ It adds or modifies the comment block based on the properties defined in the standards.json file.
+ This is made to be able to generate the help documentation for the CIPP standards automatically.
+ None. You cannot pipe objects to this script.
+ None. The script modifies the CIPP standard files directly.
+ .FUNCTIONALITY Internal needs to be present in the comment block for the script, otherwise it will not be updated.
+ This is done as a safety measure to avoid updating the wrong files.
+ Update-StandardsComments.ps1
+ This example runs the script to update the comment block in the CIPP standard files.
+param (
+ [switch]$WhatIf
+function EscapeMarkdown([object]$InputObject) {
+ # https://github.com/microsoft/FormatPowerShellToMarkdownTable/blob/master/src/FormatMarkdownTable/FormatMarkdownTable.psm1
+ $Temp = ''
+ if ($null -eq $InputObject) {
+ return ''
+ } elseif ($InputObject.GetType().BaseType -eq [System.Array]) {
+ $Temp = '{' + [System.String]::Join(', ', $InputObject) + '}'
+ } elseif ($InputObject.GetType() -eq [System.Collections.ArrayList] -or $InputObject.GetType().ToString().StartsWith('System.Collections.Generic.List')) {
+ $Temp = '{' + [System.String]::Join(', ', $InputObject.ToArray()) + '}'
+ } elseif (Get-Member -InputObject $InputObject -Name ToString -MemberType Method) {
+ $Temp = $InputObject.ToString()
+ } else {
+ $Temp = ''
+ }
+ return $Temp.Replace('\', '\\').Replace('*', '\*').Replace('_', '\_').Replace("``", "\``").Replace('$', '\$').Replace('|', '\|').Replace('<', '\<').Replace('>', '\>').Replace([System.Environment]::NewLine, '
+# Find the paths to the standards.json file based on the current script path
+$StandardsJSONPath = Split-Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot)
+$StandardsJSONPath = Resolve-Path "$StandardsJSONPath\*\src\data\standards.json"
+$StandardsInfo = Get-Content -Path $StandardsJSONPath | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10
+foreach ($Standard in $StandardsInfo) {
+ # Calculate the standards file name and path
+ $StandardFileName = $Standard.name -replace 'standards.', 'Invoke-CIPPStandard'
+ $StandardsFilePath = Resolve-Path "$(Split-Path $PSScriptRoot)\Modules\CIPPCore\Public\Standards\$StandardFileName.ps1"
+ if (-not (Test-Path $StandardsFilePath)) {
+ Write-Host "No file found for standard $($Standard.name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ continue
+ }
+ $Content = (Get-Content -Path $StandardsFilePath -Raw).TrimEnd() + "`n"
+ # Remove random newlines before the param block
+ $regexPattern = '#>\s*\r?\n\s*\r?\n\s*param'
+ $Content = $Content -replace $regexPattern, "#>`n`n param"
+ # Regex to match the existing comment block
+ $Regex = '<#(.|\n)*?\.FUNCTIONALITY\s*Internal(.|\n)*?#>'
+ if ($Content -match $Regex) {
+ $NewComment = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
+ # Add the initial static comments
+ $NewComment.Add("<#`n")
+ $NewComment.Add(" .FUNCTIONALITY`n")
+ $NewComment.Add(" Internal`n")
+ $NewComment.Add(" .COMPONENT`n")
+ $NewComment.Add(" (APIName) $($Standard.name -replace 'standards.', '')`n")
+ $NewComment.Add(" .SYNOPSIS`n")
+ $NewComment.Add(" (Label) $($Standard.label.ToString())`n")
+ $NewComment.Add(" .DESCRIPTION`n")
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Standard.docsDescription)) {
+ $NewComment.Add(" (Helptext) $($Standard.helpText.ToString())`n")
+ $NewComment.Add(" (DocsDescription) $(EscapeMarkdown($Standard.helpText.ToString()))`n")
+ } else {
+ $NewComment.Add(" (Helptext) $($Standard.helpText.ToString())`n")
+ $NewComment.Add(" (DocsDescription) $(EscapeMarkdown($Standard.docsDescription.ToString()))`n")
+ }
+ $NewComment.Add(" .NOTES`n")
+ # Loop through the rest of the properties of the standard and add them to the NOTES field
+ foreach ($Property in $Standard.PSObject.Properties) {
+ switch ($Property.Name) {
+ 'name' { continue }
+ 'impactColour' { continue }
+ 'docsDescription' { continue }
+ 'helpText' { continue }
+ 'label' { continue }
+ Default {
+ $NewComment.Add(" $($Property.Name.ToUpper())`n")
+ if ($Property.Value -is [System.Object[]]) {
+ foreach ($Value in $Property.Value) {
+ $NewComment.Add(" $(ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Value -Depth 5 -Compress)`n")
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ $NewComment.Add(" $(EscapeMarkdown($Property.Value.ToString()))`n")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Add header about how to update the comment block with this script
+ $NewComment.Add(" UPDATECOMMENTBLOCK`n")
+ $NewComment.Add(" Run the Tools\Update-StandardsComments.ps1 script to update this comment block`n")
+ # -Online help link
+ $NewComment.Add(" .LINK`n")
+ $DocsLink = 'https://docs.cipp.app/user-documentation/tenant/standards/list-standards/'
+ switch ($Standard.cat) {
+ 'Global Standards' { $DocsLink += 'global-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
+ 'Entra (AAD) Standards' { $DocsLink += 'entra-aad-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
+ 'Exchange Standards' { $DocsLink += 'exchange-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
+ 'Defender Standards' { $DocsLink += 'defender-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
+ 'Intune Standards' { $DocsLink += 'intune-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
+ 'SharePoint Standards' { $DocsLink += 'sharepoint-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
+ 'Teams Standards' { $DocsLink += 'teams-standards#' + $Standard.impact.ToLower() -replace ' ', '-' }
+ Default {}
+ }
+ switch ($Standard.impact) {
+ condition { }
+ Default {}
+ }
+ $NewComment.Add(" $DocsLink`n")
+ $NewComment.Add(' #>')
+ # Write the new comment block to the file
+ if ($WhatIf.IsPresent) {
+ Write-Host "Would update $StandardsFilePath with the following comment block:"
+ $NewComment
+ } else {
+ $Content -replace $Regex, $NewComment | Set-Content -Path $StandardsFilePath -Encoding utf8 -NoNewline
+ }
+ } else {
+ Write-Host "No comment block found in $StandardsFilePath" -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ }