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RecordSponge Ops

Details on developer operations, deploy steps, configurations, etc.


  • make initial developer set up as simple as possible (make new)
  • make staging, production, etc. deploys as simple as possible (cd src/ops && make staging)
  • keep dev, staging, and production environments as similar as possible
  • make developing either frontend or backend features as simple as possible
    • support HMR dev server for frontend dev, or static files for backend-only
    • bind mount local source tree into dev containers
    • support test/style watchers/linters


This section describes the configuration of the "local" developer enviroment with notes addressing specific decisions made to support the overall goals of this initiative.


The local developer environment for this project relies on 3 containers:

  • Node to run react-scripts, handle HMR dev server
  • Python 3.7 to serve the Flask app (API & static files)
  • PostgreSQL 10 to be the database

We only customize the Python container and use published base images for Node and Postgres directly. The Python container is configured to have all the run-time dependencies and the virutalenv defined by Pipfile.lock.

For node, there are no run-time requirements, since react-scripts will build a complete static tree of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for production deploys. The Flask app is configured to serve these statically built files. This keeps deploys simple, see below.

Python dependencies

When Python dependencies change, an owner of the RecordSponge Docker Hub ID needs to build and push a new image. This does not prevent a developer from testing with different dependencies, but pushing the dev image is considered an official step and provides the rest of the group with the new pre-built image.

Testing new dependency locally:

$ vim src/backend/Pipfile
$ make backend_build backend_reload backend_logs

Pushing new expungeservice:dev image:

$ docker login
$ make push

Dependency changes should be thoroughly vetted before both being merged in and pushing a new dev image.

NOTE: virtualenv is stored inside the image at /src/venvs

Node dependencies

The Node container is configured to use npm install && npm run start as its run command. This will attempt to intall node modules each time the container is started, then fire up the HMR dev server.

Changing node module dependencies:

$ vim src/frontend/package.json
$ docker-compose restart node

NOTE: node_modules is a named volume, mounted into the node container at the path /src/frontend/node_modules. This keeps the node_modules tree off of the local filesystem, and preserves it across container lifecycles.

PostgreSQL volumes

postgres_data is a named volume, mounted into the postgres container at the path /var/lib/postgresql/data. This keeps the data tree off of the local filesystem, and preserves it across container lifecycles.

The local path config/postgres is bind-mounted into the postgres container at the path /var/lib/postgresql/config. This allows the initdb make target to run the seeding SQL scripts therein.


Image tags

We use the :dev image tag to denote an python:3.7-alpine based image that has all the run-time dependencies but no source. It expects source trees to be bind-mounted into a container running this image.

Conversely, we use the :staging (and soon :prod) tags to denote images that are based on :dev but have full backend source & frontend build artifacts copied into the image. These images are fully-contained, and deployable on any platform, using only ENV variables to configure database connections and TIER. ID and config

A recordsponge organization has been created on Docker hub. The expungeservice repository under this org contains images with tags for dev (local), staging (, and prod (

DigitalOcean host config

An Ubuntu 18.04 host has been stood up to serve * This host has PostgreSQL 10, nginx, and Docker installed.

SSH config

To connect to this host, supply your SSH public key to someone with access. Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config file:

Host recordsponge
    User username
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/codeforpdx_ed25519

Replace username with yours, and codeforpdx_ed25519 with your SSH private key. You should now be able to connect with:

$ ssh recordsponge

TLS/SSL config

LetsEncrypt is fully configured. See:

  • /etc/nginx/sites-available/recordexpunge-nginx.conf.
  • /etc/nginx/sites-available/
  • /etc/cron.d/certbot
  • /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root

nginx config

  • proxy_pass proxy method
  • terminates SSL, passes everything else to port
  • single-container listening on port
domain conf file /etc/nginx/sites-available/recordexpunge-nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/
- -

PostgreSQL config

PostgreSQL is configured to listen on localhost and the interface of the "Docker" host: (see /etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf). It also allows password authenticated connections on that interface (see /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf).

For connection credentails, see:

  • /home/kent/recordexpungPDX/config/expungeservice/expungeservice.production.env
  • /home/kenichi/staging.env

DNS config

TODO: find out details

Steps to deploy

NOTE: These steps assume the above configurations and a tangible example exists in the staging and prod targets of src/ops/Makefile.

  1. build, tag, and push new image
  2. connect to production host
  3. pull new image
  4. stop container
  5. start container from new image