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Welcome to my fourth project


picture of the mockup of the website


It's a website for people who are looking for healthy recipes. Maybe you just want to eat better and healthier food, or you want to change your body and mind to be the best version of yourself by training and eating better. As a user you can save your favourite recipes to youre profile and add your own recipes if you like. The site offers a appealing hero image when users first enter the site. The goal is to make people want to stay on the website and get to know more about Healthy You and what the site has to offer. Users can easily navigate to the different pages of the website with the navigation menu at the top. The navigation menu contains a logo which takes the user to the home page if they click on it. It also has six menus: Home, Recipes, About, Contact, Register and Log in if the user isnt logged in to the website. If the user has registered and is logged in he/she can see Add Recipe and Log out insted of Register and Log in.



  • As a first time user

    • I want to easy find what the website offers
    • I want to navigate easy through the different menus
    • I want to find the links to other social media platform where I can find and search the recipes through other platforms
    • I want to be able to join the website so I easy can find new/saved recipes
    • I want to be able to join the website so I can write my own recipes
    • I want to be able to rate recipes
    • I want to be able to comment on recipes
  • As a returning and frequent user

    • I want to log in and see saved/created recipes
    • I want to see if the website is updated with new recipes
    • I want to be able to update my recipes
    • I want to be able to answer on commented recipes
    • I might want to contact Healthy You if I got any questions

All users want to be able to scroll through the website on their phones without any disturbing events and easy find what they are looking for



I used github projects to make my own kanban board to be able to keep track on all different steps I needed to take during this project

picture from my github pages where i used github projects to make my own kanban board



  • The home page welcomes the user to the Health You website.
  • A text informs the user what the websites purpose is.
  • The user can click on green links that takes he/she to a specific type of recipe
  • The user can also use the search bar at the top right corner to search for specific recipes


  • Shows all the latest recipes
  • The user can click on a specific recipe to see more detail about it


  • The detail page for a recipe
  • Shows the name of the recipe, ingridients, steps on how to make the recipe
  • The user can choose to edit or delete their own created recipes on this page but needs to be logged in for these functions to show.
  • The user can leave a comment on the recipe of they are logged in. Also edit/delete and old comment they have made


  • The About Page explains more about Healthy You and the purpose of the website


  • The user can choose to contact Healthy You if he/she got any questions with the form on this page


  • If the user want to join the website to be able to save and create own recipes its done in this page


  • If the user want to log in to their own profile and see saved/own recipe its done on this page


  • If the user want to see the recipes they have created its done on this page
  • The user needs to be logged in to used the feature


  • If the user want to add a new recipe its done on this page
  • The user needs to be logged in to used the feature



My plan in the future is to add the star rating for each recipe so the users can rate the recipes after how good they were. Also adding the heart symbol to make each user able to save a recipe they really like to their own profile page.


  • The header is at the top of the website and contains the logo and the navigation bar/menu. For screens bigger then 1024px you can see all the different navigation menus at the top at the right side of the header logo.
  • Users can easy find the websites different pages through the navigation menu where they can go to the Recipes, About, Contact, Register or Log in page.
  • The logo in the top left corner of the navigation bar is also a link to the home page.
  • The user can see both the logo and navigation menu easy because of the color scheme of the offwhite background with the green text

picture of the header and navigation bar for screens bigger then 1024px

  • For mobile phones the navigation menu turns into a hamburger bar icon which they can click on to activate the navigation menu

picture of the header and navigation bar for mobile phones



    • The hero image is one of the first things you notice when you enter the website. The goal is to make the users want to stay and want to search for delicious recipes to make on their own'
    • It also contains some text which explains the purpose of the website and what the user can do

picture of hero image


    • The home page also got clickable links under the hero image
    • Each link goes to a different type of food recipes
    • This is to make users want to explore more and easy be able to that directly from the home page

picture of the clickable links under the hero image


  • Its at the recipes page the user can see all the recipes that is added to the webpage
  • The user can press the heart icon to save a recipe to their own profile if they are logged in

picture of recipes page


    • If the user click on a recipe they are taken to the detail page of that recipe
    • It shows the ingredients, instructions, and any comments that made
    • The user can leave a comment if they are logged in
    • If any user have made a comment they are published at the bottom of the webpage, under the recipe

picture of the top of the recipe detail page picture of the bottom of the recipe detail page


  • The about page describes what the user can do on the Healthy You webpage and what its purpose

picture of the about page


  • If users needs to contact Healthy You for some reason they can go to the contact page and fill in the form

picture of the contact page


  • If the user want to create a user to be able to create and save/comment on recipe its done on this page

picture of the register page


  • If the user want to log in to be able to see created or saved recipes and edit their own recipes or comments its done on this page

picture of the log in page


  • If the user want to see their own recipes or recipes that they have liked its done on this page
  • The user needs to be logged in for this page to show

picture of the profile page


  • If the user want to add their own recipe to the Healthy You webpage its done on this page
  • The user needs to be logged in for this page to show

picture of the add recipe page


  • The color on the background of the header and footer is a beautiful off-white #F1EDE1.
  • The color of the logo and navigation menu text is green #49892a, to stand out from the off-white background color
  • The color of the all buttons is a darker green #198754, to stand out more from the rest of the content. They are first white with a darkgreen text and border, but when hovered over they text turns white and the background turns to dark green
  • The main background is white to make the header and footer stand out more from the rest of the content




  • Changed the text and icons in the footer to be centered
  • Decided to remove the recipes to their own page and insted have clickable links for different food type recipes

Home page made in wireframes


  • Removed the rating function due to not having enough time to finish that part

Recipes page made in wireframes


  • Added a comment function so a logged in user can comment on the recipe
  • Removed the rating function due to not having enough time to finish that part

Recipes detail page made in wireframes


  • Decided to make the image to the left take up the whole height of the webpage to make it look more appealing

About page made in wireframes


  • Decided to make the contact page have the same layout as the about page with a picture to the left with a text describing what the user can do on that page. This because i want the webpage to have a similar theme

Contact page made in wireframes


  • Decided to make the log in and register page to have a similar look so the pages follows a similar theme
  • Decided to remove the image to the left so the page only got the form left

Register page made in wireframes


  • Decided to make the log in and register page to have a similar look so the pages follows a similar theme
  • Decided to remove the image to the left so the page only got the form left

Log in page made in wireframes

The profile and add recipe pages was made after I had finished the wireframes. They were made when I did the tutorial on Youtube for the webpage. Before that I had in mind to only have a saved recipes page that showed up when the user was logged in insted of a profile page. But quickly realized that I needed more subheadings on the saved recipes page and there for choose to create the profile page insted. Due to not having enough time i choose to delete the save recipes part of the profile and just have the recipes the user has created.


  • I tested the website in Chrome, Firefox and Edge browser to see that all pages loaded and that every link, button, form, images and navigation menu was working

  • The site is also responsive which I tested in google chromes devtools by selecting different screensizes and test each function

  • I tested that all text is easy to read and to understand

  • The CSS code got valified through a CSS validator

    Picture of the results of the CSS validator

  • The HTML code got valified through a HTML validator I viewed each pages source code on the live website and copy and pasted that html code to the html validator, so I wouldnt get any django errors. I got some other errors from the live page html code which I couldnt see in the html template code in the IDE:


    Said that I had stray < p >, < tr >, < td > and < th > tags, which I couldnt find in the html code in the IDE. All the other html pages was OK.

    Picture of the results of the html validator

  • All the Python code is valified through CI Python Linter

    Picture of the results of the python validator


I also did manual testings on all website pages to ensure that everything was working as expected:


Description: Make sure all the links to the 5 different recipe types are working


  1. Go to the home page
  2. Click on each link and see if it takes you to the correct type of recipe


The user should be sent to a recipe containing meat when clicking on the meat link


I was sent to the recipes page which showed me a recipe with meat in it


Description: Make sure all the navigation links and the search bar is working


  1. Click on each navigation link to see that i'm taken to the correct page
  2. Click on the logo at the left corner of the header to see that i'm taken to the home page
  3. Write something in the search bar, for example "meat" to see that im taken to a recipe with meat in it


The user should be taken to the correct page when clicking on a navigation link The user should be taken to the correct recipe when using the searchbar, and if no recipes are found the recipes page is showed empty


I was sent to all correct pages through the navigation links and the searchbar showed me the correct recipes i was searching for


Description: Make sure all the recipes are showed and that the user is taken to the correct recipe when clicking on it


  1. Click on the recipes link in the navigation menu
  2. See that the recipes are showing and then click on one recipe
  3. See that the user is taken to the correct recipe that is clicked on


The user should see all the different recipes when first visiting the recipes page The user should be taken to the correct recipe when clicking on one of the recipes


When I clicked on the recipes link in the navigation menu I was taken to the recipes page. It showed me all the different recipes. I then clicked on all the recipes to see that I was taken to the correct recipe, which I was


    Description: Make sure that the user is taken to the correct recipe detail page, showing the correct information, ingredients, instructions and made comments. If the user has made that recipe / and/ or comment they should also be able to edit/delete that recipe/comment. Make sure that a logged in user can make a comment


    1. Click on one recipe on the recipes page
    2. See that the correct recipe is showing
    3. Check that all information, ingredients, instructions and comments are showing
    4. Check that the user can edit/delete that recipe if they are the creator of that recipe
    5. Check that the user can edit/delete a made comment if they are the creator of that comment
    6. Check that I can make a comment on a recipe if i'm logged in


    The user should see the correct recipe with all the information about it The user should be able to edit/delete the recipe/comment if they are the creator The user can make a comment if they are logged in at the website. If not logged in a message should tell them to log in to be able to create a comment


    When I clicked on one recipe i was taken to that specific recipe. All the information, ingredients and instructions seemed correct due to the title of the recipe. I could also edit/delete both the recipe and comments I had made if I were the creator of those. I could write and post a comment as I was logged in. When I wasnt logged in a got a message under the "Add a comment" title that telled me I had to log in to be able to use that feature


    Description: Make sure that the about page is showing the correct image and text


    1. Click on about link in the navigation menu
    2. See that the user is taken to the about page
    3. See that the correct text is showing that tells the user about this webpage


    The user should be taken to the about page displaying a text describing the purpose about this webpage


    When I clicked on about pages navigation link in the navigation menu I was taken to the correct page, showing me the text describing what this webpage purpose is


    Description: Make sure that all the different fields in the contact form is working and that the user get a message when the form is successfully sent


    1. Write nothing in each field in the contact form tells you to fill that specific field
    2. Write a number in the first name/ last name fields too see if the form tells you that is wrong
    3. Write a name only in the email field to see that the form tells you that you need a email adress
    4. Write nothing on the message field to see that the form tells you that you need to fill this in


    The user should be informed to fill in each field with the correct information before being able to submit the form


    When I filled in each field correct the form was sent and I got a message telling me "Thank you for your message. We will contact you as soon as possible."


    Description: Make sure the registration is working and that the user can create their own user at the website


    1. Fill in the email field with a name only and see that the form is telling me to use email adress
    2. Fill in the username and then choose a password the is short and see that its telling me to choose another password
    3. Fill in the username and then choose a password the is only numbers and see that its telling me to choose another password
    4. Fill in the username and then choose a password and write it in a different way in the second field to ensure that the form is telling you that the password needs to be the same
    5. Fill in each field correct and see that the user is created successfully
    6. Check that the link to the lon in page under the "Sign up" title is working and is taking the user to the log in page


    The user should be informed to fill in each field with the correct information before being able to create a user The user should be taken to the log in page when clicking on the log in link under the Sign up title


    When I filled in each field correct I was able to create my own user. I was also taken to the log in page when I clicked on the log in link in the text under the "Sign up" title


    Description: Make sure the user is able to log in with a created user


    1. Fill in each field with the wrong username and password to see that the user isnt able to log in
    2. Fill in each field with a correct username and password to see tha the user in being able to log in


    The user should be informed to fill in each field with the correct information before being able to log in The user should be able to log in and see their own profile page, and the Add recipes page if they log in with the correct username and password


    When I filled in each field correct I could see my own profile page and add recipe page at the navigation menu


    Description: Make sure the user is able to see their own profile page when logged in to the website, and see recipes they have created on their profile page


    1. Log in to the website and see that the profile link is showing in the navigation menu
    2. Click on the profile page and see that the correct profile page is showing
    3. If the user has created recipes those should be showed on this page
    4. The user should also be able to click on one recipe and be taken to that specific recipe


    The user should be able to see a profile page link in the navigation menu and when clicked on being taken to their own profile page The user should be able to see all the recipes they have created IF they have created any The user should be taken to the correct recipe detail page if they click on a specific recipe they have created that is showing on their profile page


    When I logged in and clicked on the profile page I was taken to my own profile page. I Could see all the different recipes I had created. I then tried to click on a specific recipe and was taken to the correct one


    Description: Make sure that the user can add their own recipe when logged in to the website, and that the recipe is showing on the recipes page


    1. Log in to the website and see that the add recipe link is in the navigation menu
    2. Click on the Add Recipe link too see that the correct page is loaded
    3. Fill in the information and image that is needed for the recipe
    4. Click on the "Create recipe" button at the bottom of the page to see that the user is taken to the recipes page and that the new recipe is added


    The user should be able to see a add recipe link in the navigation menu when logged in. The user should be able to create a new recipe that is added to the recipes page


    When I logged in and clicked on the Add Recipe link in the navigation menu i was taken to the correct page. I then created a new recipe and pressed the "create recipe" button. I was then taken to the recipes page and my own new recipe was showed on the page


  • Found that the snacks anchor tag at the home page didnt show any snack recipes. Found that I had a "s" in the anchor at the end tag for snack so the search result was wrong. By removing the extra s at the end of "snacks" the link started to work.
  • There was a bug when you tried to create a user on the register page. I found that the create_user_profile in the for profiles app had Profiles insted of ProfileModel, which made the error with not being able to create a user. When I change from Profile to ProfileModels in the create_user_profile, you was then able to create a user.


I also tested every page in Lighthouse with the result below

  • Home Page - Mobile version

lighthouse result for home page, mobile version

  • Home Page - Desktop version

lighthouse result for home page, desktop version

  • Recipes Page - Mobile version

lighthouse result for recipes page, mobile version

  • Recipes Page - Desktop version

lighthouse result for recipes page, desktop version

  • Recipe Detail Page - Mobile version

lighthouse result for recipe detail page, mobile version

  • Recipe Detail Page - Desktop version

lighthouse result for recipe detail page, desktop version

  • About Page - Mobile version

lighthouse result for about page, mobile version

  • About Page - Desktop version

lighthouse result for about page, desktop version

  • Contact Page - Mobile version

lighthouse result for contact page, mobile version

  • Contact Page - Desktop version

lighthouse result for contact page, desktop version

  • Register page - Mobile version

lighthouse result for register page, mobile version

  • Register page - Desktop version

lighthouse result for register page, desktop version

  • Log in page - Mobile version

lighthouse result for log in page, mobile version

  • Log in page - Desktop version

lighthouse result for log in page, desktop version

  • Profile page - Mobile version

lighthouse result for profile page, mobile version

  • Profile page - Desktop version

lighthouse result for profile page, desktop version

  • Add recipe page - Mobile version

lighthouse result for add recipe page, mobile version

  • Add recipe page - Desktop version

lighthouse result for add recipe page, desktop version


This project was deployed to The following steps shows how you do it:
  1. Start by creating a account on Herokus website

  2. Then log in to your account and create the app for your website

  3. When the app is created go to the settings tab

  4. Reveal the config vars and add a KEY of DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC, and a VALUE of 1

  5. In your IDEs terminal pip install gunicorn~=20.1

  6. In your IDE use this command: "pip freeze --local > requirements.txt" to update your requirements.txt file with the installed gunicorn

  7. Create a file in your root directory named Procfile, it needs to be the same directory as your requirements.txt

  8. In your procfile add this text: "web: gunicorn my_project.wsgi"

  9. Change "my_project" to the name of your own project

  10. Open your file and change your DEBUG settings to False. It should always be False when deploying your project to Heroku!

  11. In your under the ALLOWED_HOSTS add this text ",'.herokuapp'"

  12. Now git add, commit and push all the changes to Github

  13. Return to your Heroku dashboard and go to the deploy tab

  14. Choose to connect your Heroku account to your Github account

  15. When your Heroku account is connected to your Github account search for your project repo name and choose it

  16. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the "deploy branch" button to start a manual deployment

  17. When the deployment is done you'll see a "View" button at the bottom of the page

  18. Press that button to view your deployed app

    This project uses a database from ElephantSQL. The following steps shows how you create a database through ElephantSQL:

  19. Log in to or create a new account at the ElephantSQL database webpage

  20. Click at "create new instance"

  21. Choose a name and plan for your database, name could be the same as your webpage to make things easy

  22. You can leave the tags field blank

  23. Click on the "select region" button and choose a region/data center close to you and then press the "review" button

  24. Check that all information is correct and press the "create instance" button

  25. Click on your newly made database

  26. Click on the STATS menu and check that the PostgresSQL version is higher then 12 (if its not higher then 12 you need to go back to step 1 and create a new instance and choose a different data center. If you are in Europe choose one thats in Europe)

  27. When your PostgresSQL version is 12 or higher go to the DETAILS menu and copy the URL

  28. Go back to your IDE and create a new file named "" in your root directory, the same as your Procfile

  29. Open the ".gitignore" file and add the "" to that

  30. Open your "" file and add this text: "import os os.environ.setdefault('DATABASE_URL', '')"

  31. Change the text "" to your own data base URL you copied from ElephantSQL

  32. Pip install dj-database-url~=0.5 and psycopg2~=2.9, these are required to be able to connect to your PostgresSQL database

  33. Pip freeze your requirements.txt file

  34. Open your "" and add this at the top of it "import os import dj_database_url if os.path.isfile(''): import env"

  35. Still in your "" file, find the local sqlite3 database that Django provides and comment that one out so you dont use it

  36. Then add this text under the local database you just commented out "DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL")) }"

  37. Now that your project is connected to the database you need to use the migrate command in your terminal, copy this text to your terminal and press enter "python migrate"

  38. In your "" file change DEBUG to False! IMPORTANT

  39. Now git add, commit and push all the changes to Github

  40. Go to your Heroku dashboard and go to the DEPLOY tab and do a manual deployment

  41. When the deployment is done go to the settings tab and reveal your config vars

  42. Add a new confiv var with the KEY "DATABASE_URL" and the VALUE is your ElephantSQL URL

  43. Now your deployed app should be connected to your new PostgresSQL database


Navigate to the repository in Github you want to use:

  1. Click on the green code drop down button
  2. Click on HTTPS and copy that URL
  3. Open the IDE you want to use (you must install git for the next stepes)
  4. Type "git clone copied-git-url" into the terminal of the IDE

The project have now been cloned to your local IDE and is ready to use.

Install Dependencies:

npm install

Run Application:

npm start


Forks are often used to either make changes to someones existing project or to use it as a starting point for your own project.

  1. Go to the repository in Github you want to fork.

  2. On the top right of the page under the header, click the fork button.

  3. This will create a clone of that repository in your own Github repositories.


  • I noticed that the divs containing each recipe on the recipes page are different sizes on the smaller screens. When the recipe divs are 2 or 1 per row they get different sizes. I have tried to change the bootstrap classes to make that dissapear so that all the recipe divs are the same size, but without any luck.
  • This project have been a real struggle for me. To understand Django took a long time and it was when I had 2 weeks left to finish this I started to understand Django a little bit. Hopefully I have written enought own code to get a pass and I will continue to study to learn Django even more.




All the thanks to the lovely students on slack. Specially the students in the community-sweden group for helping out when needed and my mentor Ronan for being so supportive and helpfull