From ca39fd817e9da4cfa2c13ae6985732242be129ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: r0bot Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 14:59:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] lib-js removed from git ignore in order to be used directly from the repo. --- .gitignore | 1 - lib-js/saml2.js | 1033 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 1033 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 lib-js/saml2.js diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 186e528..869c12f 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ *~ node_modules -lib-js lib-js-cov *.html package-lock.json diff --git a/lib-js/saml2.js b/lib-js/saml2.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0664b01 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib-js/saml2.js @@ -0,0 +1,1033 @@ +// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7 +var IdentityProvider, SAMLError, ServiceProvider, SignedXml, XMLNS, _, add_namespaces_to_child_assertions, async, certificate_to_keyinfo, check_saml_signature, check_status_success, create_authn_request, create_logout_request, create_logout_response, create_metadata, crypto, debug, decrypt_assertion, extract_certificate_data, format_pem, get_attribute_value, get_name_id, get_session_info, get_signed_data, get_status, parseString, parse_assertion_attributes, parse_authn_response, parse_logout_request, parse_response_header, pretty_assertion_attributes, set_option_defaults, sign_authn_request, sign_request, to_error, url, util, xmlbuilder, xmlcrypto, xmldom, xmlenc, zlib, + extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }, + hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, + slice = [].slice, + bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; + +_ = require('underscore'); + +async = require('async'); + +crypto = require('crypto'); + +debug = require('debug')('saml2'); + +parseString = require('xml2js').parseString; + +url = require('url'); + +util = require('util'); + +xmlbuilder = require('xmlbuilder'); + +xmlcrypto = require('xml-crypto'); + +xmldom = require('xmldom'); + +xmlenc = require('xml-encryption'); + +zlib = require('zlib'); + +SignedXml = require('xml-crypto').SignedXml; + +XMLNS = { + SAML: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', + SAMLP: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol', + MD: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata', + DS: '', + XENC: '', + EXC_C14N: '' +}; + +SAMLError = (function(superClass) { + extend(SAMLError, superClass); + + function SAMLError(message, extra) { + this.message = message; + this.extra = extra; +, this.message); + } + + return SAMLError; + +})(Error); + +create_authn_request = function(issuer, assert_endpoint, destination, force_authn, context, nameid_format) { + var context_element, id, xml; + if (context != null) { + context_element = _(context.class_refs).map(function(class_ref) { + return { + 'saml:AuthnContextClassRef': class_ref + }; + }); + context_element.push({ + '@Comparison': context.comparison + }); + } + id = '_' + crypto.randomBytes(21).toString('hex'); + xml = xmlbuilder.create({ + AuthnRequest: { + '@xmlns': XMLNS.SAMLP, + '@xmlns:saml': XMLNS.SAML, + '@Version': '2.0', + '@ID': id, + '@IssueInstant': (new Date()).toISOString(), + '@Destination': destination, + '@AssertionConsumerServiceURL': assert_endpoint, + '@ProtocolBinding': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST', + '@ForceAuthn': force_authn, + 'saml:Issuer': issuer, + NameIDPolicy: { + '@Format': nameid_format || 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified', + '@AllowCreate': 'true' + }, + RequestedAuthnContext: context_element + } + }).end(); + return { + id: id, + xml: xml + }; +}; + +sign_authn_request = function(xml, private_key, options) { + var signer; + signer = new SignedXml(null, options); + signer.addReference("//*[local-name(.)='AuthnRequest']", ['', '']); + signer.signingKey = private_key; + signer.computeSignature(xml); + return signer.getSignedXml(); +}; + +create_metadata = function(entity_id, assert_endpoint, signing_certificates, encryption_certificates) { + var encryption_cert_descriptors, encryption_certificate, signing_cert_descriptors, signing_certificate; + signing_cert_descriptors = (function() { + var j, len, ref1, results; + ref1 = signing_certificates || []; + results = []; + for (j = 0, len = ref1.length; j < len; j++) { + signing_certificate = ref1[j]; + results.push({ + 'md:KeyDescriptor': certificate_to_keyinfo('signing', signing_certificate) + }); + } + return results; + })(); + encryption_cert_descriptors = (function() { + var j, len, ref1, results; + ref1 = encryption_certificates || []; + results = []; + for (j = 0, len = ref1.length; j < len; j++) { + encryption_certificate = ref1[j]; + results.push({ + 'md:KeyDescriptor': certificate_to_keyinfo('encryption', encryption_certificate) + }); + } + return results; + })(); + return xmlbuilder.create({ + 'md:EntityDescriptor': { + '@xmlns:md': XMLNS.MD, + '@xmlns:ds': XMLNS.DS, + '@entityID': entity_id, + '@validUntil': (new Date( + 1000 * 60 * 60)).toISOString(), + 'md:SPSSODescriptor': [].concat({ + '@protocolSupportEnumeration': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:protocol urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol' + }).concat(signing_cert_descriptors).concat(encryption_cert_descriptors).concat([ + { + 'md:SingleLogoutService': { + '@Binding': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect', + '@Location': assert_endpoint + }, + 'md:AssertionConsumerService': { + '@Binding': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST', + '@Location': assert_endpoint, + '@index': '0' + } + } + ]) + } + }).end(); +}; + +create_logout_request = function(issuer, name_id, session_index, destination) { + var id, xml; + id = '_' + crypto.randomBytes(21).toString('hex'); + xml = xmlbuilder.create({ + 'samlp:LogoutRequest': { + '@xmlns:samlp': XMLNS.SAMLP, + '@xmlns:saml': XMLNS.SAML, + '@ID': id, + '@Version': '2.0', + '@IssueInstant': (new Date()).toISOString(), + '@Destination': destination, + 'saml:Issuer': issuer, + 'saml:NameID': name_id, + 'samlp:SessionIndex': session_index + } + }).end(); + return { + id: id, + xml: xml + }; +}; + +create_logout_response = function(issuer, in_response_to, destination, status) { + if (status == null) { + status = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success'; + } + return xmlbuilder.create({ + 'samlp:LogoutResponse': { + '@Destination': destination, + '@ID': '_' + crypto.randomBytes(21).toString('hex'), + '@InResponseTo': in_response_to, + '@IssueInstant': (new Date()).toISOString(), + '@Version': '2.0', + '@xmlns:samlp': XMLNS.SAMLP, + '@xmlns:saml': XMLNS.SAML, + 'saml:Issuer': issuer, + 'samlp:Status': { + 'samlp:StatusCode': { + '@Value': status + } + } + } + }, { + headless: true + }).end(); +}; + +format_pem = function(key, type) { + if ((/-----BEGIN [0-9A-Z ]+-----[^-]*-----END [0-9A-Z ]+-----/g.exec(key)) != null) { + return key; + } + return ("-----BEGIN " + (type.toUpperCase()) + "-----\n") + key.match(/.{1,64}/g).join("\n") + ("\n-----END " + (type.toUpperCase()) + "-----"); +}; + +sign_request = function(saml_request, private_key, relay_state, response) { + var action, data, relay_state_data, samlQueryString, saml_request_data, sigalg_data, sign; + if (response == null) { + response = false; + } + action = response ? "SAMLResponse" : "SAMLRequest"; + data = (action + "=") + encodeURIComponent(saml_request); + if (relay_state) { + data += "&RelayState=" + encodeURIComponent(relay_state); + } + data += "&SigAlg=" + encodeURIComponent(''); + saml_request_data = (action + "=") + encodeURIComponent(saml_request); + relay_state_data = relay_state != null ? "&RelayState=" + encodeURIComponent(relay_state) : ""; + sigalg_data = "&SigAlg=" + encodeURIComponent(''); + sign = crypto.createSign('RSA-SHA256'); + sign.update(saml_request_data + relay_state_data + sigalg_data); + samlQueryString = {}; + if (response) { + samlQueryString.SAMLResponse = saml_request; + } else { + samlQueryString.SAMLRequest = saml_request; + } + if (relay_state) { + samlQueryString.RelayState = relay_state; + } + samlQueryString.SigAlg = ''; + samlQueryString.Signature = sign.sign(format_pem(private_key, 'PRIVATE KEY'), 'base64'); + return samlQueryString; +}; + +certificate_to_keyinfo = function(use, certificate) { + return { + '@use': use, + 'ds:KeyInfo': { + '@xmlns:ds': XMLNS.DS, + 'ds:X509Data': { + 'ds:X509Certificate': extract_certificate_data(certificate) + } + } + }; +}; + +extract_certificate_data = function(certificate) { + var cert_data; + cert_data = /-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----([^-]*)-----END CERTIFICATE-----/g.exec(certificate); + cert_data = cert_data != null ? cert_data[1] : certificate; + if (cert_data == null) { + throw new Error('Invalid Certificate'); + } + return cert_data.replace(/[\r\n]/g, ''); +}; + +check_saml_signature = function(xml, certificate) { + var doc, sig, signature, valid; + doc = (new xmldom.DOMParser()).parseFromString(xml); + signature = xmlcrypto.xpath(doc, "./*[local-name(.)='Signature' and namespace-uri(.)='']"); + if (signature.length !== 1) { + return null; + } + sig = new xmlcrypto.SignedXml(); + sig.keyInfoProvider = { + getKey: function() { + return format_pem(certificate, 'CERTIFICATE'); + } + }; + sig.loadSignature(signature[0]); + valid = sig.checkSignature(xml); + if (valid) { + return get_signed_data(doc, sig.references); + } else { + return null; + } +}; + +get_signed_data = function(doc, references) { + return, function(ref) { + var elem, idAttribute, j, len, ref1, uri; + uri = ref.uri; + if (uri[0] === '#') { + uri = uri.substring(1); + } + elem = []; + if (uri === "") { + elem = xmlcrypto.xpath(doc, "//*"); + } else { + ref1 = ["Id", "ID"]; + for (j = 0, len = ref1.length; j < len; j++) { + idAttribute = ref1[j]; + elem = xmlcrypto.xpath(doc, "//*[@*[local-name(.)='" + idAttribute + "']='" + uri + "']"); + if (elem.length > 0) { + break; + } + } + } + if (!(elem.length > 0)) { + throw new Error("Invalid signature; must be a reference to '" + ref.uri + "'"); + } + return elem[0].toString(); + }); +}; + +check_status_success = function(dom) { + var j, len, ref1, status, status_code; + status = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAMLP, 'Status'); + if (status.length !== 1) { + return false; + } + ref1 = status[0].childNodes || []; + for (j = 0, len = ref1.length; j < len; j++) { + status_code = ref1[j]; + if (status_code.attributes != null) { + status = get_attribute_value(status_code, 'Value'); + return status === 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success'; + } + } + return false; +}; + +get_status = function(dom) { + var j, l, len, len1, ref1, ref2, status, status_code, status_list, sub_status_code, top_status; + status_list = {}; + status = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAMLP, 'Status'); + if (status.length !== 1) { + return status_list; + } + ref1 = status[0].childNodes || []; + for (j = 0, len = ref1.length; j < len; j++) { + status_code = ref1[j]; + if (status_code.attributes != null) { + top_status = get_attribute_value(status_code, 'Value'); + if (status_list[top_status] == null) { + status_list[top_status] = []; + } + } + ref2 = status_code.childNodes || []; + for (l = 0, len1 = ref2.length; l < len1; l++) { + sub_status_code = ref2[l]; + if ((sub_status_code != null ? sub_status_code.attributes : void 0) != null) { + status = get_attribute_value(sub_status_code, 'Value'); + status_list[top_status].push(status); + } + } + } + return status_list; +}; + +to_error = function(err) { + if (err == null) { + return null; + } + if (!(err instanceof Error)) { + return new Error(util.inspect(err)); + } + return err; +}; + +decrypt_assertion = function(dom, private_keys, cb) { + var encrypted_assertion, encrypted_data, err, errors; + cb = _.wrap(cb, function() { + var args, err, fn; + fn = arguments[0], err = arguments[1], args = 3 <= arguments.length ?, 2) : []; + return setTimeout((function() { + return fn.apply(null, [to_error(err)].concat(; + }), 0); + }); + try { + encrypted_assertion = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'EncryptedAssertion'); + if (encrypted_assertion.length !== 1) { + return cb(new Error("Expected 1 EncryptedAssertion; found " + encrypted_assertion.length + ".")); + } + encrypted_data = encrypted_assertion[0].getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.XENC, 'EncryptedData'); + if (encrypted_data.length !== 1) { + return cb(new Error("Expected 1 EncryptedData inside EncryptedAssertion; found " + encrypted_data.length + ".")); + } + encrypted_assertion = encrypted_assertion[0].toString(); + errors = []; + return async.eachOfSeries(private_keys, function(private_key, index, cb_e) { + return xmlenc.decrypt(encrypted_assertion, { + key: format_pem(private_key, 'PRIVATE KEY') + }, function(err, result) { + if (err != null) { + if (err != null) { + errors.push(new Error("Decrypt failed: " + (util.inspect(err)))); + } + return cb_e(); + } + debug("Decryption successful with private key #" + index + "."); + return cb(null, result); + }); + }, function() { + return cb(new Error("Failed to decrypt assertion with provided key(s): " + (util.inspect(errors)))); + }); + } catch (error) { + err = error; + return cb(new Error("Decrypt failed: " + (util.inspect(err)))); + } +}; + +check_saml_signature = function(xml, certificate) { + var doc, sig, signature, valid; + doc = (new xmldom.DOMParser()).parseFromString(xml); + signature = xmlcrypto.xpath(doc, "./*[local-name(.)='Signature' and namespace-uri(.)='']"); + if (signature.length !== 1) { + return null; + } + sig = new xmlcrypto.SignedXml(); + sig.keyInfoProvider = { + getKey: function() { + return format_pem(certificate, 'CERTIFICATE'); + } + }; + sig.loadSignature(signature[0].toString()); + valid = sig.checkSignature(xml); + if (valid) { + return get_signed_data(doc, sig); + } else { + return null; + } +}; + +get_signed_data = function(doc, sig) { + return, function(ref) { + var elem, idAttribute, j, len, ref1, uri; + uri = ref.uri; + if (uri[0] === '#') { + uri = uri.substring(1); + } + elem = []; + if (uri === "") { + elem = xmlcrypto.xpath(doc, "//*"); + } else { + ref1 = ["Id", "ID"]; + for (j = 0, len = ref1.length; j < len; j++) { + idAttribute = ref1[j]; + elem = xmlcrypto.xpath(doc, "//*[@*[local-name(.)='" + idAttribute + "']='" + uri + "']"); + if (elem.length > 0) { + break; + } + } + } + if (!(elem.length > 0)) { + throw new Error("Invalid signature; must be a reference to '" + ref.uri + "'"); + } + return sig.getCanonXml(ref.transforms, elem[0], { + inclusiveNamespacesPrefixList: ref.inclusiveNamespacesPrefixList + }); + }); +}; + +parse_response_header = function(dom) { + var j, len, ref1, response, response_header, response_type, version; + ref1 = ['Response', 'LogoutResponse', 'LogoutRequest']; + for (j = 0, len = ref1.length; j < len; j++) { + response_type = ref1[j]; + response = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAMLP, response_type); + if (response.length > 0) { + break; + } + } + if (response.length !== 1) { + throw new Error("Expected 1 Response; found " + response.length); + } + response_header = { + version: get_attribute_value(response[0], 'Version'), + destination: get_attribute_value(response[0], 'Destination'), + in_response_to: get_attribute_value(response[0], 'InResponseTo'), + id: get_attribute_value(response[0], 'ID') + }; + version = response_header.version || '2.0'; + if (version !== "2.0") { + throw new Error("Invalid SAML Version " + version); + } + return response_header; +}; + +get_name_id = function(dom) { + var assertion, nameid, ref1, subject; + assertion = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'Assertion'); + if (assertion.length !== 1) { + throw new Error("Expected 1 Assertion; found " + assertion.length); + } + subject = assertion[0].getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'Subject'); + if (subject.length !== 1) { + throw new Error("Expected 1 Subject; found " + subject.length); + } + nameid = subject[0].getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'NameID'); + if (nameid.length !== 1) { + return null; + } + return (ref1 = nameid[0].firstChild) != null ? : void 0; +}; + +get_attribute_value = function(node, attributeName) { + var attribute, attributes, ref1; + attributes = node.attributes || []; + attribute = _.filter(attributes, function(attr) { + return === attributeName; + }); + return (ref1 = attribute[0]) != null ? ref1.value : void 0; +}; + +get_session_info = function(dom, index_required) { + var assertion, authn_statement, info; + if (index_required == null) { + index_required = true; + } + assertion = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'Assertion'); + if (assertion.length !== 1) { + throw new Error("Expected 1 Assertion; found " + assertion.length); + } + authn_statement = assertion[0].getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'AuthnStatement'); + if (authn_statement.length !== 1) { + throw new Error("Expected 1 AuthnStatement; found " + authn_statement.length); + } + info = { + index: get_attribute_value(authn_statement[0], 'SessionIndex'), + not_on_or_after: get_attribute_value(authn_statement[0], 'SessionNotOnOrAfter') + }; + if (index_required && (info.index == null)) { + throw new Error("SessionIndex not an attribute of AuthnStatement."); + } + return info; +}; + +parse_assertion_attributes = function(dom) { + var assertion, assertion_attributes, attribute, attribute_name, attribute_statement, attribute_values, j, len, ref1; + assertion = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'Assertion'); + if (assertion.length !== 1) { + throw new Error("Expected 1 Assertion; found " + assertion.length); + } + attribute_statement = assertion[0].getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'AttributeStatement'); + if (!(attribute_statement.length <= 1)) { + throw new Error("Expected 1 AttributeStatement inside Assertion; found " + attribute_statement.length); + } + if (attribute_statement.length === 0) { + return {}; + } + assertion_attributes = {}; + ref1 = attribute_statement[0].getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'Attribute'); + for (j = 0, len = ref1.length; j < len; j++) { + attribute = ref1[j]; + attribute_name = get_attribute_value(attribute, 'Name'); + if (attribute_name == null) { + throw new Error("Invalid attribute without name"); + } + attribute_values = attribute.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'AttributeValue'); + assertion_attributes[attribute_name] = _(attribute_values).map(function(attribute_value) { + var ref2; + return ((ref2 = attribute_value.childNodes[0]) != null ? : void 0) || ''; + }); + } + return assertion_attributes; +}; + +pretty_assertion_attributes = function(assertion_attributes) { + var claim_map; + claim_map = { + "": "email", + "": "given_name", + "": "name", + "": "upn", + "": "common_name", + "": "group", + "": "role", + "": "surname", + "": "ppid", + "": "name_id", + "": "authentication_method", + "": "deny_only_group_sid", + "": "deny_only_primary_sid", + "": "deny_only_primary_group_sid", + "": "group_sid", + "": "primary_group_sid", + "": "primary_sid", + "": "windows_account_name" + }; + return _(assertion_attributes).chain().pairs().filter(function(arg) { + var k, v; + k = arg[0], v = arg[1]; + return (claim_map[k] != null) && v.length > 0; + }).map(function(arg) { + var k, v; + k = arg[0], v = arg[1]; + return [claim_map[k], v[0]]; + }).object().value(); +}; + +add_namespaces_to_child_assertions = function(xml_string) { + var assertion_element, assertion_elements, attr, doc, inclusive_namespaces, j, len, namespaces, new_attribute, ns, prefixList, ref1, response_element, response_elements; + doc = new xmldom.DOMParser().parseFromString(xml_string); + response_elements = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAMLP, 'Response'); + if (response_elements.length !== 1) { + return xml_string; + } + response_element = response_elements[0]; + assertion_elements = response_element.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'Assertion'); + if (assertion_elements.length !== 1) { + return xml_string; + } + assertion_element = assertion_elements[0]; + inclusive_namespaces = assertion_element.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.EXC_C14N, 'InclusiveNamespaces')[0]; + namespaces = inclusive_namespaces && (prefixList = (ref1 = inclusive_namespaces.getAttribute('PrefixList')) != null ? ref1.trim() : void 0) ? (function() { + var j, len, ref2, results; + ref2 = prefixList.split(' '); + results = []; + for (j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) { + ns = ref2[j]; + results.push("xmlns:" + ns); + } + return results; + })() : (function() { + var j, len, ref2, results; + ref2 = response_element.attributes; + results = []; + for (j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) { + attr = ref2[j]; + if (^xmlns:/)) { + results.push(; + } + } + return results; + })(); + for (j = 0, len = namespaces.length; j < len; j++) { + ns = namespaces[j]; + if (response_element.getAttribute(ns) && !assertion_element.getAttribute(ns)) { + new_attribute = doc.createAttribute(ns); + new_attribute.value = response_element.getAttribute(ns); + assertion_element.setAttributeNode(new_attribute); + } + } + return new xmldom.XMLSerializer().serializeToString(response_element); +}; + +parse_authn_response = function(saml_response, sp_private_keys, idp_certificates, allow_unencrypted, ignore_signature, require_session_index, cb) { + var user; + user = {}; + return async.waterfall([ + function(cb_wf) { + return decrypt_assertion(saml_response, sp_private_keys, function(err, result) { + var assertion; + if (err == null) { + return cb_wf(null, result); + } + if (!(allow_unencrypted && err.message === "Expected 1 EncryptedAssertion; found 0.")) { + return cb_wf(err, result); + } + assertion = saml_response.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'Assertion'); + if (assertion.length !== 1) { + return cb_wf(new Error("Expected 1 Assertion or 1 EncryptedAssertion; found " + assertion.length)); + } + return cb_wf(null, assertion[0].toString()); + }); + }, function(result, cb_wf) { + var assertion, cert, ex, i, j, l, len, len1, ref1, saml_response_str, sd, signed_data, signed_dom; + debug(result); + if (ignore_signature) { + return cb_wf(null, (new xmldom.DOMParser()).parseFromString(result)); + } + saml_response_str = saml_response.toString(); + ref1 = idp_certificates || []; + for (i = j = 0, len = ref1.length; j < len; i = ++j) { + cert = ref1[i]; + try { + signed_data = check_saml_signature(result, cert) || check_saml_signature(saml_response_str, cert); + } catch (error) { + ex = error; + return cb_wf(new Error("SAML Assertion signature check failed! (Certificate \#" + (i + 1) + " may be invalid. " + ex.message)); + } + if (!signed_data) { + continue; + } + for (l = 0, len1 = signed_data.length; l < len1; l++) { + sd = signed_data[l]; + signed_dom = (new xmldom.DOMParser()).parseFromString(sd); + assertion = signed_dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'Assertion'); + if (assertion.length === 1) { + return cb_wf(null, signed_dom); + } + } + return cb_wf(new Error("Signed data did not contain a SAML Assertion!")); + } + return cb_wf(new Error("SAML Assertion signature check failed! (checked " + idp_certificates.length + " certificate(s))")); + }, function(decrypted_assertion, cb_wf) { + var assertion_attributes, err, session_info; + try { + session_info = get_session_info(decrypted_assertion, require_session_index); + user.name_id = get_name_id(decrypted_assertion); + user.session_index = session_info.index; + if (session_info.not_on_or_after != null) { + user.session_not_on_or_after = session_info.not_on_or_after; + } + assertion_attributes = parse_assertion_attributes(decrypted_assertion); + user = _.extend(user, pretty_assertion_attributes(assertion_attributes)); + user = _.extend(user, { + attributes: assertion_attributes + }); + return cb_wf(null, { + user: user + }); + } catch (error) { + err = error; + return cb_wf(err); + } + } + ], cb); +}; + +parse_logout_request = function(dom) { + var issuer, name_id, ref1, ref2, ref3, request, session_index; + request = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAMLP, "LogoutRequest"); + if (request.length !== 1) { + throw new Error("Expected 1 LogoutRequest; found " + request.length); + } + request = {}; + issuer = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'Issuer'); + if (issuer.length === 1) { + request.issuer = (ref1 = issuer[0].firstChild) != null ? : void 0; + } + name_id = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'NameID'); + if (name_id.length === 1) { + request.name_id = (ref2 = name_id[0].firstChild) != null ? : void 0; + } + session_index = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAMLP, 'SessionIndex'); + if (session_index.length === 1) { + request.session_index = (ref3 = session_index[0].firstChild) != null ? : void 0; + } + return request; +}; + +set_option_defaults = function(request_options, idp_options, sp_options) { + return _.defaults({}, request_options, idp_options, sp_options); +}; + +module.exports.ServiceProvider = ServiceProvider = (function() { + function ServiceProvider(options) { + this.create_metadata = bind(this.create_metadata, this); + this.create_logout_request_url = bind(this.create_logout_request_url, this); + this.entity_id = options.entity_id, this.private_key = options.private_key, this.certificate = options.certificate, this.assert_endpoint = options.assert_endpoint, this.alt_private_keys = options.alt_private_keys, this.alt_certs = options.alt_certs; + if (options.audience == null) { + options.audience = this.entity_id; + } + if (options.notbefore_skew == null) { + options.notbefore_skew = 1; + } + this.alt_private_keys = [].concat(this.alt_private_keys || []); + this.alt_certs = [].concat(this.alt_certs || []); + this.shared_options = _(options).pick("force_authn", "auth_context", "nameid_format", "sign_get_request", "allow_unencrypted_assertion", "audience", "notbefore_skew"); + } + + ServiceProvider.prototype.create_login_request_url = function(identity_provider, options, cb) { + var id, ref1, xml; + options = set_option_defaults(options, identity_provider.shared_options, this.shared_options); + ref1 = create_authn_request(this.entity_id, this.assert_endpoint, identity_provider.sso_login_url, options.force_authn, options.auth_context, options.nameid_format), id =, xml = ref1.xml; + return zlib.deflateRaw(xml, (function(_this) { + return function(err, deflated) { + var ex, uri; + if (err != null) { + return cb(err); + } + try { + uri = url.parse(identity_provider.sso_login_url, true); + } catch (error) { + ex = error; + return cb(ex); + } + delete; + if (options.sign_get_request) { + _(uri.query).extend(sign_request(deflated.toString('base64'), _this.private_key, options.relay_state)); + } else { + uri.query.SAMLRequest = deflated.toString('base64'); + if (options.relay_state != null) { + uri.query.RelayState = options.relay_state; + } + } + return cb(null, url.format(uri), id); + }; + })(this)); + }; + + ServiceProvider.prototype.create_authn_request_xml = function(identity_provider, options) { + var id, ref1, xml; + options = set_option_defaults(options, identity_provider.shared_options, this.shared_options); + ref1 = create_authn_request(this.entity_id, this.assert_endpoint, identity_provider.sso_login_url, options.force_authn, options.auth_context, options.nameid_format), id =, xml = ref1.xml; + return sign_authn_request(xml, this.private_key, options); + }; + + ServiceProvider.prototype.create_authn_request_xml_no_signature = function(identity_provider, options) { + var id, ref1, xml; + options = set_option_defaults(options, identity_provider.shared_options, this.shared_options); + ref1 = create_authn_request(this.entity_id, this.assert_endpoint, identity_provider.sso_login_url, options.force_authn, options.auth_context, options.nameid_format), id =, xml = ref1.xml; + return xml; + }; + + ServiceProvider.prototype.redirect_assert = function(identity_provider, options, cb) { + options = _.defaults(_.extend(options, { + get_request: true + }), { + require_session_index: true + }); + options = set_option_defaults(options, identity_provider.shared_options, this.shared_options); + return this._assert(identity_provider, options, cb); + }; + + ServiceProvider.prototype.post_assert = function(identity_provider, options, cb) { + options = _.defaults(_.extend(options, { + get_request: false + }), { + require_session_index: true + }); + options = set_option_defaults(options, identity_provider.shared_options, this.shared_options); + return this._assert(identity_provider, options, cb); + }; + + ServiceProvider.prototype._assert = function(identity_provider, options, cb) { + var ref1, ref2, response, saml_response; + if (!((((ref1 = options.request_body) != null ? ref1.SAMLResponse : void 0) != null) || (((ref2 = options.request_body) != null ? ref2.SAMLRequest : void 0) != null))) { + return setImmediate(cb, new Error("Request body does not contain SAMLResponse or SAMLRequest.")); + } + if (!_.isNumber(options.notbefore_skew)) { + return setImmediate(cb, new Error("Configuration error: `notbefore_skew` must be a number")); + } + saml_response = null; + response = {}; + return async.waterfall([ + function(cb_wf) { + var raw; + raw = new Buffer(options.request_body.SAMLResponse || options.request_body.SAMLRequest, 'base64'); + if (options.get_request) { + return zlib.inflateRaw(raw, cb_wf); + } + return setImmediate(cb_wf, null, raw); + }, (function(_this) { + return function(response_buffer, cb_wf) { + var attribute, audience_restriction, audiences, condition, conditions, err, j, len, ref3, saml_response_abnormalized, validAudience; + debug(saml_response); + saml_response_abnormalized = add_namespaces_to_child_assertions(response_buffer.toString()); + saml_response = (new xmldom.DOMParser()).parseFromString(saml_response_abnormalized); + try { + response = { + response_header: parse_response_header(saml_response) + }; + } catch (error) { + err = error; + return cb(err); + } + switch (false) { + case saml_response.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAMLP, 'Response').length !== 1: + if (!check_status_success(saml_response)) { + return cb_wf(new SAMLError("SAML Response was not success!", { + status: get_status(saml_response) + })); + } + response.type = 'authn_response'; + conditions = saml_response.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'Conditions')[0]; + if (conditions != null) { + if (options.ignore_timing !== true) { + ref3 = conditions.attributes; + for (j = 0, len = ref3.length; j < len; j++) { + attribute = ref3[j]; + condition =; + if (condition === 'notbefore' && Date.parse(attribute.value) > + (options.notbefore_skew * 1000)) { + return cb_wf(new SAMLError('SAML Response is not yet valid', { + NotBefore: attribute.value + })); + } + if (condition === 'notonorafter' && Date.parse(attribute.value) <= { + return cb_wf(new SAMLError('SAML Response is no longer valid', { + NotOnOrAfter: attribute.value + })); + } + } + } + audience_restriction = conditions.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'AudienceRestriction')[0]; + audiences = audience_restriction != null ? audience_restriction.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAML, 'Audience') : void 0; + if ((audiences != null ? audiences.length : void 0) > 0) { + validAudience = _.find(audiences, function(audience) { + var audienceValue, ref4, ref5; + audienceValue = (ref4 = audience.firstChild) != null ? (ref5 = != null ? ref5.trim() : void 0 : void 0; + return !_.isEmpty(audienceValue != null ? audienceValue.trim() : void 0) && ((_.isRegExp(options.audience) && options.audience.test(audienceValue)) || (_.isString(options.audience) && options.audience.toLowerCase() === audienceValue.toLowerCase())); + }); + if (validAudience == null) { + return cb_wf(new SAMLError('SAML Response is not valid for this audience')); + } + } + } + return parse_authn_response(saml_response, [_this.private_key].concat(_this.alt_private_keys), identity_provider.certificates, options.allow_unencrypted_assertion, options.ignore_signature, options.require_session_index, cb_wf); + case saml_response.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAMLP, 'LogoutResponse').length !== 1: + if (!check_status_success(saml_response)) { + return cb_wf(new SAMLError("SAML Response was not success!", { + status: get_status(saml_response) + })); + } + response.type = 'logout_response'; + return setImmediate(cb_wf, null, {}); + case saml_response.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS.SAMLP, 'LogoutRequest').length !== 1: + response.type = 'logout_request'; + return setImmediate(cb_wf, null, parse_logout_request(saml_response)); + } + }; + })(this), function(result, cb_wf) { + _.extend(response, result); + return cb_wf(null, response); + } + ], cb); + }; + + ServiceProvider.prototype.create_logout_request_url = function(identity_provider, options, cb) { + var id, ref1, xml; + if (_.isString(identity_provider)) { + identity_provider = { + sso_logout_url: identity_provider, + options: {} + }; + } + options = set_option_defaults(options, identity_provider.shared_options, this.shared_options); + ref1 = create_logout_request(this.entity_id, options.name_id, options.session_index, identity_provider.sso_logout_url), id =, xml = ref1.xml; + return zlib.deflateRaw(xml, (function(_this) { + return function(err, deflated) { + var ex, query, uri; + if (err != null) { + return cb(err); + } + try { + uri = url.parse(identity_provider.sso_logout_url, true); + } catch (error) { + ex = error; + return cb(ex); + } + query = null; + if (options.sign_get_request) { + query = sign_request(deflated.toString('base64'), _this.private_key, options.relay_state); + } else { + query = { + SAMLRequest: deflated.toString('base64') + }; + if (options.relay_state != null) { + query.RelayState = options.relay_state; + } + } + uri.query = _.extend(query, uri.query); + = null; + uri.query = query; + return cb(null, url.format(uri), id); + }; + })(this)); + }; + + ServiceProvider.prototype.create_logout_response_url = function(identity_provider, options, cb) { + var xml; + if (_.isString(identity_provider)) { + identity_provider = { + sso_logout_url: identity_provider, + options: {} + }; + } + options = set_option_defaults(options, identity_provider.shared_options, this.shared_options); + xml = create_logout_response(this.entity_id, options.in_response_to, identity_provider.sso_logout_url); + return zlib.deflateRaw(xml, (function(_this) { + return function(err, deflated) { + var ex, uri; + if (err != null) { + return cb(err); + } + try { + uri = url.parse(identity_provider.sso_logout_url); + } catch (error) { + ex = error; + return cb(ex); + } + if (options.sign_get_request) { + uri.query = sign_request(deflated.toString('base64'), _this.private_key, options.relay_state, true); + } else { + uri.query = { + SAMLResponse: deflated.toString('base64') + }; + if (options.relay_state != null) { + uri.query.RelayState = options.relay_state; + } + } + return cb(null, url.format(uri)); + }; + })(this)); + }; + + ServiceProvider.prototype.create_metadata = function() { + var certs; + certs = [this.certificate].concat(this.alt_certs); + return create_metadata(this.entity_id, this.assert_endpoint, certs, certs); + }; + + return ServiceProvider; + +})(); + +module.exports.IdentityProvider = IdentityProvider = (function() { + function IdentityProvider(options) { + this.sso_login_url = options.sso_login_url, this.sso_logout_url = options.sso_logout_url, this.certificates = options.certificates; + if (!_.isArray(this.certificates)) { + this.certificates = [this.certificates]; + } + this.shared_options = _.pick(options, "force_authn", "sign_get_request", "allow_unencrypted_assertion"); + } + + return IdentityProvider; + +})(); + +if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "test") { + module.exports.create_authn_request = create_authn_request; + module.exports.sign_authn_request = sign_authn_request; + module.exports.create_metadata = create_metadata; + module.exports.format_pem = format_pem; + module.exports.sign_request = sign_request; + module.exports.check_saml_signature = check_saml_signature; + module.exports.check_status_success = check_status_success; + module.exports.pretty_assertion_attributes = pretty_assertion_attributes; + module.exports.decrypt_assertion = decrypt_assertion; + module.exports.parse_response_header = parse_response_header; + module.exports.parse_logout_request = parse_logout_request; + module.exports.get_name_id = get_name_id; + module.exports.get_session_info = get_session_info; + module.exports.parse_assertion_attributes = parse_assertion_attributes; + module.exports.add_namespaces_to_child_assertions = add_namespaces_to_child_assertions; + module.exports.set_option_defaults = set_option_defaults; + module.exports.extract_certificate_data = extract_certificate_data; +}