Releases: Leecason/element-tiptap
Releases · Leecason/element-tiptap
1.6.0 (2020-01-16)
Bug Fixes
- heading: paragraph command in heading_dropdown not work (46d161c)
- line-height: clear_format shuold reset line_height (2158ad6)
- add TextHighlight extension (715790e)
- autoInstall function for CDN usage (b044ce6)
- enable cleart color in colorPopover (62675d8)
- editor: add el-tiptap readonly prop (9949163)
- style: add command button style file (1f66c25)
- style: extract editor menu style (d21c89d)
- refactor lineHeight extension, change default line_heights options, todo_list support textAlign and lineHeight (dbac82c)
- style: add editor style file (f2d38c8)
- style: add editor style file (20b2229)
- tooltip: add arrow and open-delay (ac7c65c)
- tooltip: update tooltip text (91d2c80)
1.0.0 (2019-12-20)
Bug Fixes
- 🎨 lint (1f8768e)
- 🐛 alias entries, remove utils alias (65416b8)
- 🐛 emit init event when editor instantiated (41cf7d8)
- 🐛 fontawesome dependencies (75baf34)
- 🐛 relative path (a206b2e)
- ✨ apply link (b3d3295)
- ✨ base example route (1b1a49d)
- ✨ editor content prop (de9585d)
- ✨ editor placeholder (6165a58)
- ✨ editor placeholder prop (a092923)
- ✨ emit events (0444b44)
- ✨ emit events and support v-model (71d37a3)
- ✨ event route (d76b404)
- ✨ export ElTiptapPlugin (281c4f9)
- ✨ footer slot (d706fce)
- ✨ image extension support httpRequest options (fe236c5)
- ✨ line_height extension (eb467e1)
- ✨ menu bubble (40c2bd6)
- ✨ menu bubble route (0bcc936)
- ✨ output prop (2f7cad5)
- ✨ output route (550fe2c)
- ✨ page style, add github link (9f32208)
- ✨ support custom necessary alignments (2807f2d)
- ✨ todo list (6115c99)
- ✨ upload image (26ac703)
- ✨ use vue-awesome instead @fortawesome (f22f0e3)
- 🎨 beforeDestroy hook and onUpdate method (55826ca)
- 🎨 generate extensions (da52e1e)
- 🎨 menubar slot (a300a4e)
- 🎨 use fontawesome vue component, remove CDN (3a08a45)
- 💄 add logo (74954f5)
- 💄 homepage navigation style (5710ccc)
- 🔥 remove paragraph default menu button (410b205)
- 🚧 base editor, support bold, underline, italic, strike, undo, redo (a728ccc)
- 🚧 paragraph command button (d291a6f)
- 🚧 render editor content (0d16cfc)
- 🚧 support blockquote (8b4dd26)
- 🚧 support bullet_list and ordered_list (c94f7e4)
- 🚧 support code (f9a3298)
- 🚧 support heading (61b6e6c)
- 🚧 support horizontal_rule, trailing_node (a58fc9b)
- 🚧 support indent, outdent (7451271)
- 🚧 support text_align (c47bec6)