Releases: LiMinggang/madedit-mod
Mod 0.4.3
1.New: Use dialog to let user choose one for all instead of annoying one by one dialogs
2.New: Let the user to do the backup selfly #198
3.New: Use Icon to replace the checkbox on QuickSearch Bar #181
4.New: Remember pos of all tool Bars
5.New: Reset tool bars position
6.New: Insert to the top instead of append to the bottom of search results, expand the last automatically and collapse the last
7.New: Add InputBox, MsgBox to MadPython so that user can get input or output some message
8.New: Confirm Undo at the first time if the changes had been saved to disk
9.New: Add Scripts list to right click menu
10.New: Remove file from recentlist if could not be opened
11.New: An Enhanced "Auto-complete" for selection(Option->Edit) #176
12.New: Scroll function on Righ click menu of scroll bars #157
13.New: Support selection replace in Typewriter mode
14.New: Hope typewrite mode could work when use "Backspace" or "Delete" #203
15.New: Double click to highlight word
16.New: Enlarge input area of single mode
17.New: Enhancement for Post-It mode #182
18.Fix: can not remember the word wrap setting #201
19.Fix: The fix width in the Option menu can't Open #199
20.Fix: Improve windows list code, fix a bug of inner-tab drag/reposition(wxAuiNoteBook)
21.Fix: Assertion failure of FindInFilesDialog
22.Fix: Assertion failure of MadMacroDlg
23.Fix: Improve 80 column indicator
24.Other code improvement
25.Upgrade boost to 1.61
26.Update hunspell to 1.41
27.Update Chinese translation
Mod v0.4.2.1
1.New: Ctrl-A to select all items in the Window List dialog
2.New: Code performance improvement for Window list(Performance, menu blink and other issues)
3.New: Tip information about the file while mouse hovering over the file tab
4.Fix: Multiple selection does not work with Save/SaveAs(Windows List dialog) #193
5.Fix: Extra scroll issue while pressing enter key in Typewriter mode introduced by 0.4.2
6.Fix: Can't disable Autosave once enabled
7.Increase input area by decreasing right margin of the single line edit
MadEdit-Mod 0.4.2
1.New: Hope MadEdit-Mod could load more open files history than 9 #179
2.New: Redesign of Search Results view----Hope to add search key words or expression on the result tree title on the left of the file path #137
3.New: Save LineSpacing, Line Wrap Mode and Edit Mode for opened files #186
4.New: Enable config fix width mode in global config #184
5.New: Wordwrap of input of search/replace dialog #175
6.New: Use icons or symbols replace the words in the quicksearch bar #181
7.New: Hope MadEdit-Mod could Autosave, Backup files, and have Autolink funciton #135
8.New: Window list function(Activate, Save, Save As and Close)
9.Fix: Recorded script(caret pos for inputting) would be wrong if user moved the caret #183
10.Fix: The caret can't lock the y position when use word wrap function #178
11.Fix: Change Mpython API WholeLineSelection to SelectWholeLine
12.Fix: "New File" & "Open File" button in toolbar got unclickable when all editor tabs closed #190
13.Fix: Not respond to wxSlider event(bug of CodeBlocks
14.Fix: Bug of wxGenericTreeCtrl(Fixed in wxWidgets 3.1) #136
15.Fix: Initial size of the input box(SearchReplace dialog) is not updated #191
16.Fix: File name in history list would be empty if you save a newly created file #192
17.Fix various minor issues
18.Update wxWidgets to 3.1.0
19.Update translation
MadEdit-Mod 0.4.0
Mainly focused on performance improvement.
MadEdit-Mod 0.3.10
Maintenance release for 0.3.x. It would be the last release of 0.3.x. Mainly for bug fixes
MadEdit-Mod 0.3.9
New German/Polish/Greek translation, bug fix and improvements
MadEdit-Mod 0.3.8
Command line improvement and scripting support
MadEdit-Mod 0.3.7
UI refactor and enhancement for search/replace