RPC 2.0 Microservice.
This microservice provides configuration for all other microservices. Single point for store configurations of microservices.
- JSON string for configure initialConfig
values. Default:[]
- JSON string for configure initialMiddleware
values. Default:[]
- See full list
- Run
Inverted Json
job server.
docker run -it -p 8001:8001 lega911/ijson --log 47
- Run microservice (please, see
above for understand config)
npm run start:dev
- Make some request
curl localhost:8001/ms/configuration -d '{"id": "unique-id", "method": "demo", "params": {}}'
If you use JetBrains
IDE, try to find run configurations in .run
You can also install microservice like npm package:
npm i --save @lomray/microservice-configuration
For develop this microservice, preferred use TDD technique.
You can run all tests with watch
flag or run one test:
// case 1
npm run test -- --watch
// case 2
NODE_ENV=tests TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS='{"target":"es6"}' mocha --harmony --no-warnings __tests__/your-test-name.ts --require ts-node/register --recursive --watch
// check code coverage
nyc npm run test
That is all. Don't forget install npm dependencies
(in root folder & local folder run: npm ci
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