Releases: Lovely-Sim-Racing/lovely-dashboard
Lovely Dashboard 1.5.3
Minor tweaks have been added to this version.
1.5.3 Updates Include:
- Local Fuel and Speed Units
- Pit Limiter UI updated (added current gear)
- Engine Status Icon now supports two stages (Ignition and Started)
- New Version Available notification on idle screen (I'm curious if this works as intended)
🗃️ iRacing version requires Romainrob's iRacing Extra Properties DLL
Lovely Dashboard 1.5.2
Here's a quick fix for two longstanding issues.
What's new in Lovely Dashboard v1.5.2
- PIT LIMITER has been confined to the main Center Gauge, so now you can continue viewing the information on the rest of the dash when PIT LIMITER is engaged - on all screens.
- REV REDLINE flashing UI. Every time it flashed the entire display would dim. This may be just an issue of underpowered displays (USB), but none the less, it was annoying. I tested a few variations, and saw little to no dimming when using a slightly darker red color.
🗃️ iRacing version requires Romainrob's iRacing Extra Properties DLL
Lovely Dashboard & Overlay v1.5.1
What's new in v1.5.1
- Session Info - ACC & iRacing - Session Info has been redesigned. Remaining Time, Position and Laps are larger whereas the Track time is smaller and on the far right.
- Yellow Flags - ACC Only - Yellow flags are nor visually distinct per sector.
- Light Stages - ACC Only - Day Lights colour indicator is now Green when turned on.
🗃️ iRacing version requires Romainrob's iRacing Extra Properties DLL
📝 From this version and going forward, I will publish the files separately from the source as to avoid any confusion by users.
Lovely Dashboard & Overlay v1.5.0
New in v1.5.0: iRacing support!
Finally, after a little over a month of development since the previous release, countless bugs and iterations, I've got a stable release for what I consider a big step in the evolution of the Lovely Dashboard.
What's new in v1.5.0
- NEW - iRacing Support - The Lovely Dashboard adapts accordingly. (more)
- NEW - Quali Lap Review alert (more)
- NEW - Added Wind Direction and Velocity in the Track Map Screen (view)
- NEW - Added new paging UI on Left & Right Modules for unlimited customising of the Primary Screen. (more)
- NEW - Added Track Time in the Session Info Module
- NEW - Added two-level Fuel Warning. First subtle warning is at 10% fuel remaining and second main warning is at 5% fuel remaining.
- NEW - ACC ONLY: Wheel Spin & Lock alerts on the Tire Module
- NEW - iRacing ONLY: Car Logos on all timetables
- TC, TC Cut and ABS now appear disabled when turned to 0 or not available.
- Most of the UI is now drawn in Simhub itself (shapes and text)
- Calibrated Brake Balance values for Simhub 8+
🗃️ iRacing version requires Romainrob's iRacing Extra Properties DLL
Lovely Dashboard 1.4.0b & Overlay 1.1.0b
New features are here!
What's new for Dashboard & Overlay
- Car Damage: Note - Car damage is an approximate estimation. It does not take into account any suspension damage (not shared by ACC).
- Estimated Pit time: This is an estimation of the pit time required for the bodywork damage.
- Rain Forecast
What's Added
- Dashboard - Added Orange Flag
What's Fixed
- Dashboard & Overlay - Fixed the wrong font in the speed display
- Dashboard - Fixed BB display on Timetables & Map screen - No more negative values
- Dashboard - Remaining Laps now only display a decimal when they're below 5
- Dashboard - Fuel level only shows decimal when below 10lt
- Dashboard - Class Standing rows hide when not available
Lovely Dashboard & Overlay
In this release, we're adding a brand spanking new Stream Overlay that perfectly complements the lovely Dashboard.
In this version:
- Lovely Dashboard v1.3.2b
- Lovely Overlay v1.0.0b
- Lovely Dashboard LED Profile v1.1.0b
What's new:
- Lovely Overlay is what's new!
What's fixed:
- Dashboard: Fixed BB display. No more negative values
- Dashboard: Fixed Session Type Names
- Dashboard: Renamed TC2 -> TC CUT
Lovely Dashboard v1.3.1b
Weee... some minor updates.
- I had removed the RPM rev limit on the gear display. My mistake. I put it back now.
- Added the track name on the Track Map screen
- AND I re-re-re-updated the properties which I use to determine which time to take into account (Last vs Best) and when to hide the fuel calculator. (tip: the more I delve into SimHubAPI, the more handy properties I find).
Lovely Dashboard v1.3.0b
Lot's of small improvements went into this release. Here's a list of them all:
- Updated: Resized and repositioned all the alert popups (Limiter, TC, BB, ABS, MAP). I found that while driving, I could not clearly see when I made a change to these settings. They are now positioned front and centre, still colour coded.
- NEW: Added throttle and Brake inputs. they are positioned in the Central widget, right under the gear panel.
- Reordered the Status Flags based on priority.
- "Insufficient Data" for the refuel screen now correctly hides only when there's available data.
- Refuel data now correctly take into account Last or Best lap time
- Fixed Driver Relative & Standing display
- Fixed a global bug (not really a bug, I just thought I was being smart and did something stupid) on the timetables
LED Profile
- Updated the rev lights limits. They now behave more like rev lights should, unlike before when they looked like xmas decorations
- Updated the Pit Limiter lights to reflect the new blue colour of the Dashboard
- Small tweaks all around (translation: I do not remember anything else I did)
Lovely Dashboard v1.2.0b
Fixed a few issues on BB display value and also added a tweak to the fuel calculator.
Now the fuel calculations are based off of your session's best lap, otherwise it will take into account your last lap.
- Fixed BB on all screens (Action B had issues)
- Added support for Last/Best Lap on Fuel Calc
Lovely Dashboard v1.1.0b
- Fuel UI Panel has labels for each sub screen
- Fuel Calculator added
- Fuel Time Estimation now only displays when there's available data
- Fuel Alert is consistent across all modules
- Insufficient Data screen added for Fuel Calculator and Estimator
- Relative timetables update in Real-time
- Standings timetables update in Real-time
- Resized/repositioned PIT LIMITER alert