There is a really nice monochrome display from Waveshare! You can use 3 types of connection: SPI 4-wire, 3-wire and I2C. The advantage of SPI to I2C is the speed!
Mostly everything is similar to examples for SSD1306. Except the connection is this time via SPI and a different driver module is used. Okay ... the example is also a bit different.
- mandatory SPI OLED display (SH1106 Waveshare)
- few cables
- optional breadboard
On NodeMCU-ESP32 following connection is used:
Pin VCC | 3.3V (3V3) |
Pin GND | GND |
Pin NC | - |
Pin DIN | GPIO 23 (Mosi) |
Pin CLK | GPIO 18 (SCK) |
Pin CS | GPIO 05 |
Pin DC | GPIO 02 |
Pin RES | GPIO 04 |
Check the pinout for your ESP32, it can be slightly different!
# create local script
$ touch ~/Projects/ESP/examples/display/
# download driver module
$ curl -L '' -o lib/
# download images
$ curl -L '' -o images/src/pill.pbm
$ curl -L '' -o images/src/morpheus.pbm
$ curl -L '' -o images/src/armchair.pbm
Source Code for
Source Code for module
Check your circuit (adapt pins if needed via constants) and copy the driver as /pyboard/lib/
, the images into /pyboard/lib/
and the script to the microcontroller as /pyboard/
# connect via rshell
(venv) $ rshell -p [SERIAL-PORT]
# copy module file into /pyboard/lib/
/your/current/path> cp lib/ /pyboard/lib/
# copy images into /pyboard/ directory
/your/current/path> cp images/src/pill.pbm /pyboard/
/your/current/path> cp images/src/morpheus.pbm /pyboard/
/your/current/path> cp images/src/armchair.pbm /pyboard/
# copy script as
/your/current/path> cp examples/display/ /pyboard/
# start repl
/your/current/path> repl
Start with keys Control
+ d
. Stop the loop with keys Control
+ c
. To leave the REPL, press keys Control
+ x