diff --git a/templates/address_overview.html b/templates/address_overview.html
index 6dbb8b40..45e68c8f 100644
--- a/templates/address_overview.html
+++ b/templates/address_overview.html
@@ -317,72 +317,6 @@
Wallet Addresses
- var total_ws_received = 0;
- var MAX_WS_TO_RECEIVE = 1000;
- {% if not is_wallet_page and not before_bh and num_unconfirmed_txns < 10 %}
- function create_ws() {
- console.log('Creating new websocket...');
- ws = new WebSocket('{{ coin_symbol|coin_symbol_to_wss }}');
- }
- create_ws();
- function send_ping() {
- // Send pings at regular interval:
- if (total_ws_received < MAX_WS_TO_RECEIVE) {
- console.log('Sending websocket ping...');
- ws.send(JSON.stringify({event: "ping"}));
- // Trigger self recursively
- setTimeout(send_ping, 20000);
- } else {
- console.log('Not sending ping because MAX_WS_TO_RECEIVE reached');
- }
- }
- ws.onmessage = function(evt) {
- var data = JSON.parse(evt.data);
- console.log('Websocket Received: ' + evt.data);
- // Weak protection against too much activity
- total_ws_received += 1;
- if (total_ws_received > MAX_WS_TO_RECEIVE) {
- ws.close();
- }
- if ( data.hasOwnProperty('hash') ) {
- if (data['confirmations'] <= 6 ) {
- // Update data in the view
- location.reload();
- }
- }
- }
- ws.onopen = function() {
- console.log('Connection established.');
- ws.send(JSON.stringify(
- {
- 'address': "{% if is_wallet_page %}{{ bc_wallet_name }}{% else %}{{address }}{% endif %}",
- 'event': 'tx-confirmation',
- 'token': '{{ BLOCKCYPHER_PUBLIC_KEY }}',
- }
- ));
- send_ping();
- };
- ws.onclose = function() {
- console.log('Connection closed');
- if (total_ws_received < MAX_WS_TO_RECEIVE) {
- console.log('Creating new websocket to replace old one...');
- create_ws();
- }
- };
- {% endif %}
if (window.location.hash == '#advanced-details') {
diff --git a/templates/transaction_overview.html b/templates/transaction_overview.html
index 35c0bdfd..98f4daf5 100644
--- a/templates/transaction_overview.html
+++ b/templates/transaction_overview.html
@@ -365,72 +365,6 @@ Details
- var total_ws_received = 0;
- var MAX_WS_TO_RECEIVE = 1000;
- function create_ws() {
- console.log('Creating new websocket...');
- ws = new WebSocket('{{ coin_symbol|coin_symbol_to_wss }}');
- }
- create_ws();
- function send_ping() {
- // Send pings at regular interval:
- if (total_ws_received < MAX_WS_TO_RECEIVE) {
- console.log('Sending websocket ping...');
- ws.send(JSON.stringify({event: "ping"}));
- // Trigger self recursively
- setTimeout(send_ping, 20000);
- } else {
- console.log('Not sending ping because MAX_WS_TO_RECEIVE reached');
- }
- }
- ws.onmessage = function(evt) {
- var data = JSON.parse(evt.data);
- console.log('Websocket Received: ' + evt.data);
- // Weak protection against too much activity
- total_ws_received += 1;
- if (total_ws_received > MAX_WS_TO_RECEIVE) {
- ws.close();
- }
- if ( data.hasOwnProperty('hash') ) {
- {# TODO: duplicate all logic in JS #}
- location.reload();
- }
- }
- ws.onopen = function() {
- console.log('Connection established.');
- ws.send(JSON.stringify(
- {
- 'hash': "{{ tx_hash }}",
- 'event': 'tx-confirmation',
- {# UGLY HACK #}
- 'address': "{{ outputs.0.addresses.0 }}",
- 'token': '{{ BLOCKCYPHER_PUBLIC_KEY }}',
- }
- ));
- send_ping();
- };
- ws.onclose = function() {
- console.log('Connection closed');
- if (total_ws_received < MAX_WS_TO_RECEIVE) {
- console.log('Creating new websocket to replace old one...');
- create_ws();
- }
- };
{% if transaction.confirmations == 0 and transaction.double_spend == False %}
{% endif %}