- Methods for writing a matrix of values starting from a source cell or in append and the method for deleting a matrix of cells has been added to Excel Sheet
- Wrapper classes can be initialized with static of() methods
- There are methods parseToObject() and parseToList() in ExcelSheet which allow, through defined rules, to assign the values of precise cells to the fields of an object.
- The readValue() method correctly returns the Date type
- The readValue(Class<?> type) method checks better if the return value is a date
- Methods that have been deprecated since v0.4.0 have been removed
- Constructor methods of wrapper classes are now private
- The writeValue() method uses the yyyy-MM-dd and yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm style to represent date and time
- Now there is a method to zip a list of files
- There is a method to read a cell name
- There is a method that returns the indexes of a cell starting from the cell name
- The readValue() method, in ExcelCell, did not always return the correct type
- There are getOrCreate methods for a Row or a Cell
- There are methods to remove a Sheet, a Row or a Cell
- There are methods to retrieve a Row or a Cell based on an index
- There are methods for writing and reading a list of values from a Row
- ExcelSheet's getIndex() method did not return the correct index after deleting a Sheet
- The static method that opens an ExcelWorkbook via InputStream no longer takes the extension as input and is no longer checked if it is correct
- All methods of the Converter class up to version 0.2.1 have been deprecated
- There are new methods that convert Excel <-> POJOs and Excel <-> CSV. Besides conversion between files, conversions between streams and byte arrays are now available. Data is no longer returned in a List but in a Stream
- Excel <-> Json conversion is now available
- The writeAndClose method is available in ExcelWorkbook
- ExcelCell provides new ways to read a cell.
- The error is handled better when trying to create a Sheet already present in the Workbook
- The readCell(Class<?> type) method did not always return the requested type
- The WorkbookUtility and SheetUtility classes have been removed
- Several ExcelUtility methods have been removed
- The WorkbookUtility and SheetUtility classes have been deprecated
- Several ExcelUtility methods have been deprecated
- The ExcelWorkbook, ExcelSheet, ExcelRow and ExceCell classes have been added. These classes wrap the Apache POI classes
- Several bugs have been fixed
- Classes that have been deprecated since v0.2.0 have been removed
- New services for writing to an existing Excel file that take different input parameters
- Converting a value within a cell to an object returned null or failed. An error log is now written when an unsupported type is passed
- All old tools are deprecated starting with this version. They have been replaced by new tools based on static methods.
- There are methods that allow you to convert a list of objects, or a CSV file, into an Excel file that already exists
- There are new utility methods such as returning the index of the last row or the last column of a row.
- The FileInputStream was not closed when the Workbook was opened from a File
- Removed some checks and repetitive code
- A new method has been added which checks if an extension belongs to a Microsoft Excel file
- In the csvToExcel method, the CSVReader object was not closed at the end of the operation
- The objectsToExcel method did not check if the extension of the output file was correct
This is the first release.
- Converting a list of objects into an Excel file and vice versa
- Converting an Excel file to a CSV file and vice versa
- Utility methods which count all rows of one or more sheets and which check if an extension belongs to an Excel file
- Methods for opening, creating or closing a Workbook
- Methods to open, create or close a Sheet.
- Methods for retrieving a sheet or information relating to a sheet